
[pc] PCem 1.6

[4] @ Wtorek, 21 Kwietnia 2020 00:14CET

[pc] PCem 1.6

Tom Walker autor całej masy emulatorów (Arculator, B-em, CPC-em, Elkulator, ReasonableGBA, RPCemu, SNEM, YAAME, ZX82) zaktualizował kod swojego emulatora starych "blaszaków" - komputerów PC klasy XT/AT/286/486 w tym tak "egzotycznych" konstukcji jak Sinclair PC200, Commodore PC30-III czy też Amstrad MegaPC.


PCem v16 19th April 2020

  • New machines added - Commodore SL386SX-25, ECS 386/32, Goldstar GDC-212M, Hyundai Super-286TR, IBM PS/1 Model 2133 (EMEA 451), Itautec Infoway Multimidia, Samsung SPC-4620P, Leading Edge Model M
  • New graphics cards added - ATI EGA Wonder 800+, AVGA2, Cirrus Logic GD5428, IBM 1MB SVGA Adapter/A
  • New sound card added - Aztech Sound Galaxy Pro 16 AB (Washington)
  • New SCSI card added - IBM SCSI Adapter with Cache
  • Support FPU emulation on pre-486 machines
  • Numerous bug fixes
  • A few other bits and pieces
NOWSZY [cpc] CPCEmu 2.4.0 29/12/2021

CPCemu 2.4 released 29.12.2021

  • Original, but virtual CPC keyboard in 4 different languages. Click/touch at the bottom border to get it.
  • Loading firmware ROMs (0 and 255) from the running emulator (setup menu).
  • Upgrade to the latest SDL version (2.0.18). If you don't get the virtual keyboard, the on-screen joystick and the graphical main menu you should consider upgrading your installed SDL version.
  • Correction of many errors (M4 file names, M4 sockets, sound output, restart of emulation, error tolerance, screen layout, Z80 R register).
NOWSZY [cpc] CPCEmu 2.3.2 11/07/2021

CPCemu 2.3.2/1 released 11.07.2021

These are bugfix releases. They correct the following problems:

  • File handling on systems with a case-sensitive file system.
  • Missing folder "m4" in some Linux packages.
  • Outdated online help on Android.
  • Sound volume very high.

CPCemu 2.3 released 07.07.2021

  • Complete emulation of an M4 Board (http://www.spinpoint.org) using a host directory as drive C: (i. e. SD card; even for SymbOS), including network/internet connections, dynamic ROM simulation and (replaceable) Hack ROM (lower ROM). Many thanks to Duke for providing information and staying patient!
  • CRTC emulation of type 0 (register 8) and type 1 (register 6) even better than before.
  • HYSNC and VSYNC emulation still a bit improved.
  • Online help updated.
  • Mouse pointer visible on movements.
  • Correction of many small and big errors (in particular, 576 KB RAM work correctly now for the first time after decades) and improved error reporting.
NOWSZY [cpc] CPCEmu 2.2 14/03/2021

CPCemu 2.2 released 14.03.2021

  • Setup option to use arrow keys as joystick
  • Main menu improved for small screens (Android, iOS)
  • Improved output in CRT-monitor mode ("Video mode=1", including better window behaviour for desktop versions)
  • Improved emulation of the HSYNC signals ("blacker than black", relevant for some demos as Dreamend)
  • Fixed errors: Folder sharing on Android, sound output, poke database (Android, iOS)
NOWSZY [cpc] CPCEmu 2.1 23/02/2020

CPCemu 2.1 released 23.02.2021

  • Once again, I'm happy to present a new version of CPCemu.

New features are:

  • Available also for Linux-x86 (32 Bit) and (soon) Linux-ARM64 (64 Bit)
  • Further features of CRTC (types 0 and 1) and Gate Array implemented (e. g. behaviour of register 6, and the colours)
  • User interface improved: text size on Android and iOS, Drag & Drop of DSK files on Windows, MacOS and Linux
  • The versions for Android and iOS accept DSK and ZIP files from other applications (e. g. downloads from the browser)
  • Further features of the disk controller (FDC) implemented (Orion Prime in the 4 disk version loads correctly now)
  • Multiple improvements (e. g. autostart, green monitor, cassette relay)
NOWSZY [cpc] CPCEmu 2.0 7/01/2020
Nieładne? Nie.... funkcjonalne? Całkiem, całkiem, na pewno nostalgiczne;)

CPCemu 2.0 released 07.01.2021

I'm proud to present the latest release of CPCemu. It deserves a new major version number.

These are the features of version 2.0:

  • Runs on MacOS, Android, iOS, Linux (x86_64 and ARM, in particular on Raspberry Pi) and Windows
  • Graphics engine overhauled, introducing border, overscan, dynamic horizontal synchronisation (not perfect yet), scan doubling and some optional CRT blurring
  • Completely new CRTC (CPC's graphics chip) emulation, quite accurate, and selectable between CRTC types 0, 1 and 2 (most demos work as on a real CPC)
  • Realistic timing of CPU instructions and interrupts
  • Sound emulation significantly improved, now able to play digitized sounds (such as speech and special effects)
  • Different accelerated modes of operation ("Turbo", with and without CRTC synchronisation)
  • Debugger with optional CRTC single-stepping alongside the CPC screen, including crosshairs indicating the current electron beam position
  • Graphical menu (in addition to function keys)
  • Virtual on-screen joystick on Android and iOS
  • Keyboard configuration improved, enabling easier customization
  • Many small improvements (e. g., correct handling of CPU register R, support for ZIP file archives without external "unzip", V3 Snapshot files) and bug fixes (e. g., floppy disk controller now correctly reads strange sectors such as Speedlock)
→ [pc] PCem 1.5
AMD K6 on PCem... Welcome again;)

PCem v15  19th May 2019

  • New machines added - Zenith Data SupersPort, Bull Micral 45, Tulip AT Compact, Amstrad PPC512/640, Packard Bell PB410A, ASUS P/I-P55TVP4, ASUS P/I-P55T2P4, Epox P55-VA, FIC VA-503+
  • New graphics cards added - Image Manager 1024, Sigma Designs Color 400, Trigem Korean VGA
  • Added emulation of AMD K6 family and IDT Winchip 2
  • New CPU recompiler. This provides several optimisations, and the new design allows for greater portability and more scope for optimisation in the future
  • Experimental ARM and ARM64 host support
  • Read-only cassette emulation for IBM PC and PCjr
  • Numerous bug fixes
→ [pc] PCem 1.4

PCem v14 20th April 2018

  • New machines added - Compaq Portable Plus, Compaq Portable II, Elonex PC-425X, IBM PS/2 Model 70 (types 3 & 4), Intel Advanced/ZP, NCR PC4i, Packard Bell Legend 300SX, Packard Bell PB520R, Packard Bell PB570, Thomson TO16 PC, Toshiba T1000, Toshiba T1200, Xi8088
  • New graphics cards added - ATI Korean VGA, Cirrus Logic CL-GD5429, Cirrus Logic CL-GD5430, Cirrus Logic CL-GD5435, OAK OTI-037, Trident TGUI9400CXi
  • New network adapters added - Realtek RTL8029AS
  • Iomega Zip drive emulation
  • Added option for default video timing
  • Added dynamic low-pass filter for SB16/AWE32 DSP playback
  • Can select external video card on some systems with built-in video
  • Can use IDE hard drives up to 127 GB
  • Can now use 7 SCSI devices
  • Implemented CMPXCHG8B on Winchip. Can now boot Windows XP on Winchip processors
  • CD-ROM emulation on OS X
  • Tweaks to Pentium and 6x86 timing
  • Numerous bug fixes

Thanks to darksabre76, dns2kv2, EluanCM, Greatpsycho, ja've, John Elliott, leilei and nerd73 for contributions towards this release.

PCem v13.1 17th December 2017

This is a quick bugfix release, with the following changes from v13 :

  • Minor recompiler tweak, fixed slowdown in some situations (mainly seen on Windows 9x just after booting)
  • Fixed issues with PCJr/Tandy sound on some Sierra games
  • Fixed plasma display on Toshiba 3100e
  • Fixed handling of configurations with full stops in the name
  • Fixed sound output gain when using OpenAL Soft
  • Switched to using OpenAL Soft by default

PCem v13 12th December 2017

  • Re-uploaded v13 Windows archive with missing mda.rom included - please re-download if you've been having issues.
  • New machines added - Atari PC3, Epson PC AX, Epson PC AX2e, GW-286CT GEAR, IBM PS/2 Model 30-286, IBM PS/2 Model 50, IBM PS/2 Model 55SX, IBM PS/2 Model 80, IBM XT Model 286, KMX-C-02, Samsung SPC-4200P, Samsung SPC-4216P, Toshiba 3100e
  • New graphics cards - ATI Video Xpression, MDSI Genius
  • New sound cards added - Disney Sound Source, Ensoniq AudioPCI (ES1371), LPT DAC, Sound Blaster PCI 128
  • New hard drive controllers added - AT Fixed Disk Adapter, DTC 5150X, Fixed Disk Adapter (Xebec), IBM ESDI Fixed Disk Controller, Western Digital WD1007V-SE1
  • New SCSI adapters added - Adaptec AHA-1542C, BusLogic BT-545S, Longshine LCS-6821N, Rancho RT1000B, Trantor T130B
  • New network adapters added - NE2000 compatible
  • New cross-platform GUI
  • Voodoo SLI emulation
  • Improvements to Sound Blaster emulation
  • Improvements to Pentium timing
  • Various bug fixes
  • Minor optimisations

Thanks to AmatCoder, basic2004, bit, dns2k, ecksemess, Greatpsycho, hOMER247, James-F, John Elliott, JosepMa, leilei, neozeed, ruben_balea, SA1988 and tomaszkam for contributions towards this release.

→ [pc] PCem 1.2
Collin Mcrea pod PcEm. Foto@ProjectPage

PCem v12 released 18th February 2017

  • New machines added - AMI 386DX, MR 386DX
  • New graphics cards - Plantronics ColorPlus, Wyse WY-700, Obsidian SB50, Voodoo 2
  • CPU optimisations - up to 50% speedup seen
  • 3DFX optimisations
  • Improved joystick emulation - analogue joystick up to 8 buttons, CH Flightstick Pro, ThrustMaster FCS, SideWinder pad(s)
  • Mouse can be selected between serial, PS/2, and IntelliMouse
  • Basic 286/386 prefetch emulation - 286 & 386 performance much closer to real systems
  • Improved CGA/PCjr/Tandy composite emulation
  • Various bug fixes
→ [pc] PCem 1.1


Pcemu GUI:Windows98
Pcemu - GUI:Windows98

7th November 2015

  • Fixed buffer overruns in PIIX and ET4000/W32p emulation
  • Add command line options to start in fullscreen and to specify config file
  • Emulator doesn't die when the CPU jumps to an unexecutable address
  • Removed Voodoo memory dump on exit


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Nr GaduGadu
wstecz21/04/2020 00:14
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Do ściągnięcia
PCem v11 BIOS-retro-roms.blogspot.com-t2e.pl.rar
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