Szukam fail

Faust @ 23/12/2010 12:00

Breaker rozwiązał problem oficjalnej Alttiry Phaerona - jednak to jaknajsambardziej oficjalnie opublikowany plik. Tak naprawdę Phaeron nie opublikował nowej wersji swojego emulatora ATARI XE/XL, nigdzie nie ma jego wzmianki na ten temat:) Zrobił to za niego jeden ze śledzących wątek (breaker) - tak, czy siak możemy pobrać nową Altirre, jednak w ostatecznym rachunku może się jeszcze okazać, iż pojawi się kolejne 1.8:) Ze względu na problemy pomiędzy emulację rozszerzenia VXBE (grafika) i ABXE (karta dźwiękowa), nowa Altirra nie posiada tego dodatku, którym Phaeron zajął się parę bet wcześniej. Version 1.8 [De cember 22, 2010] Initial 5200 support. Simulator: Added 16K memory size support. Simulator: 576K and 1088K modes now allow ANTIC access to extended memory. Simulator: ROM image paths are now » więcej

Faust @ 10/12/2010 09:53

Roman Scherzer autor ClrMamePro opublikował mała poprawkę do tego narzędzia pozwalającego na utrzymanie porządku w dumpach dla systemów arcade, niby nic, a cieszy. ClrMamePro 3.137a misc: support of parsing rom size entries in hexformat (0x...) ClrMamePro 3.137 fixed: rare external packer file not found prompt issue fixed: removing more than one file via external packers fails fixed: several www profiler issues fix: does not load compressed xmls when generated via php wrong sorting after download popupmenu "refresh datfiles from" does not work correctly not always remembering selected tree/list item after refresh added: www profiler shows author as column misc: changed progress window and button bar design Thanks to Alex Schuetz for the » więcej

Faust # DolphinEmu | 28/11/2010 02:43

Delfin, emulator konsol Nintendo Wii i GameCube dla Windows, wzbogacił się o kolejną wersję deweloperską. DolphinEmu r6484 Core/DSPCore: Implement jit emitters for lris and mrr. Also add the mask for ADPCM predictor, like r6480 does. Tested 64 bit linux/windows. At least compiles for 32 bit windows, but with these binaries most of my guest software fails withDSPLLE(interpreted and jit) when it gets to do actual work. DolphinEmu r6483 If there is a SetBreakPoint and the actual distance is enough to achieve the BP, we wait for the FIFO Loop in dual core mode. That fix Pokemon XD in game in dual core mode (also maybe this fix Issue 3452) and hopefully others FIFO hangs related with BP. I test games like SMG and don't produce slowdowns. If you have any slowdown about this commit. Please report » więcej

Faust # DolphinEmu | 24/11/2010 02:36

Zazwyczaj tak bywa, że szewc w dziurawych butach chodzi, a news ze względu na Nintendo 64 powinien być mi dość bliski (z pobudek historycznych;)) pojawił się nowy Muppen64, który pozwoli nam odświeżyć tytuły dla tej konsolki. Dziwnym trafem Muppen64 przypomina, ba posiada about i wszystkie możliwe cechy, trochę innego emulatora N64 - Project64:P. Nie wchodząc w szczegóły dostaliśmy za darmo najnowszą betę Project64  (bo P64 jeśli chodzi o bety wymaga obowiązkowej dotacji:P), który z Muppena ma tylko słodkie logo obracające się na starcie:P  Jeśli ktoś nie ma zainstalowanego Project64, niech da znać, czy u niego Muppen, także staję się projektem:). Update: I wszystko jasne, po prostu jak większość osób z okienkowym systemem, z przyzwyczajenia, klika na pierwszy plik z » więcej

Faust # DolphinEmu | 23/11/2010 02:33

Pojawiła się już druga beta "ClientServerMame" (zapewne jest jej już blisko do statusu RC;)), która pozwala grać w MAME z innymi poprzez sieć. "Ósemka" została całkowicie przepisana względem poprzedniej wersji i autor prosi o testowanie najnowszej bety - jak tylko się da:) CS-MAME 0.8 is a complete rewrite of 0.7c. Here's some of the changes that are upcoming in 0.8: PEER TO PEER: Player inputs are now broadcast in a peer-to-peer fashion. This means that everyone must have port 5805 open on their router, but also reduces latency since the client's commands don't have to bounce off of a server and come back to him/her. There is still a server who has authority over the syncs. The operating procedure now works like this: The server starts the game and begins accepting connections. When a new » więcej

Faust # Altirra | 20/11/2010 23:52

Tym razem mocno nieoficjalna wersja bety, news podrzucił breaker (dzięki:)), gdyż nie ma o tym relasie żadnej notki w wątku Altirry 1.8. Posprawdze po powrocie do domu (sobota - jak to zwykle bywa jestem na wojażach) i dam znać, chyba, że wcześniej pojawi się jakaś podsumowująca notka. Altirra version 1.8, najprawdopodbniej lista nie zawiera poprawek ujętych w najnowszej test 28: features added Initial 5200 support. Simulator: Added 16K memory size support. Simulator: 576K and 1088K modes now allow ANTIC access to extended memory. Cartridge: Added support for Corina 1MB + 8K EEPROM and 512K + 512K SRAM + 8K EEPROM cartridges. Cartridge: Added support for Telelink II NVSRAM. Cartridge: Added support for DB 32K, Williams 32K / 64K, Diamond 64K, SpartaDOS X 64K/128K, Phoenix 8K, Blizzard 16K, and Atrax » więcej

Faust # Altirra | 15/11/2010 07:55

Nowy tydzień z nową betą Altirry, dodano obsługę 5 nowych mapperów (prawdopodobnie - Phoenix 8kb, Blizzard 16kb, DB 32kb, Wiliams 32kb, Atrax 128 kb i nawet jeśli te, to autor, z braku stuffu, nie wie czy ich obsługa działa poprawnie), przeniesiono funkcję "Randomize memory" do drzewka debug. Version 1.8: features added Initial 5200 support. Simulator: Added 16K memory size support. Simulator: 576K and 1088K modes now allow ANTIC access to extended memory. Cartridge: Added support for Corina 1MB + 8K EEPROM and 512K + 512K SRAM + 8K EEPROM cartridges. Cartridge: Added support for Telelink II NVSRAM. Cartridge: Added support for DB 32K, Williams 32K / 64K, Diamond 64K, SpartaDOS X 64K/128K, Phoenix 8K, Blizzard 16K, and Atrax 128K cartridges. Cartridge: Added support for 8K right » więcej

Faust # EmuCr | 13/11/2010 11:20

HalfNes - emulator Nintendo 8/famicon w języku Java. 0.014 (11/1) Completely rewrote the sound core, it's an order of magnitude better sounding than it was.Slower,too, but that was necessary. Now updates sound every time something changes.Envelopes are correct too. Can make it faster by moving the counters forward in largerincrements since it doesn't generate samples at 2 Mhz anyway. Also added in frameworks for options dialog, about box, and command line args support. Missing still: Sweep unit, noise channel loop flag (MM2 Quickman stage), all of the DMC stuff, vertical scrolling, just about everything about the PPU,really. And half of MMC1 roms still don't boot,and if I want tomake the options window et cetera work right I'm going to need to re-abstract the interface away from the actual emulation code. Why did I change that in the » więcej

Faust # EmuCr | 25/10/2010 07:26

Hox64 jest emulatorem Commodore C64, którego autorzy szczycą się dokładnym odwzorowaniem, co do cyklu, pracy procesora. W odróżnieniu od swoich starszych braci - CCS64 czy też VICE, posiada skromne i proste menu, w którym znajdziemy wszystkie podstawowe parametry pracy - czysta prostota;). 24 October 2010 v1.0.6.2 Fixes to the key matrix. Fixed Time Of Day alarm fail to trigger bug that was introduced in v1.0.5.27 that may cause the game Hypersports to get stuck on the clay shooting part. Audio resample mode is now on when restoring default settings.    

Faust # EmuCr | 21/10/2010 13:32

Nowa wersja MAME, multiemulatora arcade, dla niecierpliwych polecam wizytę na stronie MAME. Miła niespodzianka po okresie emulacyjnej posuchy. 0.140 MAMETesters Bugs Fixed ---------------------- - 04091: [Misc.] simpbowl: NVRAM is not created correctly. (Aaron Giles) - 03770: [Interface] Setting 'snapname %g' does not allow snap to be saved with F12. (Aaron Giles) - 03835: [Compiling] Visual Studio compiler warning in srcmamevideon64.c - 03937: [Misc.] Using CTRL-C to end MAME no longer works reliably (Aaron Giles) - 03915: [Interface] All sets using -autosave: "auto.sta" can mistakenly be erased (Aaron Giles) - 03930: [Compiling] LDPLAYER fails to link (Aaron Giles) - 04065: [Compiling] Default 'tiny' does not build (Aaron Giles) - 03074: [Sound] dkongjr and clones: Discrete audio » więcej

Pliki z "fail"

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Every Epoch Cassette Vision Game Preserved and Emulated! – Gaming Alexandria

The release of Epoch’s Cassette Vision (カセットビジョン) console on July 30th, 1981 was a true milestone in Japan’s video game history. While not the first Japanese game console, it can be argued it was the first programmable one to have any major success, which paved the way for the Famicom. The Famicom’s release naturally led to the demise of the aging Cassette Vision, with Epoch’s Super Cassette Vision failing to take up that spot in the market it once held. The original had a solid four year run moving an estimated 500,000 units – a success when Japan’s console market was in its infancy. The system originally retailed for ¥13,500. There was also a revised version of the console called the “Jr.” shipped just days after the Nintendo Famicom at a very cheap ¥5000 price tag, which extended the console’s lifespan.

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Atari 8-bit Software Preservation

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Slipstream: The Konix Multi-system Archive

Providing an archive of all information worth knowing about the failed British games console that could have taken on the world and beaten it - The Konix Multi-system. Discover it's potential here.

PVB Coding Competition 2010 « Forum « Planet Virtual Boy

Welcome to the third dimension! On this site you will learn everything about Nintendo's Virtual Reality experiment, the Virtual Boy. Released back in 1995 only in Japan and North America, the system failed all along the line and disappeared from the market less than a year later, quietly and without any official word. Only 22 games were released for the Virtual Boy during its short lifespan. Here we want to build a memorial for this unique oddity of videogame history. Dedicated to its brilliant creator, Gunpei Yokoi.

Classic Amiga Workbench

Once Amiga emulation (UAE) started to mature two prominent pre-installed Workbench packages emerged, offering users an easy pathway to this unique operating system. First came the commercial package from the copyright holders Cloanto, fittingly named Amigaforever. Overall many users have found it a very useful complete package that meets their needs. After undergoing several updates, this is still available today and currently the only method of legally obtaining Workbench and ROM images you don't already own. Secondly, James 'jaybee' Battle spent a considerable amount of time perfecting the first major free downloadable Workbench in the form of Amiga in a Box (AIAB). Concentrating on the 3.0/3.1 versions of the operating system running in a UAE setting, he created a powerful and visually pleasing environment showing just what a high end Amiga system can achieve in the right hands. He really should be credited for getting the ball rolling in the area of free Workbench packs. His install routines, required due to copyright issues with Workbench disks, were a great help when releasing my own packs to the general public. Problem is, although these are fantastic Workbench set-ups for emulators such as WinUAE, they fail to target running on a real Amiga! Unless you've got one kick-ass machine and ideally a graphics card, you're going to end up with a 20 minute response time and some ugly looking icons, especially at 640x256. I've tried other set-ups found around the net but to no satisfaction. The icons weren't always proportioned correctly; the install wasn't optimised; important files were missing and they're not refined for simplicity and usability. Since the vast majority of Workbench (WB) 3.0/1 runners are using A1200's I decided to create set-ups specifically for us!

Dioscuri - the modular emulator for digital preservation

Dioscuri is an x86 computer hardware emulator written in Java. It is designed by the digital preservation community to ensure documents and programs from the past can still be accessed in the future. The Dioscuri emulator has two key features: it is durable and flexible. Because it is implemented in Java, it can be ported to any computer platform which supports the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), without any extra effort. This reduces the risk that emulation will fail to work on a single architecture in the future, as it will continue to work on another architecture.

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