Szukam advanced

# | 01/10/2018 22:12

 Przyszła pora na kolejną wersję narzędzia SCADM (SAM Coupé Advanced Disk Manager). Jest trochę nowości i pole do dalszego rozwoju, o czym niżej. Najważniejsze nowości to: narzędzie do importu obrazków z PC, które w założeniu ma pokonać niedoskonałości i uciążliwości programu BMP2SCR, który był do tej pory chyba najlepszym narzędziem służącym do importu obrazków, wyszukiwarka plików na obrazach dyskietek - podajemy np. fragment nazwy pliku i dostajemy listę obrazów we wskazanym folderze, na których taki plik występuje, konwerter obrazów dyskietek, umożliwiający seryjną konwersję formatów w całym folderze, przeglądarka obrazków w trybie gigascreen z ZX Spectrum, o których niedawno zrobiło się głośniej za sprawą » więcej

Faust # Twitter Shonumi Ikuzumo | 02/04/2018 21:28

Powrót po dłuższej przerwie - D.S. Baxter (Shonumi) opublikował nowy emulator Nintendo GameBoy/GameBoy Advanced i DS, w odróżnieniu od pozostałych, głównym celem aplikacji nie jest jak najwierniejsze oddanie pracy tej przenośnej konsoli, a przede wszystkim możliwość podrasowania i poprawiania grafiki w grach na tą maszynkę. Program pozwala rippować elementy GFX, które można poddać dowolnej obróbce a następnie załadować je w miejsce oryginalnych. Ot, zabawa dla wielbicieli "titles" - klocków, bodajże 8x8 pikseli;). Oprócz tego sam emulator radzi sobie całkiem przyjemnie z tytułami dla GB.

Faust # Twitter Shonumi Ikuzumo | 07/05/2016 11:45

Kolejne zmiany w wersji testowej emulatora SEGI SATURN, co prawda zmiany prawdopodbnie dotyczą tylko klawiszy funkcyjnych i na szybko emulator nie chciał mi się odpalić (kłopot ze sterownikiem dźwięku), ale może ktoś innym potrzebuje sprawdzić, co też zmieniło się w tym wiernym emulatorze konsoli SEGI. Poprawka dla wersji emulatora wykorzystującej mechanikę AVX.

# | 04/03/2014 21:20

Każdy, kto kiedykolwiek miał potrzebę wrzucenia pliku na obraz dyskietki Sam-a Coupe albo wyciągnięcia pliku z takiego obrazu, zetknął się pewnie z programem Sam Coupe Diskimage Manager, autorstwa dobrze znanego w świecie Sam-a (jak również ZX Spectrum) Edwina Blinka. Nieliczni wiedzieli, że program ZX-Blockeditor również potrafi odczytać niektóre formaty dyskietek Sam-a. Ja jednak potrzebowałem czegoś więcej. Programu, który by maksymalnie przyśpieszył i uprościł kopiowanie plików pomiędzy dwoma dyskietkami, a także między dyskietką Sam-a i dyskiem PC. Tak powstał Sam Coupe Advanced Disk Manager, który z czasem zyskiwał nowe, potrzebne mi w danej chwili funkcje. Aż w końcu rozrósł się do rozmiarów niezłego "kombajnu", zyskał obecną nazwę i formę » więcej

Faust # | 14/04/2012 16:19

Obie gałęzi kodu VisualBoyAdvanced ReRecording, czyli modyfikacji VBA pozwalającej na nagranie przebiegu emulacji, zostały zaktualizowane o poprawki w działaniu skryptów LUA.

Faust # emuNova | 17/09/2011 21:44

Na scenie emulacji handheldów Nintendo, która wydaję się całkowicie zdominowana przez no$gba i klony VisualBoyAdvance, pojawił się emulator autorstwa AntonioND - GiiBiiAdvanced, który de facto jest rozwinięciem jego poprzednika GiiBii. Korzystając z rozwiązań z GiiBii pozwala on na emulację GB/CGB i SGB (Super GameBoy, GiiBiiAdvanced ma poprawioną emulację tej zabawki w stosunku do poprzednika), jako ciekawostkę warto też wspomnieć o emulacji także GameBoy'owej kamery i GB Printer. GiiBii obsługuję też akcelerometr, wykorzystywany np. w Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble. Dodany rdzeń GBA dość dobrze radzi sobie z paroma tytułami, które przetestowałem skrobiąc tych parę zdań, jak dla mnie emulator wykazuje się dość irytującym przesunięciem ekranu jednak jest to jedyna wada jakiej się dopatrzyłem (autor » więcej

Faust # emuNova | 20/04/2011 21:04

Emulator Apple II wraz z jego podróbkami z bloku wschodniego (Pravetz - Bułgaria i właśnie Agat - Rosja) dorobił się kolejnej partii poprawek - poprawa wirtualnego napędu CD, kosmetyka w obsłudze klawiatury w Pravetz'u i dodano nowy przykład (na zdjęciu) dla AGAT 9.     Changes in the version 1.20.1 Improved emulation of TEAC drive. Now it shows true rotation period 200 ms in speed tests. Added example of Fantavision for Agat-9. Changed behaviour of Caps Lock and Shift buttons in Apple //e and Pravetz 8A. Fixed keyboard emulation code for Pravetz 8A. Changes in the version 1.20 New configuration window gives advanced control over emulation of all systems: Specify if it is necessary to start systems in full-screen mode or in windowed (default); » więcej

Faust # emuNova | 17/04/2011 12:00

Mamy pełną wersję 1.20 tego emulatora Apple II wraz z jego podróbkami z bloku wschodniego (Pravetz - Bułgaria i właśnie Agat - Rosja), a w nim zmiany, które ułatwią korzystanie z emulatora na słabszych maszynkach (opcja Synchronous update), możemy wymusić start programu w trybie fullscreen i agat dorobił się debuggera. Changes in the version 1.20 New configuration window gives advanced control over emulation of all systems: Specify if it is necessary to start systems in full-screen mode or in windowed (default); Specify if emulated systems should continue to run in background (without focus to window); Enable or disable sound effects for floppy drives; Enable or disable new internal debugger; Specify disassembly mode in the debugger; Select one of two » więcej

Faust # emuNova | 04/04/2011 10:23

W najnowszej wersji MESS'a, który korzystając z architektury MAME, emuluje poszczególne mikrokomputery i jako tako radzi sobie z poszczególnym konstrukcjami. W tej edycji jedynaście nowych konstrukcji, z czego tylko cztery działają na tyle dobrze aby można było się im bliżej przyjrzeć, spora ilość poprawek w driverze obsługującym NINTENDO GAMEBOY ADVANCED (gba) i zasadniczo dość krórka ilość poprawek w innych modułach. Cóż, prawdopodobnie to właśnie w gui messa są problemy, które tak dają się we znaki windosowskim klonom MAME - trudno więc się dziwić, iż przynajmniej ta wersja MESS'a, także jest pozbawiona zwyczajowego GUI. Dobrze jest czasami zerknąć na automatyczny build MESS'A - aby śledzić zmiany na bieżąco w tym drugim po » więcej

Faust # emuNova | 18/03/2011 01:32

Nowy SVN rerecordingu klonu VBA b23.4 emulującego GameBoy Advanced, CGB i GB, a pozwalającego nagrywać proces emulacji.      Spyro Adventures   Revision: 330 Author: aquanull Date: 16:44:51, 17 marca 2011 This should fix a rare desync problem. Revision: 329 Author: gochaism Date: 16:02:36, 17 marca 2011 Lua: add sound.get() (by the way, why is the almost entire code of lua-engine.cpp indented? I really don't get it) GBA: add missing ioMem write of NR24 GB: double wave memory volume (i.e. it becomes the same as GBASound)

Obrazki z advanced

Linki z "advanced"

Basilisk II -

I recently ported the Basilisk II Classic Macintosh emulator to run in a web browser. I've been hoping to get it running for some time, and previously made an attempt back in 2013, before switching to focus on the PCE emulator. Since then browser technologies have advanced, and I've learned a lot more about emulation (in part by making a simulated computer of my own). The Basilisk II port is the culmination of both of these things. Anyway, let's get into the gory technical details of how it works.

Advanced NES ROM Utility

This is an easy to use utility for performing some tasks on NES / FC ROMs! Following functions are included: Read iNES, NES2.0 and Nintendo header information Fix checksums in Nintendo header Split into single ROM files for burning (PlayChoice-10 support) Split into equal sized parts for burning (VS Unisystem support) Expand ROM (requires Nflate) Apply IPS, UPS, BPS, BDF and Xdelta patches

Advanced SNES ROM Utility

Advanced SNES ROM Utility

C64 dreams

C64 Dreams is a curated collection of 3000 Commodore 64 games, as well as a collection of SID tracks, demoscene demos, magazines, and diskmags; Launchbox is used to organize them. The Commodore 64 is an 8-bit home computer introduced in January 1982 by Commodore International. It has been listed in the Guinness World Records as the highest-selling single computer model of all time, with independent estimates placing the number sold between 10 and 17 million units. Volume production started in early 1982. Preceded by the Commodore VIC-20 and Commodore PET, the C64 took its name from its 64 kilobytes of RAM. It had superior sound and graphical specifications compared to other earlier systems such as the Apple II and Atari 800, with multi-color sprites and a more advanced sound processor.

ON and OFF, by Tufty

ON and OFF by Tufty, released 10 December 2021 1. Beeperman 2. ON and OFF ... Beep 3. Radio In The Rain 4. Xenoblast is Go ! 5. Hey Beeper ! 6. Ride the beep 7. Superhair vs Tron 8. Will I dream ? 9. Beeper Revolution 10. The 8 Bit Wars 11. Pi-Dentity 12. Transporter (utz guest track) 13. Down The Pipe 14. Spectronica Part 2 15. Electrostatic Dystopia (Graz Mix) A brand new 1-Bit Beeper album by Rich 'Tufty' Hollins Recorded from real vintage ZX Spectrum hardware. All the music is synthesized in real time and the album download includes .TAP file to play on a 48K/128K ZX Spectrum or emulator. Bonus tracks included with the download: Synthetic キスキス Mech Wars Beethoven Beeps Plus 4 extra ZX Spectrum 48k Emulator recordings of tracks 2,5,10,13 Fantastic album art by Trevor Storey CD available here: Tracks 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,18 recorded from a real 48k Spectrum Tracks 5,10,16,17 recorded from a real 128k Spectrum +2B (48k mode) The album is dedicated to the legendary British inventor Sir Clive Sinclair who invented the ZX Spectrum and sadly passed away this year at the age of 81. An example of what can be achieved with his iconic machine, where an active community of developers, artists and musicians are still pushing the boundaries 40 years after its release. The 48K model has no soundchip and can only make a sound by a signal being sent to its speaker to an On or Off state. This drives creativity and requires clever software sound engines to push the machine to its limit to generate the unique sound. Raw and dirty, the charismatic sound of 1-bit beeper. This is the follow-up to the successful Spectronica. Over 2 years in the making using the best and most advanced ZX sound engines from Irrlicht Project (utz) and Alex 'Shiru' Semenov. All tracks were created by Rich 'Tufty' Hollins except guest track 12 which was written by utz and track 15 which was remixed by Graz. Track 15 is a dark dystopian remix of Spectronica's Electrostatic layering over the original ZX Spectrum beeper track. Tracks 5 & 8 are based on originals by Take That and Gary Numan. Tracks 11 & 13 are based on originals by David Arnold & Man 2 Man Track 4 is an expansion of a short C64 demo tune by Tim Follin. Track 7 is based on Daft Punk's Tron Legacy and track 9 is an expansion of the Amiga mod, Revolution. Bonus track 18 is based on A fifth of Beethoven by Walter Murphy ZX Spectrum file also here: CDs and other formats available soon ... Beep On.


Nin is an advanced Nintendo Entertainement System and Famicom emulator that is actively being developped.


Kigen is a RetroArch-based multi-emulator that allows emulating the Sega Master System, GameGear, Genesis, SegaCD, 32X, Sega Saturn and now Arcade using various libretro cores and supports advanced shaders such as color-duplicator2.

NUON-Dome -

The best source for information relating to NUON, VM Labs' DVD processor that brings interactivity, games and advanced playback functions to DVD Players. All the latest news, reviews and media.

RPCS3 Nekotekina is creating a PS3 emulator | Patreon

RPCS3 is an early work-in-progress open-source PS3 emulator. Several commercial games currently already run on the emulator, but most only show title screens or don't boot. AAA titles such as The Last of Us and other advanced games do not currently work. There is a lot of work to be done. Working on the emulator is very exciting, but it is also extremely time-consuming. That's why your help is needed. The money received will go towards: Supporting the Lead Core Developer Nekotekina so they can keep working full-time on RPCS3 and buy any hardware required for development and testing. Supporting the Lead Graphics Developer kd-11 so they can buy any hardware required for development and testing. Paying other project related expenses.


ReShade - Advanced post-processing everywhere.

QPC - Advanced Sinclair QL emulator for DOS and Windows

QPC support pages

Programmermind C64

The focus of this page is to share some of my knowledge of the C64. There are also some downloads (D64 files) for the WinVICE C64 emulator. Finally at the bottom you can view all of my current videos found on Youtube for the Commodore 64. here. C64 Tutorials On my Youtube channel, you will also find content for programming in Basic and Assembly language usually using WinVICE C64. There are also older videos that teach the same thing for the Atari 8-bit computer. I have found that the channel is getting stronger now that I have a focus on the Commodore 64. So for now that will be my primary mission - providing helpful guides for new and advanced users for the Commodore 64.

μ64 & υ64 - Commodore 64 Emulators

Aimed to become the most accurate C64 Emulator. a High-End Computer is strongly recommended. The highly advanced successor of brotkaestchen (fr-051) from BeRo / farbrausch. Currently micro64 has two different VIC II emulation modes (both are half-cycle exact): »single pixel dot clock exact« (very accurate, slow) and »dynamic pixel block-wise« (quite fast, even on slower machines). Normally you shouldn't notice any differences, except in demos with a lot of VIC II trickery. If your computer is fast enough you definitely should use the accurate mode.

vic20emu - VIC-20 Emulator in Java

vic20emu is written in Java, so it supports a wide range of host platforms. It comes with a modern user-interface that is superior to original debuggers on the Vic-20 and supports analyzing different aspects of the system (e.g., charts for signals on the VIA ports, advanced code profiling). The debugger that can be started from the development environment with symbols loaded and ready to run the program, thereby conveniently completing the code-compile-debug cycle.


NESICIDE is an Integrated Development Environment for the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System. With it you will be able to create NES games without the need for external editors or build systems. Everything from graphics designers, sound designers, code editors, to emulation with advanced debugging and profiling features will be featured. The creations can be played within NESICIDE itself, on your favorite emulator, put onto a PowerPak and played on a real NES, or burned into EEPROMs and placed onto your very own cartridge.

BBC BASIC for Windows

BBC BASIC for Windows is an advanced implementation of BBC BASIC for PCs running Microsoft Windows™ (Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1 or Windows 10), providing the programmer with a familiar language but with a modern interface. It combines the simplicity of BASIC with the sophistication of a structured language, allowing you to write utilities and games, use sound and graphics, perform calculations and create complete Windows™ applications. In short, using BBC BASIC you will be able to make your PC do what you want it to!

Fce Ultra on Sourceforge

FCEUX is a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), Famicom, Famicom Disk System (FDS), and Dendy emulator. It supports NTSC (USA/JPN), PAL (European), and NTSC-PAL Hybrid modes. It supports both Windows and SDL versions for cross compatibility. The FCEUX concept is that of an "all in one" emulator that offers accurate emulation and the best options for both casual play and a variety of more advanced emulator functions. For pro users, FCEUX offers tools for debugging, rom-hacking, map making, Tool-assisted movies, and Lua scripting FCEUX is an evolution of the original FCE Ultra emulator. Over time FCE Ultra had separated into many distinct branches. The concept behind FCEUX is to merge elements from FCEU Ultra, FCEU rerecording, FCEUXD, FCEUXDSP, FCEUXDSP CE, and FCEU-mm into a single branch of FCEU. As the X implies, it is an all-encompassing version of the FCEU emulator that provides the best of all worlds for the general player, the ROM-hacking community, and the Tool-Assisted Speedrun Community.

Future Pinball Setup

Future Pinball is a real time Pinball Development System. It allows you to design and play your very own pinball simulation in True real time 3D. It uses Advanced Physics to provide the best possible Simulation of a true to life pinball machine. Tables are built up out of Standard components (Plastics, Pegs, Bumpers, Lights etc..) which are placed onto the playfield via the Editor. Objects like Surfaces, Lights and Rubbers are shapeable within the editor and generated real-time when the table is played. Other objects (Bumpers, Flippers, Gates, Triggers, Targets etc..) use pre-made 3d Models (of which there is a nice selection of each type). The Table logic is scripted in Visual Basic Scripting (via the Microsoft Scripting Technology's built into Microsoft Windows). Scripting is designed to be simple but flexible enough to allow a wide vararity of Original Games to be created. Only a limited subset of the Visual Basic Scripting Language is used as a lot of extra functionality is provided by the game engine. Full Sound / Music Support is also provided with multiple Music Channels to allow cross fading. As Future Pinball is a Game Construction Program it contains some advanced concepts which may require a little bit of time (and patience) to learn and fully understand (such as computer graphics and scripting concepts).

The Dragon 32/64 Computers

The Dragon is an 8-bit personal computer based upon the Motorola MC6809E microprocessor. Made in Wales by Dragon Data Ltd., two variants were sold in the UK: the Dragon 32 (basic version, 32K RAM) and the Dragon 64 (64K RAM, serial port, other very minor differences). The on-board ROM contains a version of Microsoft Extended Colour BASIC, but more advanced operating systems like OS-9 and FLEX are available. An NTSC version of the Dragon 64 was released in the USA as the Tano Dragon, and Eurohard repackaged it in Spain as the Dragon 200. David Linsley has written a comprehensive history, available here.

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