Faust # EAB Winuae 4.10.2 | 29/05/2023 01:45

WinUAE is a 32-, 64-bit Windows version (XP/Vista/7/8/10) of the UAE Amiga Emulator. UAE is the collaborative effort of a number of Amiga enthusiasts to create a portable Amiga emulator under the GNU Public License.

Faust @ 28/05/2023 22:37

Raine (for Rainbow Islands Emulator) is an arcade multiemulator, it can handle games from CPS systems, Taito, Jaleco and it's run titles from NeoGeoCD (in last year project raine and neoraine was combined in one application).

Faust @ 25/05/2023 23:57

Faust @ 22/05/2023 22:13

Faust @ 22/05/2023 00:53

DeSmuME is a Nintendo DS emulator

Faust @ 21/05/2023 00:32

C64-Archiv Scans and stores your C64 - (games) - collection with only a few clicks File manager for C64 images Starts C64 images and programs in different emulators or file tools Delivers instructions for the emulators: VICE, CCS64, HOXS64, EMU64 and MICRO64 Works with tools e.g. 64Copy, D64Lister or DirMaster Stores the C64-programs from files with the extensions: D64, D71, D81, G64, P00, PRG, T64 and CRT Stores files by name with the extensions: TAP, VSF (VICE-snapshot-file), VFL (VICE-Flipfile) and C64 (CCS64-session-file) Stores picture files: BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG and TIFF Media files: MP3, MP4 und AVI Stores text and information files with the extensions: PDF, TXT, NFO and DIZ Searches archiv files Read more

Faust @ 20/05/2023 01:47

Arthur Jordison author of CBM prg Studio has released new version 3.3.0 of him application. Very convenient framework that allows not only to edit files written in CBM Basic but also in assembler. Additionally Studio has a module for creating sprites ("Sprite"), edit the font and service SID'ów.

Faust @ 18/05/2023 16:14

Eighty One is one of the older designs of machine emulators with Z80 on board and quite accidentally with a rainbow in the logo - he can not only pretend the construction from Sinclair ZX80, to Amstrad ZX Spectrum +3 but also familiar with Timex, or more exotic ZX81 - Ringo clones and Lambda.

Faust @ 11/05/2023 11:26

ZEsarux is another multimulator of Sir Clive's machines - we can find practically all models from ZX80, through traditional Sinclair Spectrum models, including those that have already appeared with the Amstrad logo, to the exotic Z88 Cambridge, if not for the lack of QL to say that he emulates everything from this family. Currently, he also manages the Sam Coupe machine or CPC464 (I will not mention other exotics - hence the feature in development). Author also adds Spectrum QL emulation. Emulator, by Cesar Hernandez (this is his second project, after ZXSpectr) was created for Unix, but in time he also made a version for Windows - looking at the list of possibilities, it's quite an interesting harvester, which is worth having at hand if you need all-in - with a rainbow on board - at least it gives me some problems, but what can be liked.

Faust @ 09/05/2023 00:41

BizHawk is a A multi-system emulator written in C#. BizHawk provides nice features for casual gamers such as full screen, and joypad support in addition to full rerecording and debugging tools for all system cores.

Faust @ 09/05/2023 00:33

Faust @ 02/05/2023 02:19

Eighty One is one of the older designs of machine emulators with Z80 on board and quite accidentally with a rainbow in the logo - he can not only pretend the construction from Sinclair ZX80, to Amstrad ZX Spectrum +3 but also familiar with Timex, or more exotic ZX81 - Ringo clones and Lambda.

T-shirt "The Sacred Armour of Antiriad ZX Spectrum Element"

Retro T-Shirt The Sacred Armour of Antiriad ZX Spectrum Element - męski podkoszulek
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