Warhead [Amiga]
Amiga "Warhead" (1989) przez Glyn Williams. Muzyka: Michael Powell.

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Pentagon Evolution workshop (12/2011 by z00m/T.C.G.)

Opublikowane 22-12-2011 12:00

Prezentace moderního ruského klonu počítače Sinclair ZX Spectrum: Pentevo (Pentagon Evolution / ZX-Evo) na JHConu 2011.
Shiryu - The 8-Bit Renegade

Opublikowane 24-12-2011 12:11

"Shiryu's Arcade Volume 5" DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/?b26nd25hodt7i2w http://shiryumusic.no.sapo.pt || http://www.facebook.com/ShiryuMusic Before I even knew who was Kunio, there was just "Renegade", a stunning coin-op conversion on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum that I consider to this day a ...
IntroGigademo #5

Opublikowane 30-12-2011 08:57

A little piece of history ZX Spectrum Cracktros. 60 intros in one TR-DOS disk! (R) 2011 AAA Dand
Micro Men - 720p (2009)
Autor gimpymoo

Opublikowane 29-01-2012 13:35

Affectionately comic drama about the British home computer boom of the early 1980s. Legendary inventor Clive Sinclair battles it out with ex-employee Chris Curry, founder of Acorn Computers, for dominance in the fledgling market. The rivalry comes to a head when the BBC announce their Computer Literacy Project, ...
[AMSTRAD CPC] R-Type 128K Remake - Teaser Preview! *NOW AVAILABLE!*

Opublikowane 03-02-2012 23:38

The new R-Type remake for the Amstrad CPC!! *NOW AVAILABLE!* http://cpc.rtype.fr (** PLEASE NOTE THIS IS ON AN EMULATOR, THINGS LOOK AND MOVE A LOT NICER ON A REAL AMSTRAD! **)

Opublikowane 08-02-2012 17:39

KEEP ON BEEPING - The One and Only Screencast on 1-bit Music Episode 3 - ZX-7 by Ján Deák (1988/90)
ZX-Spectrum - reklama Kronika wczoraj i dziś [speccy.pl]

Opublikowane 27-02-2012 11:41

Dość nietrafiona seria reklamowa emitowana w TVP INFO mająca zachęcić do jakiejś bzdurnej akcji esemesowej a zbudowana na zasadzie wczoraj było be, dzisiaj jest cacy. Cóż, osobom pozbawionym całkowicie zmysłu historycznego i niepamiętających feelingu jakiemu towarzyszyło to "żmudne ...
Knight Lore (128K Hack) Walkthrough, ZX Spectrum

Opublikowane 02-03-2012 10:08

A walkthrough of a hacked 128K version of Knight Lore on the ZX Spectrum. It has 128K music for the title screen, in-game and game over screens. For some reason the game over screen music is Money, Money, Money by Abba. Also, there's an intro before the main game loads featuring an animation of the wizard changing ...
Autor peloquin

Opublikowane 07-03-2012 22:02

  Northstar released by Gremlin Graphics 1988 and programmed by Jon O'Brien. I bought this on a compilation directly from Gremlin Graphics after reading an advertisement about it. I think it was called 10 Mega Games Volume 1. It was instantly one of my favourites on the package along with Deflektor, Cybernoid ...
Let's Compare ( 1942 )
Autor GamingHistorySource"

Opublikowane 18-03-2012 11:12

0:24 Arcade 1:19 ZX Spectrum 2:24 NEC PC88 3:33 Amstrad 4:37 MSX 5:41 Commodore 64 6:46 Gameboy Color 7:51 NES