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Faust # EmuDreams | 23/11/2010 23:06

DSP to multiemulator takich maszynek jak Spectrum, Amstrada, Nes (Famicon), Colecovision, GameBoya/Color, plus na dodatek Callus Capcom 1 i pare konstrukcji arcade.   23/11 - DSP Emulator 0.10b3 Added source and Windows binary of final beta release. Included all changes of WIP versions, finally a GameBoy/GameBoy Color emulation and many other small changes. One of those changes is a better driver list. Now is sorted alphabetically, and shows the information better than before. DSP 0.10ß3 11/23/10 Changelog General ENHANCE: M68000 Code Cleaning Added more opcodes Fixed SBCD opcode (Fixes KOD) Code cleaning Added some more opcodes Fixed ASR (fixes Final Fight and SF2' Champion Edition) +ENHANCE: Thanks to Davide Michelini, added Italian translation +ENHANCE: Improved load ROM system. » więcej

Faust # EmuDreams | 23/11/2010 21:56

RetroCopy jest multiemulatorem systemów Sega Genesis / Megadrive, Sega Master System (SMS), Nintendo (NES), Arcade Emulator, GameGear szczycącym się przedewszystkim bardzo dokładnym odwzorowaniem prędkości emulowanego sprzętu. Dodatkowo posiada on możliwość generowania własnego środowiska 3D (możemy zbudować swój świat, ze swoimi wirtualnymi konsolami, ot taka ciekawostka;P). Nowa wersja, co prawda nie zawiera jeszcze drivera NeoGeo, o którym pisałem wcześniej, jednak i tak lista zmian jest znaczna. Ciekawe, czy wybór wersji '911', ma coś wspólnego z pewnym numerem telefonu:P v0.911 - Released November 24 2010 This release has several new and extensive features. Input latency in every emulator core has been reduced from 25-50ms down to 4ms in a worst case scenario. This offers a massive » więcej

Faust # EmuDreams | 23/11/2010 02:33

Pojawiła się już druga beta "ClientServerMame" (zapewne jest jej już blisko do statusu RC;)), która pozwala grać w MAME z innymi poprzez sieć. "Ósemka" została całkowicie przepisana względem poprzedniej wersji i autor prosi o testowanie najnowszej bety - jak tylko się da:) CS-MAME 0.8 is a complete rewrite of 0.7c. Here's some of the changes that are upcoming in 0.8: PEER TO PEER: Player inputs are now broadcast in a peer-to-peer fashion. This means that everyone must have port 5805 open on their router, but also reduces latency since the client's commands don't have to bounce off of a server and come back to him/her. There is still a server who has authority over the syncs. The operating procedure now works like this: The server starts the game and begins » więcej

Faust # Altirra | 20/11/2010 23:52

Tym razem mocno nieoficjalna wersja bety, news podrzucił breaker (dzięki:)), gdyż nie ma o tym relasie żadnej notki w wątku Altirry 1.8. Posprawdze po powrocie do domu (sobota - jak to zwykle bywa jestem na wojażach) i dam znać, chyba, że wcześniej pojawi się jakaś podsumowująca notka. Altirra version 1.8, najprawdopodbniej lista nie zawiera poprawek ujętych w najnowszej test 28: features added Initial 5200 support. Simulator: Added 16K memory size support. Simulator: 576K and 1088K modes now allow ANTIC access to extended memory. Cartridge: Added support for Corina 1MB + 8K EEPROM and 512K + 512K SRAM + 8K EEPROM cartridges. Cartridge: Added support for Telelink II NVSRAM. Cartridge: Added support for DB 32K, Williams 32K / 64K, Diamond 64K, SpartaDOS X 64K/128K, Phoenix 8K, Blizzard 16K, and Atrax » więcej

Faust # Altirra | 15/11/2010 07:55

Nowy tydzień z nową betą Altirry, dodano obsługę 5 nowych mapperów (prawdopodobnie - Phoenix 8kb, Blizzard 16kb, DB 32kb, Wiliams 32kb, Atrax 128 kb i nawet jeśli te, to autor, z braku stuffu, nie wie czy ich obsługa działa poprawnie), przeniesiono funkcję "Randomize memory" do drzewka debug. Version 1.8: features added Initial 5200 support. Simulator: Added 16K memory size support. Simulator: 576K and 1088K modes now allow ANTIC access to extended memory. Cartridge: Added support for Corina 1MB + 8K EEPROM and 512K + 512K SRAM + 8K EEPROM cartridges. Cartridge: Added support for Telelink II NVSRAM. Cartridge: Added support for DB 32K, Williams 32K / 64K, Diamond 64K, SpartaDOS X 64K/128K, Phoenix 8K, Blizzard 16K, and Atrax 128K cartridges. Cartridge: Added support for 8K right » więcej

Faust # E#D | 14/11/2010 10:15

WinDS PRO jest zestawem emulatorów konsolek NINTENDO DS i GameBoy Advance, składa się z udawaczy - NO$Zoomer, NO$GBA, NO$MOOZ, NOZ, myZOOM, NGZoom, NO$GBA 2X, iDeaS, DeSmuME, VBA Link i VBA-M plus USRCHEAT pozwalający na modyfikację gier - np. wieczne życie;). New in WinDS PRO 2010.11: New ideas New DeSmuME svn 3852  New VBA-M svn 966 New 7-Zip 9.19 New usrcheat.dat 7/11/10 New Skin Pokemon Black and White  

Faust # EmuCr | 13/11/2010 11:20

HalfNes - emulator Nintendo 8/famicon w języku Java. 0.014 (11/1) Completely rewrote the sound core, it's an order of magnitude better sounding than it was.Slower,too, but that was necessary. Now updates sound every time something changes.Envelopes are correct too. Can make it faster by moving the counters forward in largerincrements since it doesn't generate samples at 2 Mhz anyway. Also added in frameworks for options dialog, about box, and command line args support. Missing still: Sweep unit, noise channel loop flag (MM2 Quickman stage), all of the DMC stuff, vertical scrolling, just about everything about the PPU,really. And half of MMC1 roms still don't boot,and if I want tomake the options window et cetera work right I'm going to need to re-abstract the interface away from the actual emulation code. Why did I change that in the » więcej

Faust # DolphinEmu | 10/11/2010 10:39

Delfin, emulator konsol Nintendo Wii i GameCube dla Windows, wzbogacił się o kolejną wersję deweloperską. r6372 Missed one file. r6367 StringUtil cleanup. Nothing seems broken. r6366 A couple of changes to the cmake build system. First: Added a DESTDIR option for package building. Second: Change the OpenCL setup. On both linux and windows use CLRun. I completely removed the option here. If CLRun works on MacOSX this should be done there as well, and this change implemented in the scons build also. Then we could remove the HAVE_OPENCL and the new USE_CLRUN definitions. Then we will finally have the dynamic detection of opencl set up cross platform. On a side note, it doesn't seem that the program loaded from compiles or runs. r6365 Write bluetooth packets asynchronously to prevent blocking on » więcej

Faust # DolphinEmu | 08/11/2010 15:31

Dopiero co świętowaliśmy pełna wersję MAME, a tu znów nowa beta. Dodano drivery dla Odeon Twister 2 (Amiga CUBO CD32 h/w),The King of Fighters XI (Atomiswave) i Zero Gunner 2 (NAOMI) (hola, hola, jeszcze nie playable;)) Mame 0.140u1 MAMETesters Bugs Fixed 04096: [DIP/Input] sjryuko: Most inputs do not work (Angelo Salese) 02561: [Interface] Ability to choose a different name for the UI  font (Aaron Giles) Source Changes Create new class osd_interface to house OSD callbacks. Added new  module osdepend.c with default empty implementations. Changed  mame_execute() and cli_execute() to accept a reference to an  osd_interface which is provided by the caller. [Aaron Giles] Updated SDL and Windows OSD to create an osd_interface-derived » więcej

Faust # EmuRussia | 07/11/2010 00:23

Ten softwarowy plugin poszerzy nam przebogatą kolekcję wtyczek dla emulatorów Sony Playstation. Ehhh... gdzie te czasy, gdzie bez nowej wersji PeteTNT/PeteOGl i utili Vargasa do CVS, dzień był całkowicie stracony:) Nowa wersja pluginu pozwoli nam uniknąć problemu z wyświetlaniem grafiki po wywołaniu konfiguracji wtyczki, poprawia zrzuty ekranu i pozostałe błędy, o których autor informował wcześniej (patrz niżej). Изменения: Починил размер окна и скриншотов в Windows; Потерю картинки после вызова диалога настройки во время игры; Падение при загрузке сохранений из gui эмулятора; Переписал логику горячих клавишь; Добавил в конфиг файл » więcej

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Linki z "nds"

Turbo Outrun - Software Details - Plus/4 World

A racing game. Drive through various landscapes while avoiding the other cars and the cops. Upgrade your car for extra speed, use your turbo to unleash a burst of speed. Complete 16 stages to win.

Retro CDN

There are thousands of PDFs to be had on here. I've included the link to the C+VG section, but you'll find lots of other mags as well if you dig around a bit.

CPCBasicTS Unchained - Run CPC BASIC in a Browser

CPCBasicTS lets you run CPC BASIC programs in a browser. The supported BASIC style is known as Amstrad CPC 6128 Locomotive BASIC 1.1. BASIC programs are compiled to JavaScript so that it can be run in the browser. A library provides the functionality of the commands that are not directly available in JavaScript.

Atari 8-bit Software Preservation

Many thousands of titles were released for the Atari on cartridges, diskettes and cassettes. The magnetic media was not designed for prolonged life and is failing due to age and poor storage. It is important that we preserve this software now before it is lost forever.

3D Shooter Legends

3D Shooter Legends is a site dedicated to collecting info on and keeping old 3D shooter games alive. Please don't ask us about games from other genres as our site has that narrow focus and it takes a lot of work to just compile all the info on this site let alone anything more. First person shooters (where you view the game with the perspective of you being inside it) are our main focus.

EmuCR - Emulator News & Download (EmuCR.Com)

EmuCR.Com. Latest emulators for PS3,WiiU,Wii,PS2,Xbox360,Xbox,3DS,PSV,PS,NDS,PSP,GBA,N64,DC,Arcade and many other systems.

SWOS United - SWOS 2020 - Play SWOS Online and Offline with friends from all across the world

F zero x + Expansion kit - Fraudio's Texture Pack |

I'm Fraudio and I made this texture pack Its been created for the latest GlideN64 plugin in mind. A lot of workarounds are been...

Cyclus by Miguetelo

Cyclus is a game for Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128 and 48K. Two different loads (2 games in 1). In the First load (Side A of the tape) you must guide Cyclus to the exit with the help of boxes that allow him to change his direction or avoid obstacles. Cyclus movement is independent, so you must use the boxes to control it. On the second load (Side B of the tape) you control Cyclus. You must guide Cyclus to the exit of each level, but you need to obtain all the coins to open the door that blocks that exit. You can enjoy ingame music if you load it in 128K. If you load it in 48K, you will hear beeper sounds.

System11 - blog | The musings of a long term gamer

I've been playing arcade and home videogames since the late 70s, I'm seriously into films of all ages and genres, many kinds of music (especially late 70s rock) and wristwatches. I currently run/host the Shmups forum.


A Z80 CPU and ZX Spectrum emulator written in C/C++, with multiple front-ends for DOS/Windows/WinCE/Linux/X11. Features: ZX Spectrum 48K emulator Sound Border Stripes

MSX Launchers Front-ends for the MSX Emulators

Home of BlueMSX, NovoPlayer and OpenMSXLauncher.

Workbench + 3e is a graphical user interface for ZX Spectrum

Workbench + 3e is a graphical user interface for ZX Spectrum designed for easy access to your programs stored on a hard disk. You can organize the installed software in a logical and orderly manner and load it from the simple and intuitive environment. The +3e ROMS provide powerful commands for using IDE drives however because of thedesign limitations inherent it leads to an absence of subdirectories and the short filename can make the process of storing and executing software both complexand arduous. With Workbench +3e just have to boot your computer and select the LOADER option and you will have a graphical environment that lets you access your programs clearlyand easily where you can then load them with a few simple clicks of the mouse. You can also use Workbench +3e to browse through the contents of your hard drives. Workbench +3e also Includes utilities for copying files and managing hard disk backups plus you can also use it when restoring your backups at a later date. Workbench +3e automatically detects whether it is running on a ZX-UNO and will take advantage of the CPU’s turbo modes and increase the execution speed of the environment without affecting its compatibility with games and programs.


A unified interface for ROMs, emulators and frontends.


This tool is a unified interface for ROMs, emulators and frontends. SkeletonKey can be used as a GUI to download and configure emulators, deploy frontends, launch ROMs, and manage assets & artwork by leveraging metadata-databases, art/video-scrapers and more.

JsA8E Demo

JavaScript version of the A8E Atari 800 XL Emulator by Sascha Springer. Created using Emscripten. Atari 800 XL self test,  Archon,  Archon 2,  Asteroids,  Bandits,  Behind Jaggi Lines,  Davids Midnight Magic,  Donkey Kong,  Drol,  Encounter,  Dropzone,  Goonies,  Gyruss,  Hero,  Karateka,  Keystone Capers,  Koronis Rift,  Landscape,  Montezumas Revenge,  Moon Patrol,  M.U.L.E.,  Pitfall,  River Raid,  Raid over Moscow,  Pooyan, Spelunker,  Silent Service,  Starquake,  Summer Games,  Track and Field, Vanguard,  Zorro.

Atari SAP Music Archive

Welcome to the pages of the biggest and only official Atari XL/XE music archive. Many of you have surely missed those great square-wave sounds and noises, that often belonged to your childhood :-) The archive you will find here contains over 2800 songs (this number rises - see the diagram below) including both old-time and new-wave tunes from the early 80's till the latest 2009 contributions. As the tunes are in original binary form (no MP3 recordings), you will need a special player. Check the PLAYERS section and choose the one that fits your needs. We should not forget to mention where did we find our inspiration when we created the archive - it was nothing less than the famous High Voltage SID Collection - the ultimate C64 music archive. Now you can download the archive and dive into the unforgettable sounds of the 8-bit Atari.

The Arcade Flyer Archive - Home

The Arcade Flyer Archive (TAFA) is a digital repository for advertisement flyers that are used by the coin-operated amusement industry to promote the sales of its games. Over time flyers represent much more than a printed brochure. They capture a unique blend of the industry's history, graphic design trends and advertising campaigns. Most importantly, they bring out the nostalgia of countless people who have grown up with the culture of video games, pinball machines and arcade & amusement games. Unique cabinet designs, attractive artwork and real screen shots -- all of which represent the visual language of coin-operated games, make flyers sought after items for collectors and effective tools for restoring game to their original factory specifications.

Amiga Magazine Rack - The ultimate Amiga magazines resource

Amiga Magazine Rack contains reviews, previews, cheats, coverdisks, public domain, covers, trivia and thousands of page scans from Amiga mags. Popular mags like Amiga Format, Amiga Power, AUI, CU Amiga, The One, Zero, Zzap and more are available.

Atari Legend - Legends never die!

Atari Legend is a living and breathing webproject, designed by sceners. We like to involve as many people as possible to make it fresh and up to date. Currently you'll find the most complete library of ST games on the net, with info on the people involved in its creation, reviews, screenshots and much more! You'll be amazed how many rare and previously undiscovered games we have gathered together! Other sections will be available in the future as well, so stay tuned!

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