Muzykę firmowąną przez Yerzmey'a nie trzeba polecać - każdy, kto lubi dźwięki 8/16 a czasami i 32/64 bit, zna jego produkcję i wie, że każdy jego album to prawdziwa przyjemność dla ucha. Z nowego, w sumie bardzo aygrekowego albumu, imo warto wysłuchać Agharte (Porządny Chiptune na Spektrusia), The Lady of Mars (NES też potrafi grać i to całkiem fajnie), Moon Hoax (To jest to, co w SIDzie najbardziej lubie, a czego Pokey nie zawsze potrafi;)), Mono Adventurers (jednak jak się Atarkę dociśnie, to też potrafi;)) i Gendarmenmarkt the Berlin square, w którym przynajmniej ja odnajduję ukłon w stronę szkoły Berlińskiej.
The tracklist:
- Agartha (ZX Spectrum)
- Death Squad (ZX Spectrum)
- The Lady of Mars (NES/FAMICON)
- Evelynn (Atari ST/ZX Spectrum)
- Vivid Dream (Atari ST/ZX Spectrum)
- Ceres Pyramid (AMIGA 1200 / YAMAHA QY70)
- Orch-OR (ZX Spectrum)
- Jophar Vorin of Laxaria (ZX Spectrum)
- Moon Hoax (SID / RASPBERRY PI 2)
- Trip to Japan (ZX Spectrum)
- Mono Adventures (Atari 800XL)
- Gendarmenmarkt the Berlin square (ZX Spectrum)
- Temple of Asherah (Atari ST)
Total Time - 44:48 min.
Hardware used:
- ZX Spectrum 48K with AY-interface, Atari 520ST, FamiCom Pocket, Amiga 1200, Atari 800XL, Raspberry Pi 2, mini-synthesizer Yamaha QY70.
Software used:
- ZX SoundTracker 1.1, MusicMon, FamiTracker, OctaMED, Neo-Tracker, Goat-Tracker.
All the music has been composed and recorded by Yerz.
Cover-art project has been designed by Yerz.
WWW sites:
→ [MUS] Chiptune: Yerzmey - Chiptunes (2014)
- 01. Yerzmyey - Yerzmix 6 (ZX81 / ZX Spectrum)
- 02. Yerzmyey - Arcane Zone Part 2, Full Version (Sam Coupe)
- 03. Yerzmyey - A very odd adventure (ZX Spectrum)
- 04. Yerzmyey - Anisotropy (ZX Spectrum / ZX81 / Atari 520ST)
- 05. Yerzmyey - Blazar Shift (ZX Spectrum / Atari 520ST)
- 06. Yerzmyey - Fifteen Colours (ZX Spectrum)
- 07. Yerzmyey - Celestial Sphere (Atari 520ST)
- 08. Yerzmyey - Help! - The Beatles cover (ZX Spectrum)
- 09. Yerzmyey - Deadly Labyrinth of Lord Xyrx (ZX Spectrum)
- 10. Yerzmyey - Inside the screen (ZX Spectrum)
- 11. Yerzmyey - Just Can't Get Enough - a Depeche Mode cover (ZX Spectrum)
- 12. Yerzmyey - Jupiter Battle (ZX Spectrum)
- 13. Yerzmyey - Wake up! (Atari 520ST)
- 14. Yerzmyey - Out of the mist (ZX Spectrum / Atari 520ST)
- 15. Yerzmyey - Nightmares (ZX Spectrum)
- 16. Yerzmyey - Superman - a cover (ZX Spectrum)
- 17. Yerzmyey - Square Disco (ZX81 / ZX Spectrum)
- 18. Yerzmyey - Sailor Moon Star - a cover (ZX Spectrum, TurboSound)
- 19. Yerzmyey - Chasing (Amiga 500, 8 channels)
- 20. Yerzmyey - Yerzmix 7 (ZX81 / ZX Spectrum, TurboSound)
- 21. Gasman - Spacecake (Bonus Track / ZX Spectrum / synthesizer)
- 22. Yerzmyey and ugm27 - ?????? (Bonus Track / synthesizers / ZX Spectrum)
© 2014 by YERZMYEY
TT - 1 hour, 12 minutes
Guest artists: Gasman, ugd27
***Special thanks to: Mono, Matt Barton, CheapBeats***
Hi there. This time I have for You some bigger amount of synthetic music from various 8-bit and 16-bit computers. While making this album I used:
- ZX81 with ZXpand and TurboSound (two YM2149 chips)
- ZX Spectrum 48K with AY-interface
- Speccy2010 and TurboSound (two AY chips implemented)
- Sam Coupe (Philips SAA chip)
- Atari 520ST (YM2149 chip)
- Amiga 500 (Paula chip).
→ [Amiga] Yerzmey "Rave is illegal"
- Give it
- Goddamn business
- Have you ever loved?
- I have come
- It’s gonna take all night
All the music has been made on AMIGA 500 (4 channels, 8-bit quality of sound) using the
OctaMED 4.0 program.
Recorded from real hardware (stereo slightly changed).
Speech/vocal samples come usually from the MusicRadar.
Female vocal by Mandy Edge.
The usual greetings to AY-RIDERS. ;)
Respect to Amiga musicians and techno-rave/house musicians:
The Prodigy, XTD, Adamski, SLL, Holy Noise, Laxity, MvdK of LA Style, The Immortals.
→ [ZX] Chiptune: Yerzmey Mission Highly Improbable (the ZX-demo original soundtrack)
- Yerzmyey - Mission Highly Improbable (part 1)
- Yerzmyey - Mission Highly Improbable (part 2)
- Yerzmyey - Mission Highly Improbable (part 3)
- Yerzmyey - Mission Highly Improbable (part 4)
- Yerzmyey - Mission Highly Improbable (part 5)
- Yerzmyey - Mission Highly Improbable (part 6)
- Mister Beep – Chromospheric Flares (bonus track)
Total time: 10:50 min.
All the music has been made on ZX Spectrum 48K and it comes from “Mission Highly Improbable” demo, released on Forever 2014 Party (came 1st in the ZX demo-compo).
First 6 songs: AY chip
The bonus track (7th): BEEPER
→ [ZX] Chiptune: Yerzmey Astral Combat
- Astral Combat
- Comet Day
- Industrial Fucking Part 5
- Taiyou
- Dance of Insanity
- Kaminari
- Electrobody (ZX48 Cover)
- Proof of concept (a bonus track)
Total time: 26:50 min.
All music has been made on standard ZX Spectrum and SampleTracker program.
Infos: 3 channels, 4-bit quality lo-fi micromusic.
Recorded from real hardware: ZX Spectrum 48K with AY-interface.
PS: The BONUS-TRACK is really a proof of concept, I made for the idea of playing simultaneously two ZX Spectrum computers, where one is playing chiptune music and the second one is playing digital music (6 channels in total).
I was wondering if it keeps tempo properly - and it appeared it works OK.
I don't know if it sounds very well, but at least sounds kind of interesting, I'd say.
One Spectrum is playing a chiptune part from ZX SoundTracker 1.1.
The second Spectrum is playing a 3-channels 4-bit digi-music from SampleTracker 2.1.
Also recorded from real ZX Spectrum computers.