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Google Maps 8-bit for NES

Opublikowane 01-04-2012 16:00

Trial Version: Google Maps is now available for 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment Systems (NES). Availability in Google Store is TBD but you can try it on your browser by going to and clicking "Quest" in the upper right hand corner of the map.
C64 Alien (1984) LIVE - SID Main Theme [LukHash]

Opublikowane 20-03-2012 00:59

Live remix of an "Alien" main theme composed by Paul Clansey back in 1984. "We live as we dream: alone".. Game was developed by Amsoft and released for Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC. The main theme is played by C64 with Cynthcart cartridge. Please note that Gameboys in this one are for ...
Real Prince of Persia!

Opublikowane 28-02-2012 16:15

Prince of Persia VS the real world! We are Karahat, a new Israeli comedy group, Visit us on Facebook (link), or contact us at Enjoy!  
Sam Coupé still works after 23 years

Opublikowane 20-02-2012 10:01

My Sam Coupè, a 23 year old 8-bit computer, still working, hooked up to a new Sony KDL-42HX723 LED TV. Not all modern TVs will sync to the non standard Scart output from a Sam, my old Sony didn't. After this, I docked at Zaonce first try without a docking computer, just like riding a bicycle, you never forget!
Solidarity Tv Solidarnosc 1985 r.
Autor 4kwadra

Opublikowane 18-02-2012 11:41

Toruńskich astronomów SB zatrzymała w 1985 roku za to, że za pomocą nadajnika własnej konstrukcji wyemitowali w telewizji obrazy wzywające do bojkotu wyborów do sejmu - jednym z elementów tego wywrotowego planu był komputer ZX SPECTRUM i w taki o to sposób SINCLAIR miał swój ...
Z88 is 25!

Opublikowane 18-02-2012 11:31

Sinclair's Z88 - Worlds first real notepad computer 25th birthday anniversary of this beauty! The Z88 evolved from Sir Clive Sinclair's Pandora portable computer project which had been under development at Sinclair Research during the mid-1980s. The machine was launched at the Which Computer? Show on February 17, ...
Wyga & DJ Flip

Opublikowane 17-02-2012 12:04

Za przypomnienie pewnego swoistego procederu z lat osiemdziesiątych, no i za zx spectrum:)
C64 Orchestra

Opublikowane 30-01-2012 23:44

C64 Orchestra playing theme melody from old Commodore 64 game One Man and His Droid. I added original version of One Man and His Droid to the second half. Suddenly these two songs are longer than 10 minutes so original one is shortened.
Shiryu - The 8-Bit Renegade

Opublikowane 24-12-2011 12:11

"Shiryu's Arcade Volume 5" DOWNLOAD: || Before I even knew who was Kunio, there was just "Renegade", a stunning coin-op conversion on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum that I consider to this day a ...
ZX Spectrum Orchestra

Opublikowane 18-12-2011 23:00

ZX Spectrum Orchestra at The Cube Cinema for 7 inch cinema

Najczęściej oglądane

Famous Hubbard's commodore 64 music played live on Istant Remedy Remix by Pippo Noviello
Background ambient arcade sounds from a virtual 1981 arcade. Free for all non-commercial use, enjoy! For higher quality mp3 and more information, ...
This improved ZX Spectrum emulator allows to play 12 especially prepared games in 256 colours. It was made for PC DOS, but you can run it in DOS ...
Commodore 64 music,original by Robb Hubbard played live on really nice Fabian Del Priore remix by Pippo Noviello
Video podręcznik obsługi komputera Amiga 500. Kaseta dla: planujących zakup AMIGI posiadaczy AMIGI marzących o AMIDZE Produkcja i ... "Mario: Game Over" was nominated for Best Comedy Video of 2007 in the Youtube ...
Let me take you back to your childhood days with a remix of Druid II: Enlightenment aka. Fairlight Intro (The Legendary One) composed and released in ...
The song "Still Alive" is a little past it's prime today, and in fact I could have had this up in January, but I'd been trying since then ...