Texas Instrument

CLASSIC99 2774

http://www.harmlesslion.com/software/classic99/ | 2023-10-18 22:40:19

Classic99 is a freeware TI-99/4A emulator for Windows 2000 and up.

VIRTUAL T IS A TRS-80 MODEL 100/102/200 4188

http://sourceforge.net/projects/virtualt/ | 2021-11-28 15:28:15

Virtual T is a TRS-80 Model 100/102/200 emulator that runs on Windows, Linux, and Macintosh. The goal of Virtual T is to provide 100% hardware emulation so any existing programs will run. It also adds powerful development and debugging tools.


http://www.harmlesslion.com/ | 2021-11-28 15:24:19

Home of the HarmlessLion


http://www.classiccmp.org/cpmarchives/trs80/mirrors/www.discover-net.net/~dmkeil/index.htm | 2021-11-28 15:21:44

These emulators are written in 80486+ assembly language and require a Pentium compatible processor.  The front-end is written in C++ to provide a user friendly interface. All the TRS-80 emulation runs in assembly language for maximum speed. The start-up, configuration and virtual media selection screens are written in C++.  These programs emulate the TRS-80 Model 1, Model III/4/4P, Color Computer 1/2 & Color Computer 3. These microcomputers were popular in the 1980s. The emulators all function exactly like the real thing, including the ability to read and write real TRS-80 disks & cassettes.


http://www.videogamehouse.net/ | 2021-11-28 15:18:11

TI-99/4A Videogame House Main Page

TI-99/4A GAME SHELF 2173

http://tigameshelf.net/ | 2021-11-28 15:18:11

Over the years since the birth of the TI 99/4A computer, dedicated and talented programmers have produced a dazzling array of games software for it for the enjoyment of all TI'ers. Unfortunately, although several outstanding sources exist as at least partial repositories of some of these programs such as the WHT ftp site and the Hidden Reef BBS (718-448-9402 USA), they do not provide any visual clues as to what the games look like and how they play. As a result, many excellent games may be ignored for lack of a clear description and review. This site is an attempt to correct this situation by providing a gallery of interesting games with images of the opening screen as well as an in-play snapshot, along with a brief review tested on a real TI 99/4A system. Hardware requirements will also be listed and download links provided. Most of these files will also be available in a special Game Shelf section on the Hidden Reef BBS for direct download into the TI, as well as a combined zipped file on this site.


http://www.trs-80emulators.com/ | 2021-11-28 15:11:32

Matthew Reed's emulators, utilities, and development tools for TRS-80 Models 1/3/4