Szukam Vice

Faust @ 22/08/2010 09:35

Mineło parę dni i proszę - nowe WinUAE:) WinUAE v2.3.0 Beta 12 changelog: without '' in harddrive paths was detected as a relative path, automatically add missing '', it was commonly used in old config files CD32 pad in 2-button mode usually returned non-existing 3rd button pressed CD32 pad in 2-button mode didn't have pullup resistor emulation (was lost when joystick pullups were removed in 2.2) autocorrect CD32/CDTV CDA starting position if R-W subchannel data is detected, workaround for a bug (happens on real CD32 and CDTV too) that can cause missed subchannel frames at play startup causing corrupt or missing CD+G graphics CD thread safety critical sections moved to common part from image mounter CD image mounter in play state while replacing image: state was still reported as playing do not enable rawinput if rawinput » więcej

Faust @ 20/08/2010 18:15

Stella to emulatorem konsolki ATARI 2600 pod większość systemów operacyjnych. Pomimo sentymentu do Atarynki, nigdy nie byłem zachwycony możliwościami tej zabawki, dopiero 5600 była już "prawie" znośna. NOTE: because of the many event-related changes in this release, all event mapping should be reset to defaults after starting Stella for the first time. As well, because of other internal changes, older save-state files are no longer valid. Many improvements to joystick handling code, particularly for analog axes. Navigating the UI should be much smoother now, and remapping events to analog axes should be less 'twitchy'. Added ability to assign and remap 'combo' events in emulation mode. Combo events are basically a sequence of normal events (up to 8) that are generated from a single event (ie, one button on a » więcej

Faust @ 18/08/2010 09:12

AF to jeden z najstarszych pakietów emulujących AMIGĘ na rynku komercyjnym, oprócz specjalnie dobranego softu, zestaw od zawsze chulał pod UAE i w zasadzie jego użytkowanie, oprócz frontendu dość dobrze ułatwiającego konfigurację emulatora, w niczym  nieodbiegało od zabawy na darmowym oprogramowaniu. Co odróżnia Amiga Forever od darmowych utilów? Jeden znamienny fakt, wraz z nim, otrzymujemy pakiet kickstartów [romów] i z tego, co wiem jest to jedyny sposób, aby otrzymać je w sposób legalny; dodatkowo otrzymujemy zmodyfikowany Workbench. Oprogramowanie można nabyć w trzech podstawowych wersjach: Value (9.95EURO 90mb - tylko kickstart 1.3) (online), Plus (29 Euro) (online, 520mb) i gold (2DVD, 49Euro). Tutaj można zobaczyć różnicę pomiędzy pakietami. » więcej

Luc @ 30/11/2000 17:23

Serwis C64 POWER miał kolejną ciekawą aktualizację! Wrzuciłem na serwer 20 Nowych Gier na Commodore 64 [dział Gry], z czego 3 gry są ciekawie zrecenzowane. Jeśli ktoś nie pobrał jeszcze najnowszej wersji emulatora VICE 1.5 dla Windows - koniecznie powinien zajrzeć do działu Download/Emulatory. A na koniec znakomity artykuł o zagadkowym sprzęcie ze stajni Commodore - Educator64. Zdradzę, że komputer ten był używany niegdyś do nauki! Gdzie, jak i kiedy? O tym przekonacie się na C64 POWER w dziale Sprzęt/Ciekawostki! No to jak? Wchodzimy ? Zapraszam > C64 POWER

Faust @ 13/11/2000 07:55

Yape,emulatorek maszynek Commodore C16/116/Plus 4 nabawił się nowej edycji. Z ciekawostek - poprawa kompatybilności, więcej gierek łazi i współpraca z formatami zapisu image taśmy z Vice i CCS64 [emulatory C64]. exact TED timings at last, including "correct" color and character buffering (this actually broke some already working games...) MTAP support, the same tape format that is used in CCS64 and VICE, is now supported! (you should even be able to save/load to/from external TAP files now! Turboloaders also work - check this screenshot here!) timers are now decreased in every second TED clock cycle only... preliminary SID emulation (courtesy of Csabo) full ROM banking via dialog window reorganised menubar you can now load/save user settings and they are reloaded at startup (yape.ini) » więcej

Dalthon @ 27/10/2000 16:46

Wersja 1.07 emulatora U64Emu do pobrania!!! - A new input config screen has been made which should work with the keyboard and most joysticks. It will work with any DirectInput devices. - Fixed a problem "TestMode" that was preventing people from changing difficulty. - Bug that crashed emulator when performing a fatality should be fixed.Może w końcu dzisiaj odpalę Killer Instinct, bo wczoraj okazało się że zip z romem (właściwie z biosem) mam skopany ;(

Dalthon @ 11/10/2000 12:28

Czemu po raz drugi? Bo mamy dwie wersje innego emulatora konsoli NES: SwNES Service Pack v0.25 oraz SwNES v0.20 (obie wersje bez 'krzaczków' ;) - Modify Some Mapper Bugs - Modify FC Ext.Driver: HyperShot & Add FC Ext.Driver: Excite Boxing - Use Unzip32.DLL & Unlha32.dll For Support ZIP/LHA Format - Support VS Unisystem - Support Real Time Save & Load Nic więcej nie mogę napisać, bo nigdy nim(i) się nie bawiłem - kto chce niech testuje :)

Faust @ 11/09/2000 01:36

Huh... bardzo szybko musieli uwinąć się betatesterzy, sokoro praktycznie w ciągu dwóch dni pojawiła się nowa, oficjalna wersja najbardziej rozbudowanego emulatora komputerów AMIGA - WinUAE [a w zasadzie jest to li tylko port emulatora UAE pod linuksa, to tak gwoli przypomnienia]. Sporo zmian, ponoć poprawiona kompatybilność [zaraz sprawdzę na niechodzącej od zawsze grze WARHEAD]:), jednym słowem trzeba znów sięgnąć po płytki;). - FIXED: When WinUAE is full-screen, the Message dialog-box no longer "hides" and locks up WinUAE. Instead, WinUAE will automatically minimize itself and display the dialog-box on the Windows Desktop. - FIXED: log-file no longer fills up with blit failure reports. - FIXED: Some resources (critical-sections, threads) weren't being cleaned-up. - FIXED: [Load From...] button now works properly. - » więcej

Faust @ 04/09/2000 02:14

Kto nie ściągnął w piątek, powinien teraz dossać najnowszą edycję doskonałego udawacza Super Nintendo pod Dos'a. Prawdopodobnie będzie to jedna z ostatnich wersji stworzonych przez dotychczasowego autora zsKnighta, który zapowiedział, iż opuszcza emuscene. Nie ma jednak powodów do niepokoju, ZsKnight na pożegnanie udostępni kod źródłowy ZSNES'a c:). Napewno nastąpi jednak pożeganie z Dosem, istnieje już pierwsza edycja ZSNES'a pod okienka - na osłodę, będzie ona uzupełniona o obsługę TCP/IP, jednym słowem będziemy mogli pograć w sieci:). Implemented C4 emulation: C4 Sprite structure -> OAM conversion routines Sprite Rotate/Scale ability Sprite disintegrate function All in-game used math co-processor functions (hopefully) Both wireframe modes There are still some problems with C4 emulation, but I'd » więcej

Dalthon @ 31/08/2000 12:47

Może w tej wersji Sega Saturn uda się coś odpalić :)) Ponieważ info jest całe w 'krzaczkach' to nie wiem czego się można spodziewać (ale coś poprawiono od wczoraj :) - zamiast tego rozpiska postępów w emulacji: Master SH2 99% Slave SH2 99% SH2 local device 50% MC68ECK 96% SCSP 15% SCU 50% VDP1 40% VDP2 50% SMPC System management 70% SMPC Joypad (digital device) 95% CD block 10% Internal Backup Ram 99% External Backup Ram 0% 4MB Ram 90%

Pliki z "Vice"

Obrazki z Vice

Linki z "Vice"

MUMIO - ZX Spectrum devices

Sklep internetowy. Najlepsze produkty w przystępnych cenach kupisz tylko tutaj !

C64 Studio

C64 Studio is a .NET based IDE. The program supports project based C64 assembly or Basic V2. The internal assembler is using the ACME syntax. In connection with Vice the IDE allows you to debug through your code and watch variables/memory locations, registers and memory. Any other emulator can be set up as well if it's startable via runtime arguments. C64 Studio allows you to compile to raw binary, .prg, .t64, .d64 or cartridge format (.bin and .crt for 8k, 16k, MagicDesk) Additionally to this C64 Studio comes with a charset, sprite and media editor (tape and disk).

C64 Studio Manual/Download

C64Studio v7.0C64 Studio is an assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. In this version improvements for export,Tiny64 Debugger, SpriteEditor, Disassembler, sprites, Char screen editor, Charset editor, BASIC label mode, Mapeditor, !ifdef, else if, !if, !ifndef, REM and import.

Munt · GitHub

A multi-platform software synthesiser emulating pre-GM MIDI devices such as the Roland MT-32, CM-32L, CM-64 and LAPC-I. In no way endorsed by or affiliated with Roland Corp.


CloudpilotEmu is an emulator for Dragonball-based PalmOS devices that runs in a web browser. In particular, the emulator works on iOS. The emulator is derived from the original POSE emulator. Please see below for the list of currently supported devices.

Hoot... - Sound Hardware Emulator

One of the best Arcade player (+ console + computer), original interface, original concept. A little complicated at first, but evolving and very complete. Basically, Hoot reads raw data extracted from cartridge or floppy disk dumps, but it can also read specific formats like the .mdx of the Sharp X68000 or the .kss format of the MSX ... Hoot can also play MIDI format games that use either by an integrated emulator (vermouth) or by directly connecting the PC has a Midi compatible device (Roland MT32, CM64, SC55, SC88 or just General Midi) The The program's interface is basic but very flexible, in particular the display of titles which can be done by rankings (by publishers, by machines, by sound chip, etc.)

C64 Customizable Bitmap 2022 Calendar – Back to the 8 bit

C64 Customizable Bitmap 2022 Calendar + C64 Koala tutorial + tool to print the calendar in pdf Hallo people, I'm bringing to you your personal retro 2022 calendar, both as C64 virtual floppy disk and printable pdf. The program I assume you can drag drop a .d64 file on Vice or you are able…

VICE · Automatic Build

The fresher build on the net :D. Contribute to Zibri/VICE development by creating an account on GitHub.

4corn Computers: 4corn Computers

Welcome to 4corn Computers, providing information and downloads related to the computers produced by Acorn Computers Ltd (1979-1998). With advice and support on running emulators of these machines on modern PC and other hardware.


Libretro is a simple but powerful development interface that allows for the easy creation of emulators, games and multimedia applications that can plug straight into any libretro-compatible frontend. This development interface is open to others so that they can run these pluggable emulator and game cores also in their own programs or devices.

JsA8E Demo

JavaScript version of the A8E Atari 800 XL Emulator by Sascha Springer. Created using Emscripten. Atari 800 XL self test,  Archon,  Archon 2,  Asteroids,  Bandits,  Behind Jaggi Lines,  Davids Midnight Magic,  Donkey Kong,  Drol,  Encounter,  Dropzone,  Goonies,  Gyruss,  Hero,  Karateka,  Keystone Capers,  Koronis Rift,  Landscape,  Montezumas Revenge,  Moon Patrol,  M.U.L.E.,  Pitfall,  River Raid,  Raid over Moscow,  Pooyan, Spelunker,  Silent Service,  Starquake,  Summer Games,  Track and Field, Vanguard,  Zorro.

VICE - the Versatile Commodore Emulator

Homepage of VICE - the Versatile Commodore Emulator

VICE 2.3 released - Page 2 - Commodore 64 (C64) Forum

ASAP - Another Slight Atari Player

ASAP is a player of Atari 8-bit music for modern computers and mobile devices. It emulates the POKEY sound chip and the 6502 processor. The project was initially based on the routines from the Atari800 emulator, but the current version has original emulation core.

Offizielle Draconis Web Site bei ATARI.ORG

The Draconis-Package is a complete Internet Package for the ATARI. It enables access to the Internet with any ATARI computer with at least 1MB RAM. The package may be used with Single- or MultiTOS and MiNT, and any kind of TOS compatible computer. You may use an ATARI ST(E), TT, Falcon or compatible (HADES, MILAN). With DRACONIS you are able to explore the fascinating world of the Internet. The Internet, the driver and the program components are explained in detail in a 80 pages sized manual (currently in German available as a Papyrus file). The Package contents includes all necessary drivers, a Webbrowser (The Light of Adamas) and an EMail-Client (Marathon Mail). This enables the use of the most commonly internet services. Also there is of course a FTP and a Telnet-Client. The browser also contains a JavaScript-Modul, which enables the execution of webpages containing Javascript on the ATARI. JavaScript is used on may Webpages with HTML versions for chat and News Services, this pages are now accessible for ATARI users.

Zxmamecd - The ONE and ONLY Emulator - Multimedia OS

ZXMAMECD - your Multimedia- and Emulator OS XFCE 4.6.1, QT 4.5.3, MAME, MESS, RAINE, ATARI800, ZSNES, STELLA, DOSBox, Vice, PCSXR, E-UAE the great QMC2 Frontend, Tools like xfburn, X.Org autoconfig with NVidia drivers Rotate screen, HD- USB-Installer, ZX-Menu, full Multimedia players MPlayer, Audacious install codecs with one mouse click (download function) New in 0.81: MAME/MESS Update, QMC2 Update, uses hiscore.dat

Amiga Forever - Amiga Emulation, Games, History and Support Since 1997

Award-winning Amiga emulator software, games, demoscene, history, services and support for Amiga users and enthusiasts.

Arcade, Videogames, Pinball Machines, and Antique Coin-Operated Machines -- The International Arcade Museum

The International Arcade Museum is the world's premier resource covering all coin-operated amusement devices throughout recorded history.

Protovision - Creating the Future

Protovision was founded by Malte Mundt and Stefan Gutsch in late 1996. Over the years, more and more artists joined us from all over the world. Today, we not only sell our own homebrew games, but also help other talented developers by offering a distribution channel for their games. Furthermore we offer the latest hardware devices, cables, and other accessories for the breadbox and its fans.

Newsy Linkownia Emulatory na PC Wideoteka Screenshoty Bajtek Reduks Ready.Run

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