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Clive Sinclair - The Pace Setters
Autor amigajunkie

Opublikowane 08-04-2012 20:36

  Profile of inventor and designer Clive Sinclair. An introduction to Sinclair's entrepreneurial accomplishments are provided complete with footage of his best-known inventions, including, the first pocket calculator, the digital "Black Watch", the "Microvision" pocket television, and his ...
Moleman 2 - Demoscene - The Art of the Algorithms (2012)

Opublikowane 07-04-2012 10:41 Please rate the film on IMDb: In the 1980's, something changed the world forever. Computer technology, mostly due to the appearance of affordable Commodore 64's, entered households worldwide, providing the opportunity for everyone to create digital art. ...
ITV Database - Piracy of Apple Computers

Opublikowane 05-04-2012 00:42

An episode of the 1980s TV show ITV Database - their version of BBC MicroLive! showing Tony Bastable in Hong Kong purchasing a "cloned" Apple computer and also software.
SCRAM: 1981 ABC Nightline Interview with Chris Crawford
Autor Laura J Mixon

Opublikowane 16-03-2012 10:29

Ted Koppel interviews game designer Chris Crawford on his nuclear reactor simulation game, SCRAM.
Amiga X Party, Warsaw, 25.02.12

Opublikowane 03-03-2012 10:55


Opublikowane 29-02-2012 11:05
Commodore 64

Opublikowane 29-01-2012 13:36

I just picked up my first C64 today! The C64 is the greatest selling PC model of all time and a very capable gaming machine too. In part 1 I talk about the C64 history and take a look at the system itself.
Micro Men - 720p (2009)
Autor gimpymoo

Opublikowane 29-01-2012 13:35

Affectionately comic drama about the British home computer boom of the early 1980s. Legendary inventor Clive Sinclair battles it out with ex-employee Chris Curry, founder of Acorn Computers, for dominance in the fledgling market. The rivalry comes to a head when the BBC announce their Computer Literacy Project, ...
Collectors - Computers, ABC episode 14 2010

Opublikowane 05-01-2012 13:41

With the ever increasing desire for more giga or terabytes of memory, it seems surprising that anyone would want redundant computers from a bygone era. Max Burnet does, and has determinedly salvaged many odd-looking old computers over the 40 years he has been collecting. Max worked with Digital Equipment Corporation ...
Microbee – "The Evolutionary Computers"

Opublikowane 05-01-2012 13:38

Promotional video put together in 1986 for the Hannover Fair / CeBIT trade show. Missing Approx 4 mins from the start of the Video.

Najczęściej oglądane

With the ever increasing desire for more giga or terabytes of memory, it seems surprising that anyone would want redundant computers from a bygone ...
Samia Halaby is a world renowned painter who purchased a Commodore Amiga 1000 in 1985 at the tender age of 50 years old. She taught herself the BASIC ...
Przedstawiamy nasz film dokumentalny traktujący o historii giełd komputerowych w Polsce od momentu ich powstania w połowie lat 80-tych przez ...
Miłośnicy "creepypasty" mogą już zacząć zacierać ręcę. Dziś w System Error Prime poruszymy temat niebezpiecznego automatu do gier ...
Atari Explorer Online (AEO) visited the first Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) show in 1995. This annual video game conference and show is held at ...
The Commodore 64, a massive success story for Commodore and the home to some of the most memorable games of the 80's. I take a look at a few of the ...
Recording of a Q&A session with Robert Jaeger, the author of Montezuma's Revenge. The session took place during the Pixel Heaven 2023 festival.
Patreon: We are living through a digital revolution. A super-connected world in which technology engulfs every ...
Marek Pampuch, legendarny naczelny "Magazynu Amiga", opowiada, dlaczego przestał jeździć na amigowe imprezy i jak dał się ...