Szukam coleco

Faust @ 03/12/2010 09:28

DSP to multiemulator takich maszynek jak Spectrum, Amstrada, Nes (Famicon), Colecovision, GameBoya/Color, plus na dodatek Callus Capcom 1 i paru konstrukcji arcade.Jak można przeczytać poniżej, wipowa wersja tego kompletu udawaczy dla przeciętnego zjadacza chleba przyniosła tylko odświeżenie listy plików systemowych dla Spectrum. 02/12 - DSP Emulator 0.10b4 WIP 02/12 New WIP release. Many thanks to NesBr! "Just" a code clean, and some bug fixes (Now DSP compiles in Delphi 2010 but SDL window don't work). Added some Spectrum versions and fixed some drivers. Changed Spectrum ROMs added the files from this page Thanks to Philip Kendall.  

Faust # EmuDreams | 23/11/2010 23:06

DSP to multiemulator takich maszynek jak Spectrum, Amstrada, Nes (Famicon), Colecovision, GameBoya/Color, plus na dodatek Callus Capcom 1 i pare konstrukcji arcade.   23/11 - DSP Emulator 0.10b3 Added source and Windows binary of final beta release. Included all changes of WIP versions, finally a GameBoy/GameBoy Color emulation and many other small changes. One of those changes is a better driver list. Now is sorted alphabetically, and shows the information better than before. DSP 0.10ß3 11/23/10 Changelog General ENHANCE: M68000 Code Cleaning Added more opcodes Fixed SBCD opcode (Fixes KOD) Code cleaning Added some more opcodes Fixed ASR (fixes Final Fight and SF2' Champion Edition) +ENHANCE: Thanks to Davide Michelini, added Italian translation +ENHANCE: Improved load ROM system. » więcej

Faust # EmuDreams | 11/11/2010 21:15

William Cassidy na łamach "Oddysey 2 Home Page" opublikował historię gry "Trail of the Pink Panther" U.S.Games, która po załamaniu się rynku gier wideo w 1983 roku i pomimo rozpoczętej akcji promocyjnej, nigdy nie została opublikowana - gra miała pojawić się na prawdopodbnie na platformach ColecoVision, Atari XL/VCS i Oddysey. Ostatnia wzmianka o tym tytule pojawiła się podczas licytacji na ebay'u w 2006 r. prototypu dla Atari VCS, gdy za prawie 5000$ zmieniła swojego właściciela (nowy kolekcjoner zdecydował się nie publikować dumpu tego kartridża).  

Faust # AtariAge | 04/11/2010 21:16

Keith Erickson, zainspirowany tytułami z MSX/Coleco/SG-1000, wrzucił testową wersję flashowej gierki pt. "Sydney Hunter and the Caverns of DEATH", oczywiście z efektami i grafiką a la 8bit. Jest to na tyle miły tytuł, że warto rzucić na niego przychylnym okiem. W efekcie wyszło mu coś, co chyba najbardziej kojarzy mi się z "Rick Dangerous". Gra posiada jeden w pełni grywalny poziom o całkiem przyzwoitym poziomie trudności. Autor prosi o informacje nt. wszelakich błędy i pomysłów, które pozwoliłyby mu na doszlifowanie tej fleszowej zabawki.  

Faust # AtariAge | 09/10/2010 12:59

Interesuję Was emulacja Coleco Vision, a pod Win7/Viscie nic nie działa, czas sięgnąć po Virtualnego Adama, ten frontend a w zasadzie całe środowisko oparte na DosBoxie pozwoli Wam odpallić AdaMem Marcela de Kogel. Sama komputerek ColecoVision święcił swój panowanie w połowie lat osiemdziesiątych. Nomen omen, całkiem udana konstrukcja, o której w Polsce praktycznie nikt wtedy nie wiedział. Virtual ADAM v1.03 Changelog: This is the final version (barring any bug discoveries) of the Virtual ADAM front end for the ADAMem emulator. It utilizes DOSBox and clears up most of the problems associated with running ADAMem in Windows XP or Vista. This version has built in documentation, clears up some bugs in the previous version, and has its own installation program.

Faust # AtariAge | 27/09/2010 07:49

DSP to multiemulator Spectrum, Amstrad, Nes (Famicon), Colecovision, GameBoy, a na dodatek Callus Capcom 1. W najnowszej edycji dołączono obsługę dwóch sztandarowych produkcji dla CPS1 (Cadillacs and Dinosaurs', 'The Punisher') oraz emulację Qsound (system dźwięku przestrzennego QSound Labs). 26/09 - DSP Emulator 0.10b3 WIP 26/09 Added new translation: Italian (thanks to Davide Michelini!) CPS1: Added QSound chip Added 'Cadillacs and Dinosaurs' and 'The Punisher'

Faust # AtariAge | 21/09/2010 22:40

DSP to multiemulator Spectrum, Amstrad, Nes (Famicon), Colecovision, GameBoy, a na dodatek Callus Capcom 1. Czyli prawdziwy groch z kapustą albo prawdziwa gratka dla osób, które potrzebują jednego emu wielu platform. Wipowska wersja obrodziła przedewszystkim ilością screenshotów;P Fixed Spectrum driver initialization, added some opcodes to M68000 CPS1: Added priorities between sprites and planes, fixed sprites, fixed transparent tiles and added Strider, Three Wonders, Captain Commando, Knights of the Round and SF2' Champion Edition.

Faust # EmuDreams | 14/09/2010 20:49

DSP to multiemulator takich maszynek jak Spectrum, Amstrada, Nes (Famicon), Colecovision, GameBoya/Color, plus na dodatek Callus Capcom 1 i pare konstrukcji arcade. 23/11 - DSP Emulator 0.10b3 Added source and Windows binary of final beta release. Included all changes of WIP versions, finally a GameBoy/GameBoy Color emulation and many other small changes. One of those changes is a better driver list. Now is sorted alphabetically, and shows the information better than before. DSP 0.10ß3 11/23/10 Changelog General ENHANCE: M68000 Code Cleaning Added more opcodes Fixed SBCD opcode (Fixes KOD) Code cleaning Added some more opcodes Fixed ASR (fixes Final Fight and SF2' Champion Edition) +ENHANCE: Thanks to Davide Michelini, added Italian translation +ENHANCE: Improved load ROM system. First » więcej

Faust # EmuDreams | 14/09/2010 18:12

Sympatyczna postać hydraulika Mario, wymyślona przez Nintendo, oficjalnie skończyła 25 lat, gdyż Nintendo nie zaliczyła wieku niemowlęcego dzielnego połykacza grzybków i pogromcy żółwi a rozpoczęła liczyć mu czas od pojawienia się pierwszego tytułu na Nintendo 8 (Famicon) - SUPER MARIO BROS, wydanego 1985 roku. A szkoda, bo nasz dzielny hydraulik rozpoczął swoją karierę 4 lata wcześniej, w grze "Donkey Kong", gdzie ratował swoją ukochaną z rąk tego szalonego goryla. Mario, jest synem Shigeru Miyamoto, jednego z pracowników Nintendo i w dzieciństwie nazywano go "Mr. Video" bądź też "Jumpman", jednak jak wieść gminna niesie, swoje późniejsze imie, zawdzięcza, właścicielowi posesji - Mario Segale, który pewnego dnia pojawił się w biurze żadając zapłaty » więcej

Dalthon # EmuDreams | 20/07/2000 11:02

Nie za często pojawiają się na T2E romy dla tej konsolki :), no ale zawsze musi być ten pierwszy raz... Oto lista tych najnowszych (?):- Air Battle (nowość!) [Daniel Bienvenu] - Breakout (1999) [Daniel Bienvenu] - ColecoVision Monitor Test - Eldcdb Q*bert (klon Q*Bert Qubes) - Jbulman Junior (klon Jumpman Junior) - Vampire (klon Venture)

Pliki z "coleco"

Obrazki z coleco

Linki z "coleco"

The Dot Eaters | Video Game History

A history of video games and video game consoles, from early computer systems that pre-date Atari's PONG, to around the era of the Nintendo Entertainment system. The development of video game consoles like the Atari VCS, Mattel Intellivision, ColecoVision and others are covered, along with computer games from companies like Epyx and Electronic Arts. All are covered from conception to release and the impact on the video game industry and video game buying public. Video games, their designers, publishers and gamers are also extensively covered. Alongside in-depth text stories are lots of images of video games and consoles, along with gameplay and development story videos.

Emultwo at master · alekmaul/pvcollib · GitHub

PVColLib: A small, open and free development kit for the Colecovision - alekmaul/pvcollib

Cogwheel -

A software emulator primarily for 8-bit Sega hardware, such as the Sega Master System, Sega Game Gear and SG-1000. The ColecoVision is also supported. - A History of the Early Computer Industry in 300 Adverts

In a private room at the Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago in January 1977, Commodore launched the world's first complete "personal computer" - a microcomputer that for the first time could be taken out of the box, plugged in and used by regular people without a soldering iron. However, these machines were still expensive and they remained the preserve of businesses and wealthy hobbyists for a few years more. That's until Commodore's VIC-20 and Sinclair's ZX80 ushered in a new wave of affordable home micros at the start of the 1980s which changed everything. The market exploded from tens of thousands of machines a year to millions. Micro companies were suddenly worth $1 billion dollars and their employees were millionaires. Hundreds of companies launched hundreds of machines - the 1980 "Guide to Small Business Systems" contained details of 900 different and largely-incompatible systems. Price wars were started, old scores were settled and companies were destroyed. 8 bits made way for 16 and 32 in the space of a few years. The video games market surged and then collapsed in on itself, taking out Atari and Coleco. For a while Britain led the world in manufacture and adoption, with 80% of all computers sold in Europe being sold in the UK. Then the 8-bit market reached saturation and more companies imploded - Sinclair was sold for its name and assets only, Acorn almost didn't make it and a raft of also-rans fell by the wayside - Camputers, Dragon Data, Elan, Oric and Jupiter Cantab to name but a few. Of the 179 companies in these adverts, only 17 remain, of which 15 are the TI's, BASFs, Sanyos and Yamahas for whom micros were only ever a sideline. Arguably none, including Apple, survive as a pure computer company. Meanwhile, the sleeping giant that was IBM launched its 5150 at the end of 1981 and watched as it slowly but inevitably over the next few years became the standard. Other companies cloned it, copied and improved it and soon the only game in town was the IBM PC. From the latter half of the 1980s, every micro company and its dog was building generic beige boxes. The "wonder years" were over. This collection of nearly 300 adverts attempts to tell something of that story...

CoolCV emulator for Mac OS X, Linux, Windows and Raspberry - ColecoVision / Adam - AtariAge Forums

CoolCV emulator for Mac OS X, Linux, Windows and Raspberry - posted in ColecoVision / Adam: Hi guys.   Ive been stuck for several days with a flu with only a MacBook laptop, and unable to test Mecha-9 and other games sent to me because the available emulators just doesnt handle VDP nuisances, Megacart and even less Super Game Module.   So I ported my private emulator with support for Megacart and Super Game Module, youll need to download also libSDL 2 from http://w...

Pantheon - New HomePage

Multi-system Emulator for Windows OS. Pantheon allows you to play thousands of games for video consoles and home computers from the past. Latest version supports Acorn Atom, Acorn BBC Micro, Acorn Electron, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 7800, Atari 8-bit computers, Atari Lynx, ColecoVision, Magnavox Odyssey2, MSX computers, and Sega Master System. Game files are downloaded from the Internet.


ColecoVision videogame console. The request contained a short document on the ColecoVision internals, from which I found that ColecoVision was not much different from MSX. Thus, I got to work and in a short while made a ColecoVision emulator, later known as ColEm.

SDCC - Small Device C Compiler

sdcc is the C compiler that both Daniel's and ColecoVision toolkits and libraries use. It currently is the best C compiler targeting the z80 and keeps improving. Also I hope that my work on sdcc may somehow excuse that all my homebrew game projects are far behind schedule.

JGameBase - GameBase in Java

jGameBase is a Java port of GameBase, a fully-featured retro-gaming emulator frontend and game database utility (e.g. GB64 Collection of C64 games). It supports virtually any emulator for any system and has versatile database searching and filtering. There are databases for Apple II, Atari ST, Coleco ColecoVision, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64, Commodore VIC20, Nintendo NES, Nintendo SNES, and Sinclair ZXSpectrum.

dsp-emulator - Project Hosting on Google Code

Delphi & Lazarus+Free Pascal free emulator. Arcade, Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, NES, Coleco Vision...

MEKA Homepage

MEKA Emulator Homepage. MEKA is a multi console emulator by Omar Cornut and contributors. Available for MS-DOS, MS-Windows and maybe GNU/Linux, it emulates Sega Master System, Game Gear, SG-1000, SC-3000, SF-7000, ColecoVision and NES.

Newsy Linkownia Emulatory na PC Wideoteka Screenshoty Bajtek Reduks Ready.Run

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