Ciekawostki | 2025-01-11 11:17:43 | 2024-12-29 21:19:30
Attached, Marcin Wichary's website: usability, terminology, computer history | 2024-12-29 21:19:29
Way back in the good old early 1980's, I had the good fortune to be commissioned to produce around half the cover illustrations for the then newly formed Mastertronic computer games company. These pieces were to be produced as quickly as possible - usually within 5 to 7 days!! | 2024-12-29 21:19:24
Chicks, chicks.... naked chiks... on speccy;) | 2024-12-29 12:34:37
Back in 1988 a group of Swedish teenagers collectively known as Digital Illusions began work on a pinball game for the Commodore Amiga. Eventually published by 21st Century Entertainment it went on to become a milestone game in the history of the Amiga. When Atari released the Atari Falcon 030, the successor to the Atari STE, Stewart Gilray (currently a producer at Runecraft) took it upon himself to port Pinball Dreams to this machine. It's a true conversion of the Amiga classic and now with the permission of Andreas Axelsson of Digital Illusions we're allowed to present it for download free of charge. | 2024-12-29 12:34:35 | 2024-12-29 12:34:11
Świetny zestaw grafik inspirowanych grami wideo. | 2024-12-29 12:33:41
Strona Haze | 2024-12-29 12:33:20
Home of my random projects and repairs | 2024-12-29 12:32:38
ICEMARK - Homepage of Christopher Jon Wild, encompassing The Lords of Midnight and Doomdark's Revenge, and the Sinclair Spectrum Game Data Format Library. | 2024-12-29 12:32:32
Seria "Reduks" ma na celu przetworzenie – pełne zdigitalizowanie prasy komputerowej z początków okresu informatyzacji naszego kraju. W odróżnieniu od plików w formacie djvu i cbr gdzie format papierowy jest tylko zeskanowany i połączony w jeden dokument, reduks polega na ponownym przełamaniu dokumentu, wraz z ponowną obróbką graficzną i edytorską. Tam gdzie to możliwe zachowana jest grafi ka z pierwowzoru, jednak jeśli materiał jest zbyt złej jakości – zostaje on podmieniony na równoważny. | 2024-12-29 12:32:06
- Free Papercraft, Paper Model, & Papertoy