Szukam fail

Faust # Tulip | 03/03/2011 01:52

Czyli mutacja FinalBurnAlfy dzięki której możemy zagrać w tytuły z systemów: CPS1, CPS2, CPS3, NeoGeo czy też Cave 1st Generation. Jest to wersja nieoficjalna, skompilowana przez jakiegoś chińczyka, który przy okazji kompiluje także klony MAME, więc warto sobie zapisać ten link do bookmarków. Przyda się też nowa aplikacja banu z oficjalnego repozytorium FBAS, który pozwoli nam na konwersję starych plików konfiguracyjnych tego emulatora. Przepakowałem paczkę aby zmienić język na jedynie słuszny;) Changelog for FBA shuffle Mar.01.2011 Fba shuffle version number to 2.0. To burn the module can be split into dynamically loaded dll, through the Help menu under the "burn to load library" to choose a different dll. To filter split into a separate dll. Add Lord » więcej

Faust # Tulip | 02/03/2011 09:13

Kolejna wersja jednego z najstarszych "porządkowiczów" dla MAME pozwalających czyścić potworne ilości danych, jakie zebrał przez prawie 15 lat istnienia ten emulator. ClrMamePro 3.137d fixed: removed trimming of xml attribute values for now since it disallows whitespace separators for export lists ClrMamePro 3.137c fixed: 7z add/remove fails for files starting with @ fixed: scanner popup menu functions to delete/move incomplete/notfixed sets got rare issues when deleting files fixed: removed very old chd extension workaround which causes issues now with chds with "." fixed: xml parser misses attribute name/value trimming  

Faust # Tulip | 01/03/2011 09:36

Wśród mutacji emulatora Nintendo 64 - 1964, 1964mod wydaje się całkiem interesującym projektem. Autor wyczyścił kod oryginału z części deweloperskiej, przy okazji usunął z niego wsparcie dla Kaillery (multiplayer) i poprawił sporą ilość błędów - może nienajistotniejszych, jednak pozbycie się ich powinno podnieść komfort zabawy.  Należy pobrać 1964Mod 1.4.1 i Quickfix v6 (nadgrywamy pliki), a potem można już sprawdzać co zmieniło się w stosunku do orginalnego 1964. Core Changes & Fixes emulator UI display status cleanup (enh/bugfix) fix menu option status improve statusbar display status fix icon button display status fix thin horizontal line on romlist window when 1st entry is visible obsolete & duplicate codes cleanup & refactor codes (enh) » więcej

Faust # Tulip | 01/03/2011 08:47

Kolejna wersja jednego z najstarszych "porządkowiczów" dla MAME. Z ciekawostek dodano nowy wskaźnik "ismechanical", która pojawi sie w najbliższych wersjach MAME - wskaźnik ma określać czy gra jest "mechaniczna" (pinball i inne wynalazki, które opierały się na trikach stricte fizycznych, czy też nie:). ClrMamePro 3.137c fixed: 7z add/remove fails for files starting with @ fixed: scanner popup menu functions to delete/move incomplete/notfixed sets got rare issues when deleting files fixed: removed very old chd extension workaround which causes issues now with chds with "." fixed: xml parser misses attribute name/value trimming

Faust # Tulip | 28/02/2011 13:21

Po trzytygodniach mamy kolejną betę MAME. I póki, JohnIV nie skompiluje MAME32, można testować ją dzięki tej wersji [mingw, x86]. MAME 0.141u3 New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status Hae Hae Ka Ka Ka [Luca Elia, Gnoppi, john666, Gerald (COY), Smitdogg, The Dumping Union] Pye-nage Taikai [Luca Elia, Gnoppi, john666, Gerald (COY), Smitdogg, The Dumping Union] Taihou de Doboon [Luca Elia, Gnoppi, john666, Gerald (COY), Smitdogg, The Dumping Union] Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix - Link Ver (GE885 VER. JAB) [smf] Guilty Gear X 1.5 [gamerfan, TrevEB, Falcone, M. Viste, john666, Cah4e3, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union] Tetris Fighters (not working)  [Kevin Eshbach, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union] Brasil 86 [Roberto Fresca, Rob Ragon] Brasil 87 [Roberto Fresca, Rob Ragon] Brasil 89 (set 2) [Roberto Fresca, » więcej

Faust # Tulip | 02/02/2011 09:44

Emulator konsoli Atari 7800 - emu7800 Mike Murphy'ego zyskał kolejny szczebel do 1.00;). Poprawki wnoszą jeden plik dla wersji x32/x64 i zmieniono zarządzanie romami w spakowanych archiwach. a w tej wersji drobny fix, który być może komuś się przyda. Emu7800 v0.97: Fixed: Fixed: Dependency on the C Runtime Library (CRT) .dll that prevented DirectX from working on machines without the CRT Emu7800 v0.97: Updated: Consolidated x86 and x64 deployments for simplicity (EMU7800 will run in 64-bit mode when run on a x64 Windows OS) Added: Self-extracting 7-Zip archive as an alternative deloyment option Fixed: Using highscore cart prevented 7800 titles from running Fixed: Ungraceful failure when the Windows Audio service is stopped  

Faust # Tulip | 31/01/2011 12:05

Gens ReRecording lub jak kto woli Gens Movie Test to emulator SEGI MEGADRIVE/GENESIS/CD/x32 bazujący na Gensie, wzbogacona w stosunku do orginału o możliwość nagrywania procesu emulacji (LUA) czy też zrzucania filmów w postaci AVI. Opublikowana właśnie wersja z repozytorium 296, nie posiada jeszcze changelogu ale jest wersją oficjalną (skompilowaną przez ekipę pracująca nad rozwojem tego emulatora) Gens 1.1 r296         fix memory.readlongunsigned (it was returning signed values) Gens 1.1 r295         fixed input.get() 6-button support, and did some minor fixes for debug runtime errors Gens 1.1 r294         Fixes this bug: Drag & Drop of a .gmv file with no game loaded prompts for game, however it » więcej

Faust # Tulip | 26/01/2011 08:59

Emulator konsoli Atari 7800 - emu7800 Mike Murphy'ego zyskał kolejny szczebel do 1.00;). Poprawki wnoszą jeden plik dla wersji x32/x64 i zmieniono zarządzanie romami w spakowanych archiwach. Emu7800 v0.97: Updated: Consolidated x86 and x64 deployments for simplicity (EMU7800 will run in 64-bit mode when run on a x64 Windows OS) Added: Self-extracting 7-Zip archive as an alternative deloyment option Fixed: Using highscore cart prevented 7800 titles from running Fixed: Ungraceful failure when the Windows Audio service is stopped Emu7800 v.96 Added: Silverlight 4 version. Emu7800 v.95 Updated: Internal refactoring to make the emulator core more platform neutral Updated: Moved to .NET Framework 4.0 Updated: DirectX dependencies to SDK June 2010  

Faust # Altirra | 10/01/2011 10:23

Phaeron udostępnił nową betę Altirry, niestety jeszcze nie wiadomo, co zmieniono/poprawiono/dodano, na pewno niebawem pojawi się dopisek w wątku nowej wersji (ewentualnie pojawi się abris i podrzuci;)). Przy okazji Phaeron skomentował nową wersję emulatora ATARI++ 1.5.9 wraz z nowym mechanizmem emulacji pokey'a: I did run the latest version of Acid800 on Atari++ 1.59, and it still fails a number of my POKEY tests. With -cycleprecise true, it does pass one additional test over 1.58, the 1.79MHz granularity test. This is a major improvement, and AFAIK, Atari800 still doesn't pass this test. However, I just tried the Cup Of Tea demo, and the pitch is still off, indicating issues with IRQ timing. Atari++ also still doesn't appear to support clock phase adjustment through initialization mode, so Project M 2.0 » więcej

Faust # Altirra | 01/01/2011 11:26

W jakiś chorych godzinnach porannych pojawiła się nowa, pełna wersja matki wszystkich emulatorów - MAME. Poniżej jak zwykle spora ilość zmian i parę nowych tytułów, tak jak podejrzewałem plotkowe drivery pinballi nie zostały jeszcze dodane. MAME 0.141 Changelog MAMETesters Bugs Fixed 04161: [Crash/Freeze] nibbler and clones: Mame crashes after pressing  OK (Aaron Giles) 00859: [Color/Palette] blandia, blandiap: Tilemap colors issue.  (Pierpaolo Prazzoli) 00860: [Color/Palette] blandia, blandiap: Incorrect colors (Pierpaolo Prazzoli) 04120: [Misc.] SDLMAME for Windows does not work unless you use  -window (couriersud) 04156: [Crash/Freeze] cabal, cabala, cabalbl2, cabalus, cabalus2,  tharrier, tharrierj: memory_set_bank called for unknown bank   'bank1' (hap) 04153: [Misc.] » więcej

Pliki z "fail"

Linki z "fail"

Every Epoch Cassette Vision Game Preserved and Emulated! – Gaming Alexandria

The release of Epoch’s Cassette Vision (カセットビジョン) console on July 30th, 1981 was a true milestone in Japan’s video game history. While not the first Japanese game console, it can be argued it was the first programmable one to have any major success, which paved the way for the Famicom. The Famicom’s release naturally led to the demise of the aging Cassette Vision, with Epoch’s Super Cassette Vision failing to take up that spot in the market it once held. The original had a solid four year run moving an estimated 500,000 units – a success when Japan’s console market was in its infancy. The system originally retailed for ¥13,500. There was also a revised version of the console called the “Jr.” shipped just days after the Nintendo Famicom at a very cheap ¥5000 price tag, which extended the console’s lifespan.

Nuon, The DVD Player That Tried To Be A Games Console And Failed | Time Extension

An obscure gem, or forgettable footnote? - The Nuon is a fascinating system. Released in 2000 and positioned as a DVD play...

Atari 8-bit Software Preservation

Many thousands of titles were released for the Atari on cartridges, diskettes and cassettes. The magnetic media was not designed for prolonged life and is failing due to age and poor storage. It is important that we preserve this software now before it is lost forever.

Slipstream: The Konix Multi-system Archive

Providing an archive of all information worth knowing about the failed British games console that could have taken on the world and beaten it - The Konix Multi-system. Discover it's potential here.

PVB Coding Competition 2010 « Forum « Planet Virtual Boy

Welcome to the third dimension! On this site you will learn everything about Nintendo's Virtual Reality experiment, the Virtual Boy. Released back in 1995 only in Japan and North America, the system failed all along the line and disappeared from the market less than a year later, quietly and without any official word. Only 22 games were released for the Virtual Boy during its short lifespan. Here we want to build a memorial for this unique oddity of videogame history. Dedicated to its brilliant creator, Gunpei Yokoi.

Classic Amiga Workbench

Once Amiga emulation (UAE) started to mature two prominent pre-installed Workbench packages emerged, offering users an easy pathway to this unique operating system. First came the commercial package from the copyright holders Cloanto, fittingly named Amigaforever. Overall many users have found it a very useful complete package that meets their needs. After undergoing several updates, this is still available today and currently the only method of legally obtaining Workbench and ROM images you don't already own. Secondly, James 'jaybee' Battle spent a considerable amount of time perfecting the first major free downloadable Workbench in the form of Amiga in a Box (AIAB). Concentrating on the 3.0/3.1 versions of the operating system running in a UAE setting, he created a powerful and visually pleasing environment showing just what a high end Amiga system can achieve in the right hands. He really should be credited for getting the ball rolling in the area of free Workbench packs. His install routines, required due to copyright issues with Workbench disks, were a great help when releasing my own packs to the general public. Problem is, although these are fantastic Workbench set-ups for emulators such as WinUAE, they fail to target running on a real Amiga! Unless you've got one kick-ass machine and ideally a graphics card, you're going to end up with a 20 minute response time and some ugly looking icons, especially at 640x256. I've tried other set-ups found around the net but to no satisfaction. The icons weren't always proportioned correctly; the install wasn't optimised; important files were missing and they're not refined for simplicity and usability. Since the vast majority of Workbench (WB) 3.0/1 runners are using A1200's I decided to create set-ups specifically for us!

Dioscuri - the modular emulator for digital preservation

Dioscuri is an x86 computer hardware emulator written in Java. It is designed by the digital preservation community to ensure documents and programs from the past can still be accessed in the future. The Dioscuri emulator has two key features: it is durable and flexible. Because it is implemented in Java, it can be ported to any computer platform which supports the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), without any extra effort. This reduces the risk that emulation will fail to work on a single architecture in the future, as it will continue to work on another architecture.

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