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Publicité Exelvision

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Publicité ExlevisionPublicité ExlevisionPublicité Exlevision

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Note: These commercials are not mine. I'm just using them to express my opinion for a Top 10 Worst Video Game Commercials. Well, I've showed you the ...
Converted from a 2" tape reel w/ countdowns and slates is this batch of 4 commercials. The Coleco Adam, Colecovision, & Cabbage Patch Kids ...
In 2007 I met up with former Atari graphics artist Alan Murphy and archived a VHS tape of his that contained footage of this rare animated TV ...
Publicité ExelVision - Exeltel
To jest z taśmy, które znalazłem nagrane gdzieś pomiędzy latach 1982-1983.
Who now think that Sega first started with such "Advertising War", which is wrong. Nintendo SNES was the first with his console advertising ...
Legendarna seria 4 reklam emitowana w Polskiej TV na przełomie lat 95-97, polecam fanom tej znakomitej konsoli. ...