ZX Spectrum
https://fuse-emulator.sourceforge.net/ | 2023-12-01 20:31:09
Fuse (the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator) was originally, and somewhat unsurprisingly, a ZX Spectrum emulator for Unix. However, it has now also been ported to Mac OS X, which may or may not count as a Unix variant depending on your advocacy position. It has also been ported to Windows, the Wii, AmigaOS and MorphOS, which are definitely not Unix variants.
https://specemu.zxe.io/ | 2023-06-11 23:50:16
Kolejny przystanek dla kolejnych edycji SpecEmu.
https://skoolkit.ca/ | 2022-12-21 01:17:07
SkoolKit is a collection of utilities that can be used to disassemble a Spectrum game (or indeed any piece of Spectrum software written in machine code) into a format known as a skool file. Then, from this skool file, you can use SkoolKit to create a browsable disassembly in HTML format, or a re-assemblable disassembly in assembly language. So the skool file is - from start to finish as you develop it by organising and annotating the code - the common ‘source’ for both the reader-friendly HTML version of the disassembly, and the developer- and assembler-friendly version of the disassembly.
https://sourceforge.net/projects/zxed/ | 2022-09-25 21:52:48
Download zxED for free. Utility for viewing ZX Spectrum emulator snapshot files. zxED allows users to load in popular ZX Spectrum emulator file formats and view it contents. Currently you can display the memory as bitmaps allowing you to rip any sprites or graphics and save them as images.
https://jspeccy.speccy.org | 2022-06-04 11:54:47
A Java based ZX Spectrum Emulator
https://zxuno.speccy.org/index_e.shtml | 2022-05-04 15:43:34
ZX Spectrum Computer Clone Based on FPGA
https://zxbg.blogspot.com/ | 2022-05-04 15:43:24
https://yass.speccy.org | 2022-05-04 15:43:19
Ante todo, casi decir lo que no es: YASS no es un emulador total del Sinclair ZX Spectrum. Ejecuta muchos programas, algunos a la perfección, otros no tanto. YASS nació como un proyecto de verano: siempre he sentido curiosidad por saber cómo funcionan las cosas por dentro, y un buen día me fijé en el ZX Spectrum. Lo que descubrí fué fascinante.
https://www.kilgus.net/qpc/ | 2022-05-04 15:43:00
QPC support pages
https://users.ox.ac.uk/~uzdm0006/scans/1kchess/ | 2022-05-04 15:41:12
This is an article from the February 1983 issue of `Your Computer'. I apologise for the excessive width: I have attempted to recreate the original layout, which is printed on a double page and a single page. If you like you can just read the text of the article. I'm afraid the article was scanned without permission; if the copyright owner objects then I will remove this page.
https://sites.google.com/site/libby8dev/fignition | 2022-05-04 15:41:02
Open Development Site for A minimal Z80/Avr Single Board Computer. This is the ongoing development site for Libby8, an 8-bit Z80-based Hobby Home Computer. Libby8 is inspired mostly by the idea of being able to use a microcontroller to implement a ZX81-style home computer and make it available to hobby developers. Libby8 has the following features: 32Kb of SRAM shared between program storage and video. Bitmapped video (256x192 pixels monochrome). A built-in language (initially a variation of an 8K Forth). Some persistant storage (512Kb of serial Flash, some of which is used for the 'ROM'). A keyboard based on a simple keypad. A serial interface. Circuit development is done in Stripes, a java-based stripboard designer.
http://www.zxspectrum4.net/ | 2022-01-04 22:27:58
ZX Spectrum Emulator for Windows and .net, XP Vista Windows 7 - Supporting files tzx, tap, sna, z80
http://bashkiria-2m.narod.ru/ | 2022-01-04 22:27:58
то такое "Башкирия-2М"? Это компьютер. И сделали его ... правильно, в Башкирии. Точнее, сейчас эта республика называется Башкортостан. Но не в этом дело. В последнее время в интернете стали появляться сайты, посвящённые разным компьютерам, на которых выросло целое поколение программистов 90-х годов. Для большинства из этих людей подобные "персоналки" были чем-то вроде хобби, которое потом переросло в профессию. Микроша, Радио-86РК, Специалист, Корвет, Орион, Партнёр, БК-0010(11), Вектор, Агат ... Список можно продолжать, если не до бесконечности, то наверняка, хотя-бы десятка два-три наберётся уж точно.
https://k1.spdns.de/ | 2021-12-05 16:54:29
This is the developer's homepage of zasm z80 assembler, zxsp and Mac Spectacle ZX Spectrum simulators, vipsi VIP script interpreter, EDEN fantasy role playing game, Das Schneider CPC Systembuch and lots of other stuff.
https://sourceforge.net/projects/vbspec/ | 2021-11-28 15:45:41
This is a quite old project and quite a dead one, to be honest. Back in 2003 I took over this project from Chris Cowley and added a UI for introducing POKEs, full screen and joystick support ... and since then, nothing happened. The application is still functional and can be installed.
http://cngsoft.no-ip.org/cpcec.htm | 2021-11-28 15:40:48
CPCEC is an emulator of the family of home microcomputers Amstrad CPC (models 464, 664 and 6128) whose goal is to be loyal to the original hardware and efficient in standard modern systems. Thus it brings a faithful emulation of the Z80 microprocessor and it replicates the behavior of the CRTC 6845 and Gate Array video chips, the PSG AY-3-8912 sound chip, the remaining circuits found in the original hardware, and the tape deck and floppy disc drive that made possible loading and running software. ZXSEC is an emulator of the Sinclair Spectrum family (48k, 128k, +2/Plus2 and +3/Plus3) based on the components it shared with the Amstrad CPC family: the Z80 microprocessor, the PSG AY-3-8192 sound chip, the tape system and the NEC765 disc drive controller. CPCEC requires a Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system or later. The minimal hardware requirements are those fitting the operating system, and it's advised that the main microprocessor runs at 400 MHz at least. Screen resolution in pixels must be 800x600 at least. A sound card is optional. Using a joystick is optional, too. The source code of CPCEC and its binaries follow the GNU General Public License v3, described in the file GPL.TXT within the package.
https://github.com/raydac/zxpoly/ | 2021-11-28 15:39:22
ZX-Poly platform info page and its emulator. It is a multi-CPU ZXSpectrum clone.
http://www.inkland.org.uk/ | 2021-11-28 15:37:30
InkSpector 2, a Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator for Windows
http://www.habisoft.com/espectrum/ | 2021-11-28 15:37:30
Emulador Emulator Es.pectrum
http://timex.comboios.info/ | 2021-11-28 15:37:30
Welcome to the Timex Computer World. I'm Portuguese and my first computer was a Timex Computer 2048 (TC2048). Here are all the Timex computers equipment, that Timex Computer Corp and Timex of Portugal have done. Enjoy this trip to the Timex Computer World.
http://www.jupiter-ace.co.uk/ | 2021-11-28 15:32:48
Jupiter Ace Resource site is a restoration and preservation project. The site is biggest collection of Jupiter Ace information including software, listing, magazine information, hardware, AceForth programming.
http://retrospec.sgn.net/users/tomcat/yu/TRDosReCracks.php | 2021-11-28 15:32:09
http://www.esxdos.org/ | 2021-11-28 14:55:28
ESXDOS aims to be the ultimate firmware for the DivIDE/DivMMC interface.
http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~jg27paw4/type-ins/typehome.htm | 2021-11-28 14:46:39
The Sinclair magazine type-in programs archive
http://www.abrimaal.pro-e.pl/zx/ | 2021-11-28 14:41:44
Games for ZX Spectrum with ULA+, trainer versions
http://www.nedopc.com/ | 2021-11-28 14:38:50
Уважаемые посетители, Вы попали на сайт группы NedoPC. Что такое NedoPC? Это команда профессиональных разработчиков и любителей, объединенных идеями свободного творчества. Наш сайт можно назвать виртуальным Исследовательским Центром. Но за всеми направлениями наших интересов стоят вполне конкретные люди. Нас объединяет тяга к не стандартным или альтернативным направлениям применения наших знаний и умений. Также нас объединяет любовь к ретро-компьютерам. На их примере мы показываем азы схематической композиции и отладки, основ цифровой и аналоговой техники, а также экстремального и рационального программирования
http://spectrum4ever.org/ | 2021-11-28 14:38:50
Full Tape Crack Pack
https://sites.google.com/site/pauldunn/ | 2021-11-28 14:38:50
SpecBAS is a remake of Sinclair BASIC - it's faster, far more powerful and more colourful than Sinclair BASIC has ever been! SpecBAS incorporates all the features of Sinclair BASIC, but with more: Procedures, with both referenced and normal variable parameters Flow control with DO..LOOP, WHILE..LOOP, DO..UNTIL Associative arrays with hashing for extra efficiency INCLUDE to add procedures and functions from external files Better array handling, with variable BASE settings and FOR..EACH support Better string handling with LEFT$, RIGHT$, MID$, REPEAT$ etc Memory banks which can be loaded, saved and utilised to hold a variety of data types Many, many more maths functions, with both radians and degrees support Graphics with 8bpp in any supported resolution with full palette changing, rotation, scaling etc Sound support with MOD/S3M/XM/IT/MP3/VOC/WAV etc as well as the BEEP command with envelopes and noise Turtle graphics, sprites, tilemaps.
https://github.com/jcmellado/zx-dart | 2021-11-25 23:33:29
ZX Spectrum emulator written in Dart