Nowa odsłona WinArcadii, który emuluję konsole z początku lat osiemdziesiątych takie jak:
- the Emerson Arcadia 2001 console family (Bandai, Emerson,Grandstand, Intervision, Leisure-Vision, Leonardo, MPT-03, Ormatu, Palladium, Poppy, Robdajet, Tele-Fever, Tempest, Tryom, Tunix, etc.) (1982);
- the Interton VC 4000 console family (Acetronic, Fountain, Hanimex,Interton, Prinztronic, Radofin, Rowtron, Voltmace, Waddington, etc.) (c. 1978);
- the Elektor TV Games Computer (1979);
- PIPBUG-based machines (EA 77up2, EA 78up5, Signetics Adaptable Board Computer, Eurocard 2650, etc.) (c. 1977-1978);
- the Signetics Instructor 50 trainer (1978);
- the Central Data 2650 computer (1977);
- the Astro Wars, Cat and Mouse, Galaxia, and Laser Battle coin-ops by Zaccaria (1979-1982);
- the Malzak 1 and 2 coin-ops by Kitronix (c. 1980);
- the Chaos 2 computer (1983);
- the Dolphin trainer (1977);
- the PHUNSY computer (c. 1980);
- AY-3-8550-based Pong systems (c. 1976);
- Ravensburg Selbstbaucomputer trainer (1984) Minimal 2650 Computer;
- the MIKIT 2650 trainer (1978).
22.23 [OS3.5+][Windows XP+][MorphOS][OS4? ]: Fri 27 Dec 2013. 355th release.
- Interton, Elektor: improved sound emulation.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
- aa: cam: now controls subwindow has arrows for the joystick directions.
- fixed: toggling tracing could cause bad timing.
- aa: fixed: splash window wasn't necessarily frontmost.
- incorporated Samir's latest Italian translation.
- aa: fixed: F10 was considered to be a reserved key.
- revised keyboard shortcuts.
- interton/elektor: explosion now uses authentic sampled sound.
- interton/elektor: improved explosion emulation.
- fixed: tape skewing was inverted.
- si50: small controls subwindow now has more legible key labels.
- wa: si50: fixed: small controls subwindow display was corrupt after eg. dragging subwindow.
- improved tape messages.
- ASM command now chooses a start address if none is specified.
- elektor: fixed: when recording a tape, not all output bytes were being mentioned to the user. tape loading now supports >8-bit and/or multichannel samples.
- wa: default host volume now matches sample volume more closely.
- elektor: added knowledge about newest tape dumps.
WinArcadia v24.57
- Arcadia, Interton, Elektor, Astro Wars: added more trainers.
- Laser Battle, Lazarian: improved emulation.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
WinArcadia v24.56
- Updated German and Italian translations.
- Bug fixes (WinArcadia only).
WinArcadia v24.55
WinArcadia v24.53
- Added "Help|Check for updates..." command.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
WinArcadia v24.52
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
WinArcadia v24.51
- BINBUG: support for alternative BIOSes.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
WinArcadia v24.5
- QWERTY-based machines: "Settings|Input|Host keyboard layout" option.
- Memory editor: "View as coverage report" option (WinArcadia only).
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
WinArcadia v24.42
- Debugger: added SAY command.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
WinArcadia v24.41
- Enhanced sprite editor (WinArcadia only).
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
WinArcadia v24.4
- Interton/Elektor: preliminary Hobby Module emulation.
- Added "Settings|Emulator|Power-on self-test?" option.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
WinArcadia v24.35
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
WinArcadia v24.34
- BINBUG: "View|Contents of|Sprite/UDC imagery" command.
- Improved palette editor (WinArcadia).
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
WinArcadia v24.33
- Added "Settings|BIOS|PIPBUG (300 baud)" option.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
WinArcadia v24.32
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
WinArcadia v24.31
- pong: fixed: game over flag was not being saved in COS/COR files.
- incorporated Samir's latest Italian translation.
- interton: fixed: Car Races and Grand Prix were swapped.
- cd2650: fixed a bug with "View|Contents of|8K BASIC variables".
- cd2650: improved "View|Contents of|Screen" command.
- tr: support for "Settings|Colours|Inverse video?" toggle.
- ARexx commands.
WinArcadia v24.3
- 5x and 6x graphics scaling.
- Miscellaneous improvements.
WinArcadia v24.22
- New CLI argument: FULLSCREEN (WinArcadia only).
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
WinArcadia v24.21
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
WinArcadia v24.2
- Added "Settings|Trainers" submenu.
- Added "Settings|Sound|Speech..." requester.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
WinArcadia v24.12
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
WinArcadia v24.11
- Type-right: added "View|High score table..." subwindow.
- Improved real-time CPU monitor.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
WinArcadia v24.1
- Type-right: added "Help||Host keyboard..." subwindow.
- Type-right: improved "Tools||Controls..." subwindow.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
WinArcadia v24.0
- Simulation of VTech Type-right.
- Bug fixes.
WinArcadia v23.07
- Interton, Elektor: improved PVI monitor.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
23.07 [OS3.5+][Windows XP+][MOS? ][OS4.0+]: Thu 30 Apr May 2015.
- Interton, Elektor: improved PVI monitor.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
- interton, elektor: PVI monitor now has data comment tooltips for PVI registers.
- memory editor now also shows code comments in tooltips.
- aa: fixed: tape skewage keyboard shortcuts were broken.
- aa: fixed: cpu monitor could crash when opening in some circumstances.
- aa: high scores requester now has its own splash window.
- wa: zaccaria: dip switch editor: fixed: some radio buttons weren't working properly.
- removed example games from archive.
23.04 [Windows XP+] : Fri 20 Mar 2015.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
- fixed: eof files in zips weren't being detected.
- elektor: removed pointless tvc support.
- fixed: tape recording file requester had wrong title bar text.
- removed unused catalog strings.
- elektor: added CASIN and CASOUT to monitor.
- fixed: interton and elektor PVI monitors lacked "other registers" group box label.
- elektor: fixed: tapes were saved at wrong speed.
- changed "log console" strings to "log output".
- fixed: sometimes gave invalid seconds positions when writing tapes.
- elektor: now tells user when the BIOS has finished writing to tape.
- incorporated Samir's latest Italian translation.
Malzak II
23.0 [OS3.5+][Windows XP+][MOS? ][OS4.0+]: Fri 30 Jan 2015. Lazarian emulation.
- Lazarian emulation.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
- aa: fixed: redefine keys subwindow: player 1 'x4' gadget didn't work properly.
- fixed a missing @endnode in user manual.
- debugger: " and FIND commands now gives user feedback.
- phunsy: removed support for superseded PGM format.
- elektor: removed sensing of various overdumps.
- cam: fixed a DIP switch handling bug.
- added lazarian emulation.
- lb: now doesn't generate a random high score at start of first game.
- wa: fixed: clicking on "game information" menu item now closes it if it is open.
- now ctrl+shift+2/amiga-@ can be used for auditing.
- aa: fixed: updating of some Settings menu items was bad.
- wa: now considers .ICO (rather than .info) files to be icons.
- fixed: game info subwindow: sometimes eg. coin-op autosaves were lacking their instructions.
- wa: fixed an issue with debugger reactivation.
Malzak II
22.73 [OS3.5+][Windows XP+][MorphOS][OS4.0+]: Thu 4 Dec 2014.
- Improved coin-op emulation.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
- incorporated Samir's latest Italian translation.
- incorporated Phantom's latest Greek translation.
- amiga: fixed: after uniconifying, the debugger gadget could be the wrong colour.
- fixed various GCC warnings.
- coin-ops: improved CVS starfield emulation.
- astro wars, galaxia: emulation of more sound effects.
- host keyboard subwindow: added "hover over a button..." text.
22.71 [OS3.5+][Windows XP+][MorphOS][OS4.0?]: Tue 7 Oct 2014.
- * Astro Wars, Galaxia: improved controls subwindow.
- * Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
- incorporated Samir's latest Italian translation.
- aa: debugger gadget is now coloured.
- added "tools|debugger" menu item.
- wa: fixed: caps lock was not considered to be a reserved key.
- narrowed debugger gadget.
- wa: now after tab-completion it puts the cursor at the end of the line.
- wa: fixed: opcodes subwindow was showing underlines instead of ampersands (in calm mode).
- wa: ctrl+tab now also works from inside the debugger gadget.
- wa: you can now click on/off the debugger gadget to activate/deactivate it.
- adjusted memory editor colours.
- wa: fixed: sidebar keyboard handling was broken.
- wa: debugger: cursor up now stops at the oldest entry.
- aa: fixed: mikit, phunsy sidebar glyphs were too narrow.
- wa: fixed: sidebar wasn't always highlighted properly.
- wa: now it automatically positions the output window to the right or bottom of the main window.
- astro wars, galaxia: game information subwindow now shows the official instructions for these.
- astro wars, galaxia: new photos for controls subwindow.
- astro wars: fixed wrong colours.
22.64 [OS3.5+][Windows XP+][MorphOS][OS4.0?]: Sun 14 Sep 2014. 370th release.
- New debugger CLI command: CO (compare memory).
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
- incorporated Samir's latest Italian translation.
- fixed: status bar, game info subwindow, etc. were saying it was using
- stub even when it wasn't.
- elektor: fixed: bios autosaves were being tagged as graka-slow.
- debugger CLI: added CO (compare memory) command.
- removed obsolete catalog strings.
22.62 [OS3.5+][Windows XP+][MorphOS][OS4.0?]: Thu 24 Jul 2014.
- New debugger CLI command: ED.
- New ARexx command: STATUS (AmiArcadia only).
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
- autosense support for CRC64 checksums.
- incorporated Samir's latest Italian translation.
- aa: new ARexx command: STATUS.
- aa: fixed: sidebar parent gadget was lengthening the pathname.
- incorporated Phantom's latest Greek translation.
- cd2650: autosense support for stub 1.1.
- aa: fixed: sidebar was omitting some directories.
- wa: fixed: sidebar directory sometimes was changed when saving.
- debugger cli: new command: ED.
22.6 [OS3.5+][Windows XP+][MorphOS][OS4.0?]: Tue 1 Jul 2014.
- Summary:
- Added "Project|Reinitialize machine" command.
- Added "Settings|Emulator|Use stub programs?" option.
- New debugger CLI commands: DEFSYM and CLEARSYM.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
- incorporated Samir's latest Italian translation.
- changed all occurrences of "laptop" to "netbook".
- debugger CLI: added CLEARSYM and DEFSYM commands.
- split debugger.c from engine2.c.
- added "use stub programs?" option.
- arcadia: fixed: not all memory was being cleared at reset.
- fixed: some debugger CLI command templates were inaccurate.
- added "reinitialize machine" command.
- elektor: debugger CLI: removed pointless LOADER and SAVER commands.
- 2650 cpu monitor: now shows entire instruction instead of just opcode.
- selbst: controls subwindow now shows LEDs.
- fixed: user-defined label table could overflow.
- selbst: fixed: PGM start addresses were wrong.
- aa: fixed: selbstbaucomputer bios 0.9 menu item was wrong.
22.6 [OS3.5+][Windows XP+][MorphOS][OS4.0?]: Tue 1 Jul 2014.
- Added "Project|Reinitialize machine" command.
- Added "Settings|Emulator|Use stub programs?" option.
- New debugger CLI commands: DEFSYM and CLEARSYM.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
- incorporated Samir's latest Italian translation.
- changed all occurrences of "laptop" to "netbook".
- debugger CLI: added CLEARSYM and DEFSYM commands.
- split debugger.c from engine2.c.
- added "use stub programs?" option.
- arcadia: fixed: not all memory was being cleared at reset.
- fixed: some debugger CLI command templates were inaccurate.
- added "reinitialize machine" command.
- elektor: debugger CLI: removed pointless LOADER and SAVER commands.
- 2650 cpu monitor: now shows entire instruction instead of just opcode.
- selbst: controls subwindow now shows LEDs.
- fixed: user-defined label table could overflow.
- selbst: fixed: PGM start addresses were wrong.
- aa: fixed: selbstbaucomputer bios 0.9 menu item was wrong.
22.51 [OS3.5+][Windows XP+][MorphOS][OS4? ]: Fri 20 Jun 2014. 365th release.
- Debugger CLI: added SAVESYM command.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
- wa: added glyphs for "Debug|Active CPU" menu subitems.
- si50: complete knowledge of 3 more official games/demos.
- pipbug, si50: LED lamps are now circular rather than square.
- fixed a bug relating to poking of non-existent labels.
- removed star from Amigan Software logo.
- debugger CLI: added SAVESYM command.
- debugger CLI: LOADSYM now intelligently handles labels which are the same as those already defined.
- it now distinguishes among various kinds of labels (code, data, etc.).