
[Sharp] MZ-800 Emulator 1.0.8 28/04/2023

[19] @ Wtorek, 2 Maja 2023 00:19CET

Ukazała się nowa wersja emulatora 8 bitowej konstrukcji SHARP MZ-800. Teraz możemy dzięki pracy Michała Hucika przyglądnąć się bazie softwarowej udawanej maszyny. Sam emulator, pisany pod Linuksa i Windows, wymaga od nas skorzystania z bibliotek GTK3

Sporo softu akceptowalnego przez emulatorem znajdziecie np. SCAV.CZ

2023-04-28 - Released version 1.0.8

  • Windows - bugfix: upgraded to GTK-3 runtime gtk-3.24.38
    Among other things, this fixed an error in the display of the topmenu on systems with multiple monitors. The module for checking the latest version of the program now uses SSL.The program can now be compiled in Windows in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
  • bugfix: WD279x - command type III read track addr - fixed empty FD
  • bugfix: 4 years ago I accidentally disabled the CMT extension TAP,  no one noticed :(
  • added new topmenu section the Audio, now is posible to setup audio volume for all channels or individualy per channel
  • the default main window rendering scale is now set to Bigger - 150%. In the Display section you can now select the startup window size from one of three predefined sizes - 100%, 150% and 300%.virtual CMT now supports
  • motor control via i8255
  • Engine state may by controlled manualy by the "Pause" toggle button in the CMT control pannel.
    Play / Record + Pause => motor OFF
    Play / Record         => motor ON
    If the engine is running and the i8255 sends a signal to stop it, the "Pause" switch is activated. CMT saving: after opening a new file is now switched default to mode "Record + Pause".
  • into CMT menu added option for enable/disable MZF filesize check and fix (default is enabled)
→ [Sharp] MZ-800 Emulator 1.0.7 27/01/2022
Exploding Fist (MikrSoft, 1987)

2022-01-27 - Released version 1.0.7

  • added menu option HW compatibility -> MZ-700 mode - fixed 0xE008. 
    This is a partial HW bugfix for reading regDMD status at address 0xE008 in MZ-700 mode. The MZ-800 computer has permanent value '0' on bits 1 to 6. This causes a false identification     of the JOY stick on the original MZ-700 games. The option sets these bits to value '1'.

2021-10-27 - Released version 1.0.6

  • bugfix in HW scroll
  • added the ability to assemble project via cmake (thanks Ysblokje) - see cmake_README.md
  •  small bugfixes
  • in top menu added experimental option HW compatibility -> MZ-700 (PAL) VRAM timing
  • This option allows slow VRAM read/write acces like real MZ-700 hardware.

2020-08-09 - Released version 1.0.5

  • new function: Auto Type Keyboard
  • BUGFIX: vkbd keybord mapping
  • BUGFIX: added 20ms sleep to the main cycle, when emulator is paused
  • Debugger settings: added options for auto forced full screen refresh (without dependency on beam position).       May by called manually by CTRL+R from debugger window.
  • several improvements and bugfixes in the memory browser
  • CMTHACK: added option "Fixing FNAME terminator"
  • bugfix: in "fast" version of CTC0 on MODE2 (Madonna2 demo did not work)
  • bugfix: changed initialization of virtual CMT output sig. (ESC key in Turbo Copy now works)
  • display: added "Lock window aspect ratio" (default off, working only in Windows)
  • display: Alt+W, Alt + H - fix window aspect ratio by width, or by height
→ [Sharp] MZ-800 Emulator 1.0.4

2018-09-16     Released version 1.0.4

In this released emulator version is integrated a huge amount of bugfixes,   improvements, features and new bugs, which I gradually collected over the last two years. Thanks to some improvements was the emulation be significantly accelerated and      this achieved performance was instantly used for the new features, which this     slows down a bit :)    Some peripherals have revealed new secrets and all of that has been integrated  into emulation.

 Just in the short:

  • virtual CMT now supports a multiple file formats (MZF, MZT, TAP, WAV) and allows the save into WAV
  • added a virtual keyboard and creation tools for DSK and QD images
  • added a simple simulation of the "Unicard" and IDE8 (supported by NIPOPS cp/m)
  • implemented both types of MemExt (supported by MZIX - Unix)
  • many many improvements in the debugger..., added new memory browser / editor,  memory dissassembler, etc...
  • better synchronisation in the Linux, some changes about ROMs, and lots of other little things in the different places
  •  added online check for new versions. Emulator sometimes at the startup checks the my web site and if they discover a new version of the emulator, then show the information window - this feature  can be turned off and version checks can be performed manually.

If you want to ask about some emulator features or peripherals of the MZ-800,   do not hesitate and ask me on the SourceForge, or by email.

→ [Sharp] MZ-800 Emulator 1.0.2

2015-09-23 Released version 1.0.2

  • a little improved emulation speed
  • inline assembler bugfix: fixed instructions with relative
  • inline assembler bug fixed of generating instruction with relative value (JR %, DJNZ %, etc.)


  • trivial bugfix: locale encoded errors and warning messages in console
  • trivial bugxix: step mode in debugger sometime stepped over multiple lines
  • 2015-09-20 Released version 1.0.1
  • Bugfix: localized file names and paths are now fully supported.
  • This is tested only in my Czech localization of Windows 7.

Is it works in other codepages? For example in the Japanese localization of Windows? PLEASE anybody: can you send me any report about this? To discusions on the SF, or to my email hucik@ordoz.com


  • trivial bugfix in memory allocation
  • added loging into error.log

2015-09-17 Released version 1.0

wstecz02/05/2023 00:19
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Do ściągnięcia
mz800emu-win32-stable-1.0.8-rev 237.rar
mz800emu-win64-stable-1.0.8-rev 237.rar
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