ATARI ST | 2023-08-09 01:42:28 | 2023-08-09 01:41:55 | 2023-08-09 01:41:27
ST Recover can read Atari ST floppy disks on a PC under Windows, including special formats as 800 or 900 KB and damaged or desynchronized disks, and produces standard .ST disk image files. Then the image files can be read in ST emulators as WinSTon or Steem. | 2023-08-09 01:40:24
Jedna z najfajniejszych stron poświęconych ATARI ST. | 2023-08-09 01:39:49
WinSTon is an Atari ST emulator running under Windows. Many programs and games are emulated very well but especially demos still behave strangely. | 2023-08-09 01:39:18
Download Steem SSE for free. An update of legendary Atari ST emulator Steem. Steem SSE ('ST Enhanced EMulator Sensei Software Edition' in full) is an updated version of Steem. Features have been added and emulation has been improved. | 2023-08-09 01:39:07
EmuTOS is a Free operating system for computers based on Motorola 68000 or ColdFire microprocessors. It features functionality similar to TOS, which powered the Atari ST and its successors between 1985 and 1994. EmuTOS can run on real hardware, either as ROM replacement or from floppy. Of course, it also runs happily on any Atari emulator such as ARAnyM, Hatari, or Steem SSE. EmuTOS is Free Software, so it is better than TOS in several ways: It can be freely used and redistributed with emulators, in respect of the GPL licence. This way, users can run legacy third-party software on emulators without requiring copyrighted Atari ROMs, thereby avoiding legal issues. It can be improved, to support more features and more hardware than Atari TOS. It is actively developed and supported. | 2023-08-09 01:38:54
atari st hardware interfaces software | 2021-12-23 15:20:56
PaCifiST was the first decent Atari ST emulator for the PC | 2021-12-23 15:20:56
ARAnyM is a software virtual machine (similar to VirtualBox or Bochs) designed and developed for running 32-bit Atari ST/TT/Falcon operating systems (TOS, FreeMiNT, MagiC and Linux-m68k) and TOS/GEM applications on any kind of hardware - be it an IBM clone (read it as "PC" :-), an Apple, an Unix server, a graphics workstation or even a portable computer. ARAnyM is not meant as an emulator of Atari Falcon (even though it has a rather high Falcon software compatibility and includes most of Falcon custom chips including VIDEL and DSP). ARAnyM is better in the sense that it's not tied to specification of an existing Atari machine so we were free to select the most complete CPU (68040 with MMU) and FPU (68882), add loads of RAM (up to 4 GB), host accelerated graphics (even with OpenGL) and direct access to various host resources including sound, disk drives, optical storage devices (CD/DVD-ROMs), parallel port and more. | 2021-12-05 16:54:29
Po chwilowej, trwającej 16 lat przerwie, moja strona o Atari znów jest w sieci. Fakt jej przedłużającej się nieobecności mierził mnie mentalnie od dawna, niczym mroczna rysa na szkle przeznaczenia, zwłaszcza że przeklęte, oślizgłe macki podstępnych wrogów próbowały bezskutecznie wymazać z Internetu oraz z ludzkiej pamięci wszelkie ślady jej bytności. Owe pożałowania godne pseudostarania były jednak ponad wszelką wątpliwość z góry skazane na definitywne zatonięcie w bezdennym szambie sromotnej klęski, wypełnionym po same brzegi cuchnącymi ekskrementami druzgocącego upadku – ponieważ z każdym upływającym rokiem, z każdym mijającym miesiącem, z każdym dniem, godziną, minutą i sekundą zbliżał się jej nieunikniony powrót. | 2021-12-05 16:53:54
Welcome to the home page of DemoBaseST - an easily-accessible database of Atari ST demoscreens. No longer do you need to search through disc images and menus to get to your favourite demoscreens, because each one is directly accessible from the DemoBaseST menu, and is accompanied by screenshots and search and filter functionality to help you get to your favourites faster! What's more, you don't even need to download any disc images or spend time setting up emulators - it's all included and ready to go! | 2021-11-28 15:41:28
Atari ST / TT / Falcon software archive | 2021-11-28 15:32:09
Hatari is an Atari ST emulator for Linux and other systems that are supported by the SDL library. | 2021-11-28 15:24:19
L'émulation Atari ST - jeux avec photos et tests complets tirés des magazines de l'époque (Generation 4, Tilt, Joystick, Micro News, St magazine...), démos, programmes téléchargeables, cours d'assembleur 68000 pour les débutants. Les nouvelles en français de l'émulation Atari st. | 2021-11-28 15:20:06
The Steem Engine is a free Atari STE emulator made with ease of use in mind. | 2021-11-28 14:57:08
Medway Boys Atari ST Menu Archive | 2021-11-28 14:57:08 | 2021-11-28 14:57:08
Un site sur l'emulation Atari ST ( Winston Pacifist Echo ) et sur les jeux des années 80. A French Site about Atari ST Emulation and the computer games of the 80's. | 2021-11-28 14:57:08 | 2021-11-28 14:52:30 | 2021-11-28 14:41:44 | 2021-11-25 23:27:57
Paradize - Atari and more