Warhead [Amiga]
Amiga "Warhead" (1989) przez Glyn Williams. Muzyka: Michael Powell.

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Sir Clive Sinclair @ 80 - Mini Documentary Series: Part One
Autor Faust

Opublikowane 20-09-2021 00:00

To celebrate Sir Clive Sinclair's 80th birthday this month, this is part one of three of our mini documentary series chronicling his inventions and career. From his early years and inventions, we look at from where his career started. Featuring videos and pictures from our volunteer Leigh's archive in this ...
Scanline Filters on the LCD CRT Kit
Autor RetroRGB

Opublikowane 20-04-2022 00:00

For this video, I wanted to see if we can utilize the new CRT filters recently added to the RetroTINK 5x and MiSTer to make the ‘LCD CRT” kit look more like a real CRT. This is not a “deep dive” and the PVM I used wasn’t even calibrated (or color corrected) - This is just a fun experiment ...