Warhead [Amiga]
Amiga "Warhead" (1989) przez Glyn Williams. Muzyka: Michael Powell.

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Maniac Mansion NES Walkthrough
Autor Faust

Opublikowane 02-06-2016 00:00

Part 1 of 3. Just me playing through the NES version of Maniac Mansion, one of the best games ever. I couldn't record the sound so I had to edit in the sound, that's why it's only music playing and none of the sound effects (doorbell, weights machine, alarm etc.)
Postrelease by Five Finger Punch | Demo for Spectravideo 328

Opublikowane 25-08-2016 00:00

Demo for Spectravideo 328 released at Edison 2016 (placed 3rd in oldskool competition).
2018AD by Five Finger Punch
Autor Joakim Bergkvist

Opublikowane 07-05-2019 00:00

This demo scored a shared first place in the old-school compo at Edison demo party in 2018. It is written for the 8bit computer Lazer 200 or VZ200 with 2k RAM and 2k VRAM. The demo cascade loads a sequence of effects via audio cable from tape or CD and uses second stereo channel for prerecorded music.
pre release
Autor Joakim Bergkvist

Opublikowane 17-08-2023 00:00

Demo for Spectravideo SVI-328 released at Edison 2015.