Warhead [Amiga]
Amiga "Warhead" (1989) przez Glyn Williams. Muzyka: Michael Powell.

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Split Personalities (ZX Spectrum)

Opublikowane 26-11-2010 23:30

Released in 1986 and published by Domark Ltd. This was later re-released by Bug-Byte Software Ltd [UK], PIM Software [Greece] and Zafi Chip [Spain] Information from WOS [World Of Spectrum] http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseekid.cgi?id=0004769
Amaurote [Spectrum]
Autor Otouto72

Opublikowane 29-11-2010 18:47

In-Game music for the ZX Spectrum version of Amaurote. Composed by David Whittaker.
SID Player for the Spectrum

Opublikowane 04-12-2010 00:02

A SID player was developed for the Spectrum in 2003 in the Czech Republic. It accepts YM files from the Atari-ST and Commodore. Can't be used in Russian clones because of processor and ULA timings. If someone could code a tool to make the process easier it would be great.

Opublikowane 14-12-2010 10:48

A fan-made conversion of the Taito laser game for the Russian ZX Spectrum clones ATM Turbo and Pentagon. Based on the 1996 Sony PlayStation version. This is the intro video featuring footage from the actual game and sound from an ATM Turbo emulated under Windows XP with Unreal Speccy 0.34 - ATM special edition.
Matthew Smith talks at the CGEXPO 2004

Opublikowane 15-12-2010 00:56

Matthew Smith, creator of the classic ZX Spectrum games Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy, shares his experiences at the Classic Gaming Expo 2004. Recorded from a cam on a hot day and all the fans on ! So you will need to turn the sound up to hear him most of the time. Put on Youtube for my chums over at WOS forums. :) 1 ...
JHCon 2010

Opublikowane 16-12-2010 10:04

Meeting of Czech and Slovak ZX Spectrum and vintage computer fans.
AnalFunk for SillyPunk

Opublikowane 29-12-2010 11:57

fucktro by TOGYAF'2010
Song in lines 05

Opublikowane 30-12-2010 11:39

Song in lines version 05 - demo for ZX Spectrum - part 1 with Fuxoft soundtrack - musics: A,B,C
Dogma by Eternity Industry (2000) ZX Spectrum demo

Opublikowane 14-01-2011 20:31

Eternity Industry kicks the scene again. Zx Spectrum (pentagon clone) demo, audiovisual art on 8bit machine, winner of Chaos Constructions 2000 demoparty. Brainkilling effects 3D engine.....including superb hard trackmo music.
SHARP MZ-800 Games & Demos

Opublikowane 26-01-2011 18:45

Ośmiobitowy Sharp MZ-800 był bardzo popularny w Czechosłowacji wraz z ZX Spectrum i Atari XL/XE. Większość z gier na ten komputer MZ-800 było konwersjami tytułów dla ZX Spectrum - czasem lepszymi, czasem gorszymi.