RomVault pozwoli nam zachować porządek w co raz to bardziej chaotycznym (dla użytkownika) kolekcji dumpów dla MAME i MESS. Jest to całkiem interesująca alternatywa jeśli chodzi o możliwości tego programu w stosunku do clrMAME.
[8] faust @
!!! Sobota, 25 Stycznia 2020 15:50 CET [06-01-2020 17:30 CET]RomVault pozwoli nam zachować porządek w co raz to bardziej chaotycznym (dla użytkownika) kolekcji dumpów dla MAME i MESS. Jest to całkiem interesująca alternatywa jeśli chodzi o możliwości tego programu w stosunku do clrMAME.
Main fix was fixing a bug causing a bad cache file when making Fix Dat reports, but there many other smaller features and fixes, including a new show incomplete filter button in the top right.
Feature Updates:
Bug Fixes:
Excited to anounce the release of V3.7.0! One of the biggest feature update releases in a very long time.
This feature update list has been driven by two main big features adds:
Feature Updates:
Bug Fixes:
Bug Fixes:
Feature Updates:
Bug Fixes:
Feature Updates:
Bug Fixes:
New Features
Bug Fixes
New Features
Bug Fixes
Just released V3.5.1, A very long list of bugfix and feature additions.
From experimental Dark mode! To opt-out/Anonymous option for MIA reporting, plus a lot more.
Feature Updates:
Bug Fixes:
Feature Updates:
Bug Fixes:
To Header, or not to Header? Thank is the question.
RomVault 3.4.4, now has a directory level option to control headers in DAT. (Force/optional/ignore.)
Feature Updates:
Bug Fixes:
(TOSEC DATs will be added to DATVault in the next few days.)
Feature Updates:
Bug Fixes:
Merry Christmas to all, and a Happy New Year.
Feature Updates:
Bug Fixes:
Feature Updates:
Bug Fixes:
Time for an update release with a bunch of good features updates included:
Feature Updates:
Bug Fixes:
Happy 4th of July Everyone, and to celebrate here is the big new V3.3.0 RV Release, with one of the biggest whats new / bug fix list in a long time:
Big updates:
The RV UI can still be used will Scanning/Fixing
Added in most ZIP de-compression methods (all that I have ever actually see in the wild.)
0 - The file is stored (no compression)
1 - The file is Shrunk
2 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 1
3 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 2
4 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 3
5 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 4
6 - The file is Imploded
8 - The file is Deflated
9 - Enhanced Deflating using Deflate64(tm)
12 - File is compressed using BZIP2 algorithm
14 - LZMA
20,93 - (Supported, with external DLL) Zstandard (zstd) de-compression
98 - PPMd version I, Rev 1
I do not belive there is any other C# library anywhere that supports this many ZIP compression methods, I hand coded a number of these more obscure de-compression methods myself from scratch!
V1,2,3,4 (Compression method <3) CHD's are now supported/scanned internally within RV's own code. (latest ChdMan does not read V1 CHD files.)
Scanning level 2 is now the default scanning level, you can Scan at level 1 & 3 from right click menu on the tree
Now using a nice new cleaner looking RomVault Logo.
Other Fixes:
Somewhere in the last few releases a bug crept in causing zipped file to not be fixed if only the case of the rom name in the DAT set was changed.
This has now been fixed in release 3.2.2
After you install this version you should 'Shift/Right Click' on the Update DATs button to fully reload your DATs, doing this will make RV find any incorrectly cased zip files.
If RV finds any you can then 'Find Fixes' & 'Fix ROMs' to correct these Zip Files.
To read more about 'Shift/Right click' please see this Wiki page: Wiki Side Buttons
Merry Christmas everyone, and to celebrate here is an update with some nice bugs fixed.And a fun version number to... V3.2.1, Download link over on the left, and wishing you all a Happy New Year.
RomVault development has been very active lately, and there have been some big UI performance improvements added in the last month.
So with that it is time to do a .1 version update... So today I am releasing RomVault V3.1.0
Also there is a new link over on the left for RVCmd!! This is something a few people have been asking for.
Author: gordonj | Date: wtorek, 25 lutego 2020 21:12:10
Author: gordon.jefferyes | Date: niedziela, 23 lutego 2020 02:00:10
Author: gordon.jefferyes | Date: niedziela, 23 lutego 2020 00:19:04
Author: gordonj | Date: piątek, 21 lutego 2020 22:59:40
Author: gordonj | Date: piątek, 21 lutego 2020 05:19:49
Author: gordon.jefferyes | Date: niedziela, 23 lutego 2020 00:18:11
Author: gordon.jefferyes | Date: czwartek, 20 lutego 2020 22:07:08
Author: gordonj | Date: środa, 12 lutego 2020 20:25:54
Author: gordonj | Date: wtorek, 11 lutego 2020 15:40:43
Author: gordonj | Date: niedziela, 9 lutego 2020 04:45:18
Author: gordonj | Date: niedziela, 9 lutego 2020 03:36:45
Author: gordonj | Date: niedziela, 9 lutego 2020 02:15:44
Author: gordon.jefferyes | Date: środa, 5 lutego 2020 16:51:43
Author: gordonj | Date: niedziela, 9 lutego 2020 02:15:25
Author: gordonj | Date: poniedziałek, 3 lutego 2020 23:24:14
Author: gordonj | Date: sobota, 1 lutego 2020 21:28:53
Author: gordon.jefferyes | Date: czwartek, 30 stycznia 2020 20:48:40
Author: gordon.jefferyes | Date: czwartek, 30 stycznia 2020 18:57:24
Author: gordon.jefferyes | Date: czwartek, 30 stycznia 2020 15:27:48
Author: gordon.jefferyes | Date: środa, 29 stycznia 2020 23:34:55
Author: gordon.jefferyes | Date: środa, 29 stycznia 2020 18:38:29
Author: gordon.jefferyes | Date: środa, 29 stycznia 2020 18:24:50
Author: gordon.jefferyes | Date: wtorek, 28 stycznia 2020 23:31:54
Author: gordon.jefferyes | Date: wtorek, 28 stycznia 2020 18:29:55
Author: gordonj | Date: poniedziałek, 27 stycznia 2020 17:23:59
Author: gordon.jefferyes | Date: poniedziałek, 27 stycznia 2020 17:15:55
Author: gordonj | Date: piątek, 24 stycznia 2020 03:35:44
Author: gordonj | Date: piątek, 24 stycznia 2020 00:01:22
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