Warhead [Amiga]
Amiga "Warhead" (1989) przez Glyn Williams. Muzyka: Michael Powell.

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Atari ST Computer System Review - LGR

Opublikowane 27-07-2011 21:45

The Atari ST was introduced right before the Commodore Amiga in 1985. Popular with gamers, musicians and desktop publishers, the ST earned its right as one of the best 16-bit computers of its day. But is it still worth owning to a current collector of vintage computers? This is an overview of the history, hardware and ...
[DiHalt 2011] 8BIT Trashmo by AAA Band

Opublikowane 28-07-2011 10:20

8BIT Trashmo by AAA Band for DiHalt 2011
Amiga Boing Ball

Opublikowane 28-07-2011 23:24

To demonstrate the Amigas hardware capabilities, the bouncing Boing ball demo was written late one night at the Winter CES show in January 1984. At the time it was an amazing achievement that surpassed all current systems of the time, seamlessly handling real physics whilst multitasking in the background. The original ...
Commodore 128 Announcement 1985

Opublikowane 28-07-2011 23:25

Commodore 128 Announcement from 1985
Commodore 128 with SuperCPU playing Test Drive

Opublikowane 11-08-2011 11:27

In this video I load and play Test Drive from an original floppy disk on a real Commodore 128 in 64 mode with a SuperCPU. Since this is loaded from an original floppy in a real floppy drive, load times are poor. This is one of the few games that get a complete new life with the SuperCPU. The video frame rate is ...
Venom Wing (Amiga)

Opublikowane 20-08-2011 23:57

This is the Introduction of the Game Venom Wing (watch in HD if possible) (c)1990 Thalamus
100 Commodore 64 games in 10 minutes!

Opublikowane 22-08-2011 18:35

http://www.c64audio.com/ - buy the music used in this video from that awesome site! Lots of other great music there too and DRM free music. Well, I figured I might as well do a C64 one as well :) I'm not 100% satisfied with this one though.. it's not as good as the Amiga one. The reason is that I made this one just ...
Delek - Zeuzerian (FM Chipmusic @DefleMask Tracker)

Opublikowane 29-08-2011 08:33

My SoundCloud: http://www.soundcloud.com/delek_music Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Delek/167701096580791 Delek - Zeuzerian Using Delek's DefleMask Tracker Beta 3. http://www.delek.com.ar/deflemask_eng Video-Tutorials coming soon!. I'm the developer of DefleMask, a New FM Tracker. The music that ...
Prince of Persia on Commodore 64/128 - Level 1 Gameplay

Opublikowane 16-10-2011 09:50

The first level of Prince of Persia, on the C64. To be released on 16-Oct-2011 in the form of an EasyFlash .crt file.
SuperCPU vs Chameleon 64 Speed test on Commodore 64 using BoulderMark

Opublikowane 02-11-2011 15:34

Were using Bouldermark coded by LogicDeluxe its a Boulder Dash Game engine turned into a speed benchmark program for the Commodore 64. First off the starting block a Unmodified Commodore 64 with a score of 313. Next the same C64 with a SuperCPU attached it scored 16023. And finally the Chameleon 64 in unlimited turbo ...