Warhead [Amiga]
Amiga "Warhead" (1989) przez Glyn Williams. Muzyka: Michael Powell.

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Toki, małe porównanie

Opublikowane 27-11-2010 23:09

http://www.recordedamigagames.org Played By: RickyC Im happy that i actually completed this without using a continue or save states :D maybe a first since i had this game on amiga. Only problem is again that the resolution was weird and it cuts of some text on the credits...like 2 letters on the left...Umm think of it ...
Angry Video Game Nerd Christmas Special 2010

Opublikowane b.d.

Episode #97 Buy Angry Video Game Nerd merchandise at http://www.screwattackstore.com/avgntshirts.html See more Cinemassacre stuff at http://Cinemassacre.com
Three Atari Guys Talk [Ed Rotberg, Dave Theurer, Ed Logg]
Autor GlassDarkly

Opublikowane 15-12-2010 00:58

Ed Rotberg, Dave Theurer and Ed Logg talk about their time at Ataris Coin op division. From the guys who brought us Missile Command, Asteroids and Battlezone. Taken from the Atari Collection Vol 1 + my PSX emulator. Sorry about the short clips.. but thats how they are on the disc.
The Story Of Missile Command [Dave Theurer]
Autor GlassDarkly

Opublikowane 15-12-2010 01:01

Dave Theurer, creator of the classic video game Missile Command, talks about the game's development, and his time at Atari. Taken from the Atari Collection Vol 1 + my PSX emulator. Sorry about the short clips.. but thats how they are on the disc.
The Story Of Tempest [Dave Theurer]

Opublikowane 15-12-2010 01:02

Dave Theurer, creator of the classic video game Tempest, talks about the game's development, and his time at Atari. Taken from the Atari Collection Vol 1 + my PSX emulator. Sorry about the short clips.. but thats how they are on the disc.
Commodore C64 Video Player - Chameleon

Opublikowane 15-12-2010 10:12

One of many nuvie videos for the Commodore 64.
2010 11 06: R3play: Paczka koncertowa

Opublikowane 25-12-2010 23:47

Podczas tegorocznego "R3Play" pewna trójka niezwykłych dżentelmenów - Mark Knight (The Dark Knight) skrzypce, Ben Daglish (gitara prowadząca) i Jon Hare (klasyczna) dała całkiem niecodzienny koncert. Oto parę utworów na pewno znanych co niektórym w instrumentalnym ...
Koronis Rift [Lucasfilm Games] [Atari XL/XE ] 1985

Opublikowane 04-01-2011 02:17

Koronis Rift jedna z najbardziej intrygujących gier mojego dzieciństwa, z zerową znajomością angielskiego, z piracką dyskietką bez jakiegokolwiek opisu zawsze myślałem, że ta gra pozwala na znacznie więcej niż mogłem się wtedy domyśleć:)
E3 1995 - first show ever!

Opublikowane 22-01-2011 03:00

Atari Explorer Online (AEO) visited the first Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) show in 1995. This annual video game conference and show is held at the Los Angeles Convention center. It was the last show with a strong ATARI Corporation, pushing their JAGUAR system. SONY made its North American debut with the ...
Grandstand SD-070 Colour Programmable retro video games console.

Opublikowane 01-02-2011 10:14

http://www.retrogamingcollector.com ---------------- A look at the Grandstand SD-070 Colour Programmable retro video games console, it's place in gaming history, and a quick look at a couple of the games for it.