Warhead [Amiga]
Amiga "Warhead" (1989) przez Glyn Williams. Muzyka: Michael Powell.

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Emulator ZX Spectrum na Androida

Opublikowane 14-04-2011 01:15

komentarze: http://www.testhub.pl/default.asp?grupa=43722&temat=105732
SV2k11 Invitro / Noice + Mystic Bytes (Atari 2600/VCS)

Opublikowane 13-05-2011 10:08

Invitation for the Silly Venture 2011 in Poland (http://www.sillyventure.pl/). This intro is running on the Atari 2600/VCS hardware, using a 8kb bankswitching cartridge. Credits: Code by Andreas Gustafsson aka. Shadow/Noice Graphics by Piesiu/MysticBytes^Agenda Music by Jakub Husak Text by Grey/MysticBytes
Walker game (demo) running on ZX Spectrum

Opublikowane 14-06-2011 07:28

A classic legendary Amiga shoot-em up game from DMA Design ported by russian coders to ZX Spectrum (Pentagon clone). Fully playable demo, without sounds. Full version was never released (as I know).
Redsector Megademo

Opublikowane 21-06-2011 08:22

The first megademo made by RSI for the amiga in 1989, this two disk demo was run and captured from my 17 year old amiga A500
Po co komu Głuchołazy 2k11 ?

Opublikowane 13-07-2011 10:36

Zlot 8bitowców w Głuchołazach. Szczegóły tutaj
[NES] B-Wings by Stobczyk (Longplay) (No Skip Level)

Opublikowane 19-07-2011 17:56

Gra - legenda, tak można w skrócie powiedzieć o B-Wings. B-Wings na pierwszy rzut oka jest tzw. zwykłym shoot'em'up. Lecimy statkiem kosmicznym i niszczymy wszystko, co pojawia się dookoła nas, całość widzimy w standardowym ujęciu - "z góry". Jest jednak coś, czego próżno ...
[DiHalt 2011] M C M X C V I I by thesuper

Opublikowane 28-07-2011 10:15

M C M X C V I I by thesuper for DiHalt 2011 zx-spectrum 128k+ay demo drwho - sweetbutt - lovebeam
[DiHalt 2011] The Board by Alone Coder

Opublikowane 28-07-2011 10:17

The Board by Alone Coder for DiHalt 2011 3D NPCs from Quake on ZX Spectrum ATM Turbo 2+ 14MHz
[DiHalt 2011] Kilodemo by AAA Band

Opublikowane 28-07-2011 10:18

Kilodemo by AAA Band for DiHalt 2011
[DiHalt 2011] Moon Cat by AER

Opublikowane 28-07-2011 10:19

Moon Cat by AER for DiHalt 2011