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The Making of Monkey Island (30th Anniversary Documentary)
Autor onaretrotip

Opublikowane 13-10-2020 00:00

I'm finally proud to show you this little documentary I've been making for the past two or three months for the 30th anniversary of the release of The Secret of Monkey Island - The Making of Monkey Island. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making it. What an honour! Thank you to everyone who made this ...
Jak powstaje komputer? [film dokumentalny z 1978]

Opublikowane 02-10-2020 00:00

Pod koniec lat 70-tych w Polsce powstawały pierwsze komputery. Na przykładzie maszyny cyfrowej R-32 ukazany jest proces powstawania komputera w zakładach centrum Mera-Elwro.
Thomas Hertzler Full Interview (Subtítulos en español)
Autor Amigamers T.V.

Opublikowane 28-09-2020 00:00

Hemos tenido el privilegio de entrevistar a Thomas Hertzler, el programador de Rainbow Arts que creó las versiones Amiga y Atari ST de The Great Giana Sisters. Nos hablará de este periodo y de su posterior empresa, Blue Byte.
The History of the Commodore Amiga - Rare Jay Miner Speech AmiExpo 1990
Autor The Guru Meditation

Opublikowane 20-09-2020 00:00

Jay Miner is "The Father of the Amiga" This is a rare audio recording of his history of the Amiga speech on March 18th 1990 at AmiExpo East Coast in Washington DC. It is called "The Amiga from the Beginning" I had the pleasure of attending this event and meeting Jay Miner. He enjoyed speaking with ...
CEMU 1.21.0 Complete Setup & Optimization Guide
Autor Postposterous

Opublikowane 01-09-2020 00:00

CEMU 1.21.0 is LIVE and I'm back with another setup and optimization guide to help you get the most out of cemu on any PC. This guide is sure to help make your cemu gaming experience even MORE awesome. --Guide Sections-- Updating/Installing CEMU 0:15 Update GPU Drivers PSA 1:08 Compatibility Settings 1:18 GPU ...
Commodore 64 dla początkujących według Marka Pampucha ( VHS )
Autor Amiga Rulez

Opublikowane 01-09-2020 00:00

Wideo podręcznik obsługi komputera C-64 z początku lat 90. Do produkcji tego nagrania posłużył komputer Amiga, urządzenie genlock oraz oprogramowanie Deluxe Paint i Scala Multimedia. Wykorzystano także muzykę min. z amigowych gier Scenariusz i realizacja: Marek Pampuch (legendarny redaktor naczelny ...
Środowisko prasowe cz.1 (środowy przegląd prasy komputerowej)
Autor Faust

Opublikowane 31-08-2020 00:00

Dnia 19 sierpnia 2020 roku mieliśmy pierwsze spotkanie przeglądu prasowego. Tematem był "Bajtek Tylko o Atari" z 1988 roku. Więcej na
Behind the Scenes - Another World / Out of this World [Making of]
Autor NeoGamer - The Video Game Archive

Opublikowane 22-04-2020 00:00

The making of the classic game Another World, created by Éric Chahi and released in 1991. The original footage used to create the rotoscoped graphics of the game.
TRON - CGI making of (1982)
Autor Ultimate History of CGI

Opublikowane 25-02-2020 00:00

FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THIS FILM ON OUR SITE Playlist for revolutionary CGI films. Like and share!
Multi Platform Arcade Game Designer Tutorial
Autor Faust

Opublikowane 28-01-2020 00:00

A rambling guide to getting started with Multi Platform Arcade Game Designer, the tool for creating 8-bit games. Part 2 available here: MPAGD can be downloaded here:

Najczęściej oglądane

Meeting Date: April 18, 2024. Interviewed and edited by Lucas Gramajo. The video and audio quality improves at around 15:00 into the ...
Learn how Another World (Out of This World) was created with this exclusive interview with the games creator Eric Chahi. Eric reflects on how Another ...
Sir Clive Sinclair answers questions on 'British Inventions 1950 to the Present' on Celebrity Mastermind. Aired on Monday 3rd January 2011. Also ...
Présentation du projet de BIOS opensource pour NeoGeo AES et MVS. Plus d'infos:
Join me on this retro journey where we explore the Miles Gordon Technology (MGT) SAM Coupé. We look inside, fix what we need to and showcase ...
Hello everybody and welcome back to Retro Gamer Diaries. I want to continue my computer gaming history by talking about Sir Clive Sinclair. ...
Zapraszam na wędrówkę w czasy początków komputerów jakie znamy. Co dwa tygodnie, wraz z miesięcznikiem Byte będziemy ...
In 1984 Steve Wozniak was proud to develop floppy disks which operated using controllers with only 5 chips compared to the industry standard at the ...