Szukam ideas

Faust @ 12/09/2010 16:43

Nic dodać, nic ująć - kolejna beta najlepszego emulatora Amisi. Beta 17: removed duplicate "none" in filter list RTD also missed address error check MMU emulation bus error handler uses C++ exceptions again (like in original Aranym version), removed some not so useful forced inlining, smaller executable. decided to disable some MMU table caching and suddenly NetBSD crash disappeared, MMU emulation is probably much slower now but at least it seems to work until proper fix is found, (hopefully Aranym developers have some ideas) Debian 68k Sarge Linux confirmed working now right border color "glitch" when waiting for hpos<7 in copper list broke in b3 only disable Direct3D9Ex if pixel shader support is < 2.0 do not open files smaller than blocksize (512 bytes) as a » więcej

Faust @ 11/09/2010 08:55

WinDS PRO jest zestawem emulatorów konsolek NINTENDO DS i GameBoy Advance, składa się z udawaczy - NO$Zoomer, NO$GBA, NO$MOOZ, NOZ, myZOOM, NGZoom, NO$GBA 2X, iDeaS, DeSmuME, VBA Link i VBA-M. Jeśli ktoś potzebuję ich wszystkich na raz, taki pakiecik jest naprostszym rozwiązaniem. WinDS PRO 2010.09.07 Changelog: - DeSmuME SVN 3768 - iDeaS beta - VBA-M SVN 952 - USRCHEAT 07/25/10 RevA

Faust @ 06/09/2010 22:15

Emulatorek konsolki Nintendo DS pojawił się w sam raz na dżdżyste jesienne wieczory. Fixed bug deleting Graphics Context. (Windows Only) Fixed bug in Texture Blending Decal Mode. Fixed bug in DIVCNT register. Fixed bug in SQRTCNT register. Fixed bug writing Fog Coordinates.z. Fixed bug in GXSTAT register. Added support for 3D rear-plane.

Faust @ 23/08/2010 08:27

XuR jest tak naprawdę rozbudowanym wersją emulatora ZX81 - VB81, po dwudniowej przerwie autor wypuścił kolejną wersję: Add a new input/output card, 16 input and 16 outputs.Descibe by Wilf Rigter. ("32K RAM plus 32 bit Memory Mapped I/O for the ZX81" I.o. card Demos files in "P" format available in the "P_tools" folder. ... and many changes ... ... Steel searching other bugs ... Any problems and/or ideas ... Let me know. Do ściągnięcia: VB81 XuR dskcenter_DLL.exe

Faust @ 22/08/2010 23:17

Z tymi konsolami jestem na bakier, po prostu nigdy jej jeszcze nie dotknąłem, być może teraz bedę miał okazję:P It seems that CheckInterfaceSupport is broken for DirectX 11. This is what I'm doing: HRESULT hr = pAdapter1->CheckInterfaceSupport (__uuidof (ID3D11Device), NULL); The result is DXGI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED for Radeon 5770... Creating ID3D11Device with D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0 obviously works, as the card does support it. There is no such problem when asking for ID3D10Device. The plan was to enumerate all adapters present in the system and reject those that do not support Direct3D 11. This bug effectively prevents it from working. I don't know, maybe it's driver related, but very annoying nevertheless. So yeah, I switched to 64-bit Windows 7 Pro and I also bought a new graphics card. Rather than spending money on a new i3/i5 CPU I » więcej

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