Wataroo jest emulatorem tajwańskiej konsolki Watara SuperVision, która w 92 roku miała apetyt konkurować z GameBoyem Nintendo. Dzięki Wataroo Osmana Celimli można samemu ocenić garstkę tytułów (65) jakie pojawiły się na tą konsolkę, cóż ...
Final Combat (1991, Thin Chen Enter, Sachen)
Wataroo 12-29-2017
Added :
- Upgraded to JoyFish v0.8.5.2.
Cleanup :
- Screen Saver and Monitor Power Down now disabled while running.
- Several Direct3D 9 performance enhancements for faster texture updates.
Wataroo 28-05-2021
- Upgraded to Visual C++ 6.0 SP5 + Processor Pack.
- Optimization now favors Pentium Pro.
- Complete rewrite of all the KS5360's modules.
- Provisions for future TV-Link and Hybrid console support.
- Overhaul of the interface and friendly features to match BupSystem v0.9.6.4.
- Graphics API (GAPI) abstraction layer and NULL Render Path.
- Upgraded to JoyFish v0.8.6.2.
Cleanup :
- 65C02's ABS,X and ABS,Y writes are now five cycles long.
- Asynchronous display scanning and frame pushes now properly supported.
- Timer's interrupt evaluation depends upon both count and phase.
- ...and many others I've forgotten.
Wataroo 12-29-2017
Added :
- Automatic input configuration support.
- Upgraded to JoyFish v0.8.5.1.
- Extended DMA Tests to WaTest.
Cleanup :
- Input dialog now highlights each button’s mapping field when pressed or reassigning.
- DMA Controller doesn’t let the CPU run one out of every six clocks, it’s always fully halted.
- Whether or not the LCD Driver is enabled actually DOES affect the DMA Controller’s speed.
Wataroo 10-3-2017
Added :
- Mouse cursor autohiding in Full Screen Mode.
- Super Divider audio enhancement feature.
- Waveform hardware checks to WaTest.
- List of detected joysticks now displayed after a manual rescan.
- XInput support.
Cleanup :
- Split 65C02 emulation into fetch and execute phases to fudge timing a little better.
- Pulse channels’ prescaler reset conditions adjusted to better match the hardware.
- Noise channel’s dividers were running half as fast as they should have been.
- DMA check in WaTest now performs transfers both to and from VRAM.
- Joystick auto rescanning would never trigger from a cold start if multiple joysticks were connected.
- Joystick auto rescan interval reduced from four to two seconds.
- Corrected a fairly embarrassing access violation when loading user button mappings.
Police Bust (199x) (Bon Treasure) czyli PacMan w wydaniu policyjnym
Added :
- Support for the MAGNUM mapper.
- Small (160x160) and Large (800x800) window size presets.
- 65C02 Address Viewer to WaTest.
- Link Port Probe to WaTest.
- History section in HTML Help.
Cleanup :
- CPU Stall Cycles weren’t accumulating properly.
- Increased the silencing cutoff for the pulse channels from a division of zero to three.
- DMA Controller actually does support VBUS to CBUS transfers and CPU stalling.
- Link Port Registers’ behavior was way off.
Chimera, jeden z nieliczynych tytułów, rozpoznawalnych i akceptowalnych.
What's Emulated
- CPU, LCD, DMA, and APU
- Mappers: STANDARD (16K - 128K)
- Button Input
- Gamepad Support
- Save States
- CPU Overclocking
- Custom Palettes
- Includes 'WaTest' Software
What’s Next
- MAGNUM Mapper (used by Journey to the West)
- TV-Link
Not Happening