Szukam MESS

Faust @ 29/06/2000 04:21

Ekipa Rom Center, programiku do porządkowania/zarządzania, wypuścił kolejną, potężną ilość uaktualnień dla "datfiles": Callus v0.42 patch 2.2: Logiqx Mess v0.37 b4: Logiqx Juno First v1.23: Logiqx Vector Dream v2.3: Logiqx Sideway v0.22a: Logiqx TI99/4a+ (118 games): Grendel/Xtale Vectrex (120 games): Grendel chip-8 (58 games): Grendel VTech VZ200/300 (53 games): Grendel emerson arcadia (31 games): Grendel TI-89/92+ (129 games): Grendel GoodN64 - 0.998.2 (602/1277): Mickey_le_vrai / Rob van der Drift GoodNES 0985: (3393/3393): Rob van der Drift Good5600 0983 (146/146): Rob van der Drift Good2600 0998 (880/880): Rob van der Drift GoodORIC 0984 (252/252): Rob van der Drift GoodSNES 0998 (3147/3583): Rob van der Drift Nintendo Famicon Disk System: 222 games: Rob van der Drift Sporo » więcej

Dalthon @ 28/06/2000 09:58

Brakuje może bios'ów do najnowszej wersji MESS (v0.37b4)??? [tutaj] znajdziecie poniższe:Apple Mac 512ke BBCA / Acorn BBC Micro Model A PCW / Amstrad PCW Lisa2 / Apple Lisa 2 C65e / Commodore C65/C64DX (Prototype) NTSC 91-08-28 c9cd C65d / Commodore C65/C64DX (Prototype) NTSC 91-06-26 888c C65c / Commodore C65/C64DX (Prototype) NTSC 91-05-23 b96b C65a / Commodore C65/C64DX (Prototype) NTSC 91-01-11 caff PC1401 / Sharp Pocket Computer 1401/1402 XTVGA / IBM PC-XT Video Graphics Adapter, MF2 Keyboard ATCGA / IBM PC-Advanced Technology CGA, MF2 Keyboard

Faust @ 22/06/2000 21:26

Multiemulator mikrokomputerów i konsol Mess, został zaktualizowany do 0.37b4. Dodano konstrukcje: Mac 512ke [Raphael Nabet] BBC a&b (rename BBC) [Gordon Jefferyes, Kev Thacker] Sharp Pocket Computer (prelim) [Peter Trauner] Lisa2 [Raphael Nabet] heaps of c65 variants [Peter Trauner] XTVGA, ATCGA (prelim) [Peter Trauner]Jakoż, że zmian jest całkiem sporo zerknijcie tutaj, aby zobaczyć pełną note. Jeżeli potrzebujecie romów poszczególnych konsol, zerknijcie naprzykład tutaj;).

Faust @ 20/06/2000 11:47

Apollo jest otwartym projektem emulatora Nintendo 64, każdy może wziąźć udział w pracach nad jego kodem. Obecna wersja dużo jeszcze niepotrafi ale miejmy nadzieję, że z czasem tak jak projekt 1964 zyska na znaczeniu. Complete Rewrite. Began RSP Emulation (Biggest consumer of my time) :( Removed RSP code for this version Sped up the emulation 1.5fps Added a debugging message window Removed Controller support and most of the pif Added VI Hack to make SP_CRAP and Kid Star's Intro to work properly Added silent Audio Emulation... (goldcrap works) More dynarec added (soon to be complete)

Faust @ 14/06/2000 18:39

Wiadomo, że to co amerykańskie jest często ostro przesadzone. Lubie zwłaszcza informację o statystykach - Na stronie .Netu znalazłem taką o to bzdure: 19% regularnych użytkowników Internetu pomiędzy 10 a 17 rokiem życia składano seksualne propozycje. W 15% tych przypadków molestujący usiłował nawiązać osobisty kontakt przez telefon lub pocztę elektroniczną. 25% przynajmniej raz trafiło wbrew swej woli na serwis pornograficzny. 6% doświadczyło pogróżek, obelg itd. 66% molestowanych seksualnie stanowiły dzieci płci żeńskiej. 70% przypadków seksualnej molestacji nastąpiło, gdy ofiara była w domu. 65% tych przypadków zdarzyło się w chat roomach, 24% przez serwisy instant messaging w rodzaju ICQ. Aczkolwiek żadna z ofiar nie doświadczyła fizycznej napaści w wyniku internetowych kontaktów, 25% » więcej

Faust @ 13/06/2000 04:01

Segu udostępnił kolejną testową wersję swojego odtwarzacza plików dźwiękowych i graficznych z PSX [formaty: (STR, XA ,SYM, VAG i VAB). Spora ilość poprawek;). - Corrected WAV and MP3 output bugs. (again) - The performance of PlayList is improved. (maybe complete) - The change of Skin became possible. - The top of some buttons was added. (Thanx Stefan) - The fullscreen mode was changed on the screen which the desktop whole was covered with. A speed at the time of the fullscreen improves by this change. - The change which relates is the following. - The fullscreen mode and the Window mode can be changed with ALT + ENTER during the play-back. - The full screen mode is fixed on the desk-top resolution and color depth. - The limitation of TIM was done to the desk-top size. It is the limitation of DirectX3. (A problem is still » więcej

Faust @ 05/06/2000 16:42

ChaSMS jest emulatorem maszynek Sega Master System i Game Gear pracującym pod Windowsami 9x i NT. - CHASMS is now DX3/NT4 compatible, thanks to Aegis. - More Load ROM dialog changes: * Now can see and change disk drives. * Listings now sorted by type in addition to alphabetically; directories go on top, ROMs go next, drives go last. * Pressing keys A through Z will now allow you to 'jump' to ROMS beginning with that letter * Modified mousewheel so that it moves the window frame rather than just the highlight * Added cute little poorly-drawn icons to the file browser. - CHASMS now uses the Z80 emulation core from MAME. This is the 4th Z80 core I've used (Marat Fayzullin's in v.0.10a, RAZE in v.0.20b, Marcel De Kogel's in an intermittent trial version, and finally MAME in v.0.30). Hopefully I can stick » więcej

Faust @ 01/06/2000 04:00

Projekt Mess podążył w ślady MAME i mamy 0.37 bete 3 tego multiemulatora komputerów i konsol. Dodano emulację maszyn: * Spectrum +2 (France) * Spectrum +2 (Spain) * Spectrum +3 (Spain) * BBC Micro Model B (preliminary) * Vic20 with IEEE488 interface cartridge * PCW

Scanner @ 30/05/2000 14:53

Pojawiły sie nowe wersje emulatorów arcade dla Amigi: MAME v0.37b2 NeoMAME v0.37b2 MESS v0.37b2 Więcej newsów Amigowskich: Ami-Site

Faust @ 28/05/2000 12:35

Genitial jest Dosowskim emulatorem Segi Megadrive/Genesis, w archiwum oprócz emulatora znajdziecie także jego kod źródłowy [to na wypadek poprawek;)]. Pełna lista whats new tutaj. * Z80 RAM can now be dumped * Started working on a custom 68K core (nothing yet) * Improved sprite limiting and turned it on by default * Improved CPU timing * Added country auto-detection * Added Window priority * Fixed the Window code (Raiden Trad, Phelios, etc.) * Added collision bit faking (Strider 2) * Added VDP RAM word reads * Fixed VRAM byte writes (Contra, Eternal Champions, many others) * Fixed a possible VGA bug (thanks to Charles MacDonald) * Added file size checking to SMD loader * Menacer support added (preliminary, thanks again to Charles MacDonald) via mouse * Revamped command line parsing * Added VRAM copy to DMA » więcej

Pliki z "MESS"

Obrazki z MESS

Linki z "MESS"

MAME | Previous Releases

Collection of older MAME releases, dating back to the first official release from February, 1997. MESS only releases (prior to version 0.148) are available

BASin/Basinc | æ Unutmadan

Basin is a zx spectrum emulator combined developing environment for sinclair basic developers. It’s originally written by Paul Dunn and currently maintained by Arda (“Ref”). This is the only official page for Basin & it’s current fork, Basinc. Basin is discontinued and unsupported after version R14c. While development versions of R15.8 is available around internet but it’s never completed. While migrating to code to a new environment it got a bit messy and Paul stopped working on it and send the latest source code to me. The code couldn’t be compiled, because it got too many errors to fix. Rather than trying to figure out how to get it to compile, I used R14 as a base, which is kind of stable build but it was very limited compared to R15, and I integrated and updated the new functions of R15 into R14 source code.


Pixel exact emulation of the Commodore 128,Commodore 64, Spectrum 48/128K,VIC 20 and Atari 2600 Z64K should run on any platform with an updated java runtime environment installed. I will update this site when I get some free time but in the mean time feel free to drop me a message via the contact page with feedback or questions. The changelog only includes changes not shown on this homepage.

Cemu_graphic_packs: Community-Made Graphic Packs for Cemu 1.7.0+

Cemu Graphic Packs/It’s recommended to download all the graphic packs. This archive contains all of them. If you want higher quality, Quality is the way to go. If you want better performance, Performance is the way to go. If you want to kill your GPU, Enthusiast is the way to go..but I wouldn’t recommended it. If you want to upgrade your game experience, Enhancement is right up your ally. If there’s a certain issue with a game that’s in the current version of Cemu, you should look at Workaround to see if there’s a workaround for it. If you just want to see how Graphic Packs can mess around with games, Fun is for you. Games with Graphic Packs Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition Bayonetta Bayonetta 2 Brunswick Pro Bowling Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Citizens Of Earth Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze DuckTales Remastered Family Tennis SP FAST Racing NEO Ghost Blade HD Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition Kamen Rider - Battride War II Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games Mario Kart 8 Mighty No. 9 New Super Luigi U New Super Mario Bros. U Nintendo Land One Piece: Unlimited World Red Paper Mario: Color Splash Phineas and Ferb: Quest for Cool Stuff Pikmin 3 Pokkén Tournament Scribblenauts Unlimited Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure Severed Shovel Knight Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric Sonic Lost World Splatoon SpongeBob SquarePants: Plankton’s Robotic Revenge Star Fox Guard Star Fox Zero Super Mario 3D World Super Smash Bros. Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U Edition The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild [Showcase] The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD The Wonderful 101 TNT Racers Nitro Machines Edition Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Wipeout 3 Wipeout Create & Crash Xenoblade Chronicles X Yoshi’s Woolly World

Robbbert (Robert) · GitHub

Robbbert and MAMEUI32. Arcade, MessUI on GitHub.

Internet Arcade : Free Software : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

The Internet Arcade is a web-based library of arcade (coin-operated) video games from the 1970s through to the 1990s, emulated in JSMAME, part of the JSMESS software package. Containing hundreds of games ranging through many different genres and styles, the Arcade provides research, comparison,...

The Console Living Room : Internet Archive

The Internet Archive Console Living Room harkens back to the revolution of the change in the hearth of the home, when the fireplace and later television were transformed by gaming consoles into a center of videogame entertainment. Connected via strange adapters and relying on the television's speaker to put out beeps and boops, these games were resplendent with simple graphics and simpler rules. The home console market is credited with slowly shifting attention from the arcade craze of the early 1980s and causing arcades to shrink in popularity, leaving a small percentage of what once were many. Through use of the JSMESS emulator system, which allows direct access to these programs in your browser with no additional plugins or settings, these games can be enjoyed again. Simply click on the screenshot or "Emulate This" button for each individual cartridge, and on modern browsers the games will just start to run. As nostalgia, a teaching tool, or just plain fun, you'll find hundreds of the games that started a billion-dollar industry. These games are best enjoyed in an up to date version of a modern browser. Currently, there is no sound in the games, although that feature will be added soon. Please read carefully regarding key mappings of the games and programs, to use them in your browser.

Attract-Mode Emulator Frontend

Attract-Mode is a graphical frontend for command line emulators such as MAME, MESS and Nestopia. It hides the underlying operating system and is intended to be controlled with a joystick, gamepad or spin dial, making it ideal for use in arcade cabinet setups. Attract-Mode is open source and runs on Linux, Mac OS-X and Windows.

JSMESS - The Javascript MESS

JSMESS: What if Every Computer Was In Your Browser?

MESS Mac setup made easier

Here’s a set formatted and partitioned blank Mac .CHDs you can use to install System 6 or 7 following the instructions on the MESS wiki. We have ‘em in a variety of popular sizes: Big thanks to Grégoire Duval who set these up.  

MESS forum

The MESSUI Place

MESSUI is an integrated front-end of MAME, which itself emulates thousands of arcade machines, gambling machines, pinball machines, computers and consoles. Each emulation instance is accompanied by a windows-style menubar which is not normally part of MAME. This menubar is known as 'NEWUI'. Please note: Beginning at 0.164, MESSUI will contain both arcade and computer/console systems. The command-line MESS with NEWUI will still only contain computer/console systems as before.


As for the MAME, is also now available for MESS the dat file that allows you to follow version after version, all changes and additions made to the all various systems emulated. If you find any inaccuracies or typographical errors please let me know by sending an e-mail to this address: [email protected]. The file is also and above all to give credit to all people who conceived and carried out this wonderful project.

Mame DEV

MAME is a multi-purpose emulation framework. MAME's purpose is to preserve decades of software history. As electronic technology continues to rush forward, MAME prevents this important "vintage" software from being lost and forgotten. This is achieved by documenting the hardware and how it functions. The source code to MAME serves as this documentation. The fact that the software is usable serves primarily to validate the accuracy of the documentation (how else can you prove that you have recreated the hardware faithfully?). Over time, MAME (originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) absorbed the sister-project MESS (Multi Emulator Super System), so MAME now documents a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles and calculators, in addition to the arcade video games that were its initial focus.

Xu4 - Ultima IV

XU4 is a remake of the computer game Ultima IV. The goal is to make it easy and convenient to play this classic on modern operating systems. XU4 is primarily inspired by the much more ambitious project Exult. XU4 is a cross-platform application thanks to SDL; it's available for Windows, MacOS X, Linux and more. This project is currently under development and beta releases are available. The game is fully playable from beginning to end. The very latest source code can always be accessed from SVN. Please post a message in our discussion forum if you are interested in helping. A secondary goal of this project is to clearly document the formats of the data files from the original Ultima IV.

Mess Bios Pack

MESS HomePage

Welcome to the official wiki for MESS (Multi Emulator Super System), part of the MAME1) project. MAME is a source-available project which documents the hardware for a wide variety of (mostly vintage) arcade machines, computers, video game consoles, and calculators through software emulation. As a nice side effect to this documentation, MAME allows software and games for these hardware platforms to be run on modern PCs. Prior to version 0.162 (May 2015), MAME only supported arcade machines, and MESS was a separate emulator for all other types of systems, built on the same code base, although there has been increasingly close cooperation between the teams for many years.

XavSnap personal Web page.

-.,.-'~'- > XavSnap Web Site < -'~'-.,.- ,.oO> Brain-Storming about Mess emulator <Oo., -> Artwork & Snap -> Programmation: Various. -> MAJ du dictionnaire Français (Up-grade du Site officiel) -> Goodies & intelligent web links ! ___ Enjoy Guys !

Zxmamecd - The ONE and ONLY Emulator - Multimedia OS

ZXMAMECD - your Multimedia- and Emulator OS XFCE 4.6.1, QT 4.5.3, MAME, MESS, RAINE, ATARI800, ZSNES, STELLA, DOSBox, Vice, PCSXR, E-UAE the great QMC2 Frontend, Tools like xfburn, X.Org autoconfig with NVidia drivers Rotate screen, HD- USB-Installer, ZX-Menu, full Multimedia players MPlayer, Audacious install codecs with one mouse click (download function) New in 0.81: MAME/MESS Update, QMC2 Update, uses hiscore.dat

The Official MESS Home Page

Newsy Linkownia Emulatory na PC Wideoteka Screenshoty Bajtek Reduks Ready.Run

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