
[zx] SpecEmu 3.4 build 1/04/2024

[3] @ !!! Wtorek, 2 Kwietnia 2024 00:52 CET [07-02-2024 23:20 CET]

[zx] SpecEmu 3.4 build 1/04/2024

Od dłuższego czasu nie pojawiają się nowe buildy emulatora SpecEmu - okienkowego udawacza mikrokomputerów Spectrum (16/48/plus/128/+2/+3/) i jego klonów (Pentagon/Timex/Microdigital) a tu proszę jednak się kręci. Biorąc pod uwagę, że Mark Woodmass dość mocno kluczy i trzeba "polować" na nowe wersję jego emulatora to i tak cud, że udało mi się cokolwiek nowego znaleźć;)

Może być prościej - powstała oficjalnie nieoficjalna strona z releasami SpecEmu - oczywiście skaner antywirusowy, na wszelki wypadek, może się przydać (chociaż i tak SpecEmu jest baaardzo nielubiany przez niektóre antywirusy, false positive albo positive dość często pojawiają w laurkach z niektórych systemów)

SpecEmu v3.4 build 01/04/24

  • Fixed Q flag behaviour for illegal instructions. (thanks, zjoYkileR)
  • Fixed +2 (and IF2 for 48K/128K machines) joystick behaviour. (thanks, XoRRoX, Ped7g, ZXGuesser, SevenFFF)

SpecEmu v3.4 build 20/03/24

  • Tape flashloading now works properly with "Stop the tape if in 48K mode" TZX blocks. (thanks, Beginner)
  • Improved tape loading from WAV files. (thanks, Weiv for providing the Chase H.Q test file)
  • Fixed a zip extraction bug that could crash the emulator.

SpecEmuv3.4 build 05/03/24

  • Fixed a crash that can happen when saving very large blocks to TAP files.
  • Fixed where loading a memory snapshot might not restore the correct 128K display.
  • Added some level of protection against broken TZX files.

SpecEmu v3.4 build 15/02/24

  • Fixed an RZX recording bug. Unlikely to ever trigger it but really don't want to throw recordings away! Holding ALT when dropping tape images will flip the tape polarity for polarity sensitive loaders
  • Fixed a potential issue with loading stripe colours when ROM flash loading is disabled
  • Snow effect setting now defaults to enabled on new installs
  • Some minor bug fixes

SpecEmu v3.4 build 03/02/24

  • Fixed MEMPTR for interrupted INIR/INDR and OTIR/OTDR instructions. Thanks to ZjoyKiLer.
  • Pac-Man returns to the Tools menu (if you have the necessary ROMs).

SpecEmu v3.4 build 24/07/23

  • Reverted recent files list code changes (endless silly niggles, needs a proper coder)
  • Fixed a small timer resolution bug (Windows 10 v2004 and later, but you won't notice any difference)

SpecEmu  v3.4 build 20/07/23

  • Fixed recent files list issue (again, and hopefully better than the last "fix". might have to delete your .ini file)


→ [zx] SpecEmu 3.4 build 11/06/2023
Night Shade City (1985, Ultimate Play The Game)

SpecEmu v3.4 build 11/06/23

  • z80 (v3) snapshots now only save 16K RAM under Spectrum 16K emulation

SpecEmu v3.4 build 09/06/23

  • Fixed recent files list issue
  • Fixed issue 3 keyboard issue

v3.4 build 07/06/23

  • Added "set intdiff n" command to set an offset value to add to a machine's interrupt period (0 - 128)
  • This offset is in addition to the late timings setting set in hardware options and the late timings flag saved in SZX (v1.4) snapshots.

v3.3 build 10/05/23

  • Fixed a bug affecting menu checkmarking for "Break on leaving ROM space" and "Break on entering ROM space" options in some situations (thanks, Ref)
  • Fixed issue with ROM flash loading (thanks, Ms. Beginner)

v3.3 build 07/04/23

  • Fixed the 128k snow effect to read from the correct upper contended page when active (thanks, Weiv, TheMartian, Richard Chandler et al)
  • Added "Set As Next Instruction" to disassembly menu
  • Implemented speaker to ear delay for ULA port writes with no tape input
  • Add "optime" conditional breakpoint parameter (opcode execution time of last opcode)
  • Added maximum opcode execution time to cmd parser's "ops" command (value resets at machine reset and after each "ops" command)
  • Increase disassembler's small font size from Courier New 6 to Courier New 7

v3.2 build 25/03/23

  • Remove missing files from the recent files list on startup
  • Added RZX streaming - sections of RZX recordings can be streamed into new RZX recording
→ [zx] SpecEmu 3.2 build 11/03/2023

v3.2 build 11/03/23

v3.2 build 05/03/23

  • Added SEM snapshot support (loading only)
  • Added SP (old type) snapshot support (loading only)

v3.2 build 18/02/23

  • Fixed +3 floating bus (again)
  • Fixed a +3 port contention bug (thanks, azesmbog and Arjun Nair)

v3.2 build 06/12/22

  • Fixed joypad emulation (had switched to new include files which had incorrect joypad structures)
→ [zx] SpecEmu 3.2 build 04/12/2022

v3.2 build 04/12/22

  • Improved snow effect emulation (thanks, Weiv)
  • Fixed "tapeinvert" command (in command parser) to invert bit 6 of IN #FE only with tape input (thanks, cngsoft)
  • Added a list of some of the debugger's command parser commands into the Docs folder
  • Added a few examples for the conditional breakpoints into the Docs folder

v3.2 build 01/10/22

  • Fixed AY noise frequency running at half clock speed. 20+ years to spot it..

v3.2 build 25/06/22

Elite Legend mod (ORM, 2021)
  • Debugger's cycle-accurate display update option now only displays pixels up to the raster location in the current frame
  • Debugger's Run To conditions correctly override +3 floppy controller breakpoints
  • Fixed right-hand edge corner curves being slightly wrong in fullscreen mode
  • Fixed RETI/RETN interrupt behaviour (thanks, Floh, ZjoyKiLer, Tony Brewer, Ped7g, ZXGuesser)
  • Added some (useless, atm :p) conditional breakpoint "documentation" (see "Conditional Breakpoints.txt") (it won't help you..)
→ [zx] SpecEmu 3.2 build 28/03/22

v3.2 build 28/03/22

  • Fixed double clicking on breakpoint addresses not moving to that address in disassembly
  • Fixed not being able to remove simple breakpoints
  • Fixed being able to add one zero length conditional breakpoint
  • +3 emulation now uses an official v4.1 ROM

v3.2 build 24/03/22

  • Added preliminary support for conditional breakpoints
  • Added support for Marko's useless CrazyBASIC mode!

(Might be losing a net connection for a period of time soon so any bug/feature requests will have to be sent to Polomint)

v3.2 build 16/03/22

  • Fixed snapshots sometimes not being added to recent files menu
  • Fixed Windows XP support

v3.2 build 11/03/22

  • Fixed the OTxR block instruction interruption flag behaviour. Again. (thanks, azesmbog, Richard Chandler)
  • Added Zip file support

SpecEmu v3.2 build 21/02/22

Rescue on Faractalus (Activision, Inc., 1986)
  • Fixed a bug affecting N flag in IND
  • Fixed a 128K screen timing issue (thanks, azesmbog)
  • Added support for INxR / OTxR block instruction interruption (thanks, David Banks, ZJoyKiler, Ped7g, Arjun Nair, evolutional)
  • Added workaround for SZX files with an incorrectly set HALT flag state

SpecEmu v3.2 build 31/12/21

  • Added support for LDxR / CPxR block instruction interruption
  • Fixed HALT behaviour
  • Fixed screen flip timing during 7ffd out (thanks, Arjun Nair)
  • Fixed Kempston joystick interface behaviour when no joystick attached

SpecEmu v3.2 build 30/11/21

  • Fixed another Options screen bug
  • Changed to what is apparently the authentic TK-90x ROM

SpecEmu v3.2 build 16/11/21

  • Fixed a bug using the Options menu which could change the emulated machine even when the dialog is cancelled
  • Reworked the keyboard handling code

SpecEmu v3.2 build 27/10/21

  • Fixed .sna snapshot loading.

SpecEmu v3.2 build 25/10/21

  • Fixed a bug when saving .z80 snaps under certain circumstances (thanks, Arjun Nair)
  • Added PAC-MAN (+3) mode to the Tools menu (requires pacman.6e pacman.6f pacman.6h pacman.6j from the Midway ROM set in the pacmanroms folder)
  • Corrected the HALT behaviour
  • Thanks to Simon Owen for permission to use his +3 Pac-Man emulator! (http://simonowen.com/spectrum/pacemuzx/)

SpecEmu v3.2 build 01/10/21

  • Fixed a bug corrupting the alternate AF register pair when reading .z80 snapshots
  • Fixed a bug affecting the index mark bit in Status register reads for Type 1 FD-179x controller commands.

SpecEmu v3.1 build 17/9/21

  • Fixed Multiface 128/3 devices

SpecEmu v3.1 build 13/9/21

  • Fixed a bug relating to contention when entering/leaving +2A/+3 64K RAM mode (thanks to Guesser)

SpecEmu v3.1 build 10/9/21

  • Added an option to disable the end of RZX playback dialog

SpecEmu v3.1 build 20/11/20;

  • Fixed minor ULAplus bug

SpecEmu v3.1 build 27/2/20

  • Fixed Kempston joystick emulation (thanks, hexaae)

SpecEmu v3.1 build 13/2/20

  • Fixed the latest machine selection bug. (thanks, XoRRoX)

SpecEmu v3.1 build 9/2/20

  • Fixed SNA saving (d'oh).
  • Fixed CBI-95 disk I/F (which also caused segfaults on exit, thanks Ast. A. Moore)

SpecEmu v3.1 build 1/2/20

  • Fixed TAP loading.

SpecEmu v3.1 build 19/1/20

  • Added a status bar to show more info
  • Added a x4 zoom option in the View menu

SpecEmu v3.1 build 24/12/19

  • Fixed some tape loading bugs and accelerated some protection systems a little more with edge detection enabled.

SpecEmu v3.1 build 08/12/19

  • Removed the bright black extra intensity
  • Remembers the last snapshot type selection when saving snapshots.
  • Added -z80v1 command line argument to always save 48K .Z80 snapshots as v1 files. Non-48K .Z80 snaps will always be v3.
  • To toggle between v1 and v3 48K .Z80 snaps use the z80v1 and z80v3 commands in the debugger's command parser.

SpecEmu v3.1 build 29/11/19

  • Fixed a bug relating to 128K/+3 normal/shadow screen flipping timings.

SpecEmu v3.1 build 16/03/18

  • Updated settings code to be more UAC friendly (thanks, polomint)
  • Added the +3 FDC's physical cylinder display to the debugger.
  • Fixed +3 disk autoloading.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented the LD A,I/R opcodes from working correctly when accepting an interrupt.
  • Added -sna128 command line argument to force 128K SNA files to be loaded into Spectrum 128K mode.
  • Updated zlib library to v1.2.11

SpecEmu v3.1 build 12/05/16

  • Added -cbi95nmi command line argument which allows the CBI-95 magic button to override the Multiface NMI.

SpecEmu v3.1 build 21/11/15

  • Fixed bug preventing Kempston joysticks on ports 31 and 55 from working simultaneously (thanks, MatGubbins)

SpecEmu 3.1 build 01/11/15

ZX Spectrum:SpecEmu:The Way of Exploding Fist II:Melbourne House:Beam Software Pty., Ltd.:1986:
The Way of Exploding Fist II (Melbourne House, 1986)
  • ???

v3.1 build 26/07/15

  • Updated memory map files to a more complete state. Details are in the Docs folder in the distro.

v3.1 build 25/05/15

  • Added basic joystick support
  • A few minor bug fixes.
  • Updated to OpenSE BASIC v3.1.2 (Tools menu)
  • Updated zlib library to v1.2.8


→ [zx] SpecEmu 3.1 build 05/04/14
ZX Spectrum:SpecEmu:Hades Nebula:Nexus Productions Ltd.:Paranoid Software:1987:
Hades Nebula (Nexus Productions Ltd., 1987)

SpecEmu 3.1 build 05/04/14

  • Fixed an access violation with the "Enable dodgy televisions set" option enabled (thanks, Chris Cowley)


→ [zx] SpecEmu 3.1 build 23/09/13
Netherworld (Hewson Consultants Ltd., 1988)

SpecEmu v3.1 build 23/09/13

  • Fixed an access violation with the "Enable dodgy televisions set" option enabled (thanks, Chris Cowley)
→ [zx] SpecEmu 3.1 build 22/09/13
ZX Spectrum:Garfield: Big, Fat, Hairy Deal (Edge,Softek, 1988)
Garfield: Big, Fat, Hairy Deal (Edge, The, 1988)
wstecz02/04/2024 00:52
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