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Historia Amigi - Tribute to Jay Miner
Autor jubiw3

Opublikowane 14-11-2014 21:45

Prezentację prowadzi Piotr Zgodziński. Pixel Heaven 2014
VCF East Part 1 - Commodore Heaven!
Autor Fran

Opublikowane 21-09-2014 13:40

I attended the Vintage Computer Festival on April 6, 2014 in Wall New Jersey, and there was so much cool stuff on exhibit that I have to break up the days events into three separate videos. There was a lot of Commodore stuff on display, so part one is all Commodore - just for the Commodore fans! Special appearance by ...
G4 Icons - Arcades
Autor VyseTheLegend92"

Opublikowane 27-08-2014 23:37

The history of arcades explained in G4's Icons
NUTS FOR NINTENDO special on ABC news 20/20 from 1988
Autor Steven

Opublikowane 27-08-2014 23:32

Transfered and uploaded from my own VHS tape I recorded back in 1988. This is mostly focused on the big Christmas hype for Super Mario Bros 2 and the Legend of Zelda 2 and how scarce these two games are due to the "chip shortage" (sound familiar?) of the time.
Revival 2014- Ocean Software Q&A
Autor The

Opublikowane 18-08-2014 23:20

Retro Asylum attended the Ocean Q&A at Revival 2014 in Wolverhampton 9-10 August 2014 Panel members are: Paul Owens, Matthew Cannon, Phil Trelford, Mark Jones, Simon Butler and Jim Bagley.
The Amstrad CPC 464 - Celebrating 30 Years! (featuring Darran Jones, Larry Bundy Jr, Steve Benway)
Autor Xyphoe"

Opublikowane 16-08-2014 20:03

THE AMSTRAD CPC 464! In this special hour long video we will be celebrating 30 years Of the Amstrad CPC 464 (released to the public on the 21st June 1984) - you will find everything you ever needed to know about the Amstrad CPC 464! From its development history, success and sales, ...
MSX Konami games
Autor strafefox"

Opublikowane 31-07-2014 01:29

Narration by Chase McCaskill In this episode an introduction to the awesome Konami library of games for the MSX. an overlooked system with many hidden gems. -Maze of Galious -Metal Gear -Penguin Adventure -King Kong2 -Nemesis 2 -Usas -King's valley 2 -Space Manbow
Matt Chat 250: Yerzmyey, Chiptune Maestro
Autor Matt

Opublikowane 25-07-2014 22:49

This week is all about music, but not just any music. We're talking about chiptunes, Atari 8-bit, and Amiga music with musical composer Yerzmyey. Check out Yerzmyey's awesome tracks here: Check out my GOG affiliate link here: ...
Pixel Heaven 2014: Magazyn Amiga - początki wspaniałej przygody

Opublikowane 24-06-2014 23:52

Dyskusja z udziałem Marka Pampucha, Jarosława Horodeckiego oraz Rafała Wiosny podczas PixelHeaven 2014 r.
Pixel Heaven 2014, Marek Pampuch, legendarny naczelny
Autor DekompresorTV"

Opublikowane 12-06-2014 10:09

Marek Pampuch, legendarny naczelny "Magazynu Amiga", opowiada, dlaczego przestał jeździć na amigowe imprezy i jak dał się namówić na przyjazd na Pixel Heaven. Co ma do powiedzenia amigowcom dzisiaj? Czy ma Amigę? Czym się w tej chwili zajmuje? W korytarzu Pixel Heaven 2014 z Markiem Pampuchem ...

Najczęściej oglądane

Sir Clive Sinclair answers questions on 'British Inventions 1950 to the Present' on Celebrity Mastermind. Aired on Monday 3rd January 2011. Also ...
Learn how Another World (Out of This World) was created with this exclusive interview with the games creator Eric Chahi. Eric reflects on how Another ...
In 1984 Steve Wozniak was proud to develop floppy disks which operated using controllers with only 5 chips compared to the industry standard at the ...
Wywiad z założycielem legendarnej grupy KOMBI, przeprowadzony specjalnie dla uczestników zlotu Silly Venture 2k10. Zaprezentowany został ...
Support me on Patreon: Have a look at Coding Secrets excellent discussion of Red ...
Meeting Date: April 18, 2024. Interviewed and edited by Lucas Gramajo. The video and audio quality improves at around 15:00 into the ...
Présentation du projet de BIOS opensource pour NeoGeo AES et MVS. Plus d'infos: