Prasa komputerowa poświęcona zaganieniu RETRO | 2024-09-02 22:49:06
Próba odnowienia szanownego forum dla czytelników retroprasy, czy się uda? Zobaczymy... póki co, nie da się zarejestrować konta;P | 2024-08-07 01:36:57
Amiga Future, das Print-Magazin für Amiga | 2024-08-03 13:49:37
Welcome to Popular Retro Magazine. Home to all things retro! Journey back to the golden age of computing, gaming, music and toys! | 2024-08-03 13:49:16
Посвящается ретрокомпьютеру ZX Spectrum, печатным изданиям о нём и, в частности, газете ZaRulem от группы NOT-Soft | 2024-03-16 00:48:42
The release of Epoch’s Cassette Vision (カセットビジョン) console on July 30th, 1981 was a true milestone in Japan’s video game history. While not the first Japanese game console, it can be argued it was the first programmable one to have any major success, which paved the way for the Famicom. The Famicom’s release naturally led to the demise of the aging Cassette Vision, with Epoch’s Super Cassette Vision failing to take up that spot in the market it once held. The original had a solid four year run moving an estimated 500,000 units – a success when Japan’s console market was in its infancy. The system originally retailed for ¥13,500. There was also a revised version of the console called the “Jr.” shipped just days after the Nintendo Famicom at a very cheap ¥5000 price tag, which extended the console’s lifespan. | 2023-12-09 21:56:21
The AMI Tech-Gazette is an electronic publication designed to bring you an experience similar to the classic local computer user group newsletter, with that personal, not-fully-professional touch, covering the Amiga and its relatives, (OS4, MorphOS, AROS, Apollo, and more!) with the occasional deviation into games, toys, and life in general. Check out the introductory issue(s) to get a feel for it, and if it interests you, consider joining the Patreon to access the back issue catalog, and support the creation of new ones. | 2023-12-02 11:03:17
Diskový magazín FLOP věnující se 8-bitovým počítačům Atari | 2023-12-02 01:58:17
Historia gier komputerowych w Czechosłowacji w latach 80. do niedawna była jedynie przypisem do wielkiej historii tego medium, jaka rozegrała się w USA i Japonii. Jednak książka Jak obehrát železnú opona pokazuje, że w okresie normalizacji powstała w naszym kraju wyjątkowa scena gier, której analiza może wzbogacić badania nad grami komputerowymi i kulturą popularną. Rzeczywiście, lokalni programiści byli jednymi z pierwszych na świecie, którzy konsekwentnie używali gier do opowiadania osobistych historii, a także do aktywizmu politycznego. Książka Jaroslava Švelcha, pierwotnie opublikowana pod koniec 2018 roku przez MIT Press, opiera się na ponad czterdziestu wywiadach i badaniu materiałów archiwalnych, w tym zachowanych gier. Oparta na historiach lokalnych programistów-amatorów mapuje początki grania i tworzenia gier na ośmiobitowe mikrokomputery w Czechosłowacji. Opiera się na przekonaniu, że amatorzy komputerów to prototypowy przykład aktywnej publiczności i wyjątkowej społeczności fanów. Jest to zatem praca łącząca elementy historiografii z kulturoznawstwem i medioznawstwem. | 2023-12-02 01:57:39
Paczki prasy magazynowej zeskanowanej w najlepszej jakości... Co prawda waży to horendalnie dużo, ale za to jaki efekt! | 2023-12-02 01:57:39
Results: 1 through 50 of 4,656 (0.001 secs) You searched for: collection:computermagazines | 2023-12-02 01:57:39
Did you grow up reading Video Game Magazines? They're a dying breed nowadays! This blog is dedicated to looking back old magazine covers and articles from the 90's. These scans are some of my own, but... | 2023-12-02 01:57:39
progetto zzap italia zzap! retrogaming retrogames commodore 64 sinclair spectrum amstrad cpc msx atari st amiga | 2023-12-02 01:57:39
Magazines from the Past Wiki is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Discover, share and add your knowledge! | 2023-12-02 01:57:39
Revista Jogos 80 - Videogames e Microcomputadores antigos e jogos clássicos! | 2023-12-02 01:57:39
DIE Kult Seite über die alten Spiele-Magazine und Retro-Games! | 2023-12-02 01:57:39 | 2023-12-02 01:57:39 | 2023-12-02 01:57:39 | 2023-12-02 01:57:39 | 2023-12-02 01:57:39
Amiga Magazine Rack contains reviews, previews, cheats, coverdisks, public domain, covers, trivia and thousands of page scans from Amiga mags. Popular mags like Amiga Format, Amiga Power, AUI, CU Amiga, The One, Zero, Zzap and more are available. | 2023-12-02 01:57:39
Trafiłeś na stronę, na której znajduje się kompletne elektroniczne archiwum miesięcznika Tajemnice Atari wraz z "ST FORUM" (funkcjonował równolegle z TA - jako dodatek). Można go było kupić w Polsce w latach 1991-1993. Przeglądając kiedyś stronki poświęcone ATARI zobaczyłem, że ludzie próbują uwiecznić świetność takich czasopism jak np. Bajtek czy Top Secret (i chwała im za to po wsze czasy :) ), ale nigdzie na Sieci nie udało mi się znaleźć żadnego numeru mojego ukochanego pisma "Tajemnice ATARI". Posiadając 8 numerów TA, założyłem więc na początku czerwca 2001r. niniejsze elektroniczne archiwum "TA" w nadziei, że są ludzie, którym sprawię wielką radochę dając szansę poczytania numerów, których nigdy na oczy nie widzieli (zżera Cię ciekawość ? :) ). W niedługim czasie po założeniu tej strony nawiązałem kontakt z zastępcą redaktora TA panem Tomaszem Pazdanem (LK Avalon), który przekazał mi brakujące archiwalne numery, oszczędzając tym samym dalszych poszukiwań (za co mu serdecznie dziękuję). | 2023-12-02 01:57:39
Full text of Creative Computing, Antic, and STart magazines. Compute! and other magazines are coming soon. | 2023-12-02 01:57:39
The Def Guide To ZZap!64, was the best UK C64 games magazine, covers, articles, game reviews etc. online. | 2023-12-01 22:30:25
Halcyon Days: Interviews with Classic Computer and Video Game Programmers was released in March 1997. It was one of the first retrogaming projects to focus on lost history rather than game collecting and certainly the first entirely devoted to the game authors themselves. Now a good number of the interviewees have their own web sites, but none of them did when I started contacting them in 1995. And it was an early experiment in digital publishing: though the book used HTML for formatting, it was shipped to readers on a 3 ½" diskette for a price of $20. In 1997 this seemed odd and gutsy, but the little collection of interviews found an audience and sold a good many copies for the next five years. It was twice written up in Wired News, and was quoted or mentioned in The Dallas Morning News, The Austin Chronicle, and other major newspapers. It was paired with Susan Lammers's wonderful Programmers at Work in the Dr. Dobb's CD-ROM library. It is now 2002 and Halcyon Days has run its commercial course. I'm putting it on the web because I still think the information in the book is fantastic and inspiring, and because much of it cannot be found elsewhere. The contents and HTML have been minimally edited from the original, which is why the filenames are in all capitals, for example. But enough rambling. If you have any of the giddy anticipation that I did whenever I picked up a magazine containing an interview with Mark Turmell or Dan Bunten, then you want to start reading. | 2023-12-01 16:43:29 | 2023-11-12 20:44:52
A blog about general life in the eyes of an average human-bug hybrid. Discussing social topics, comedy, video gaming, sport, writing and reading. | 2023-11-08 16:16:27
Focused on the BBC range of computers, there are loads of mags here, from Electron User to A&B Computing to BeeBug. | 2023-11-08 16:15:54
WoS includes loads of multi-format magazines as well. The interface is clean and fast, and you can browse the mags one page at a time, which is nice. The scans are often the same as on, although not always, so worth adding to your bookmarks. | 2023-11-08 16:15:12
Celebrating classic video games and magazines. Sega, Nintendo and Sony. From PC Engine and Neo Geo to Mega Drive and Super Nintendo + more. | 2023-11-08 16:14:28
There are thousands of PDFs to be had on here. I've included the link to the C+VG section, but you'll find lots of other mags as well if you dig around a bit. | 2022-09-25 22:02:13
Nowey, alternatywny zine, który porusza wiele tematów - w tym również te, które dotyczą demosceny | 2022-09-25 22:02:02
Guide for ZX Spectrum Next assembler developer. Available as free to download PDF from releases page, or printed coil bound book at - Releases · tomaz/zx-next-dev-guide | 2022-09-25 22:02:02
Boing est un magazine consacré à l'ordinateur Amiga, qu'il soit d'origine ("classic") ou de nouvelle génération. Il traite toutes ses variations ou plutôt variants ;): AmigaOS (1.x, 2.x, 3.x), AmigaOS 4.1, MorphOS, AROS et ApolloOS. La revue comporte 52 pages en couleur au format A4. L'impression, réalisée chez un imprimeur, est de qualité professionnelle (aspect "papier glacé"). La couverture est en couché brillant 300g et l'intérieur en couché moderne mat 100g. Entièrement en français, vous trouverez les rubriques habituelles comme les actualités, dossiers, tests mais aussi d'autres plus originales comme "les Mots Boingés" ou "Insolite". | 2022-09-25 21:55:18
Commodore 64 Papermag: No More Secrets V0.96 by The Solution. Released on 24 December 2021 | 2022-09-25 21:54:24
The original web archive of game manuals and documentation | 2022-09-25 21:50:20
Spectrumpedia is a work created with the purpose, never attempted before, to collect in a single text, in a concise but comprehensive way, all that is essential to know about one of the main home computers of the 1980s, the Sinclair ZX Spectrum. It appeared for the first time in 2012, and due to the 40th anniversary of the Spectrum's launch (23rd April 1982), it is proposed again in a second edition in two volumes, considerably revised and expanded in every part, confirming itself as the most exhaustive work ever about its subject. | 2022-09-25 21:50:16
CRASH (ZX Spectrum) magazine homepage | 2022-09-25 21:50:16
We are a group of people dedicated to preserving a part of classic gaming that seems to be overlooked most of the time. Namely classic video game magazines. Much more so than today, video game magazines played a vital role in the years before the internet became wide spread. Nowadays, nearly every announcement or news story gets posted online before it goes to print. The people who grew up in those 'good old days' remember just how big a part video game magazines played in our hobby. | 2022-09-25 21:50:16
Website profiling retro games, brought to you buy Retro Gamer magazine, a magazine breathing new life into classic games created by Imagine Publishing | 2022-01-04 23:35:04
Библиотека электронных газет и журналов для ZX Spectrum - Библиотека электронных газет и журналов для ZX Spectrum | 2022-01-04 23:35:04
ZX Magazín je časopis pro uživatele počítačů Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Didaktik a kompatibilních, který pod různými vydavateli vychází už od roku 1987. Milovníci ZX Spectra zde naleznou archív časopisů ZX Magazín, X-magazin, Fifo, Bit a Your Spectrum, fotky ze Speccy akcí, programy pro ZX Spectrum ve formátu pro emulátory a AY hudbu pro emulátor na PeCi. | 2022-01-04 22:27:58 | 2021-12-12 13:33:30
Stefan's personal collection of classic computer and related brochures. Every brochure a small time capsule of how people and companies saw their hardware and software.