
[MULTI] Pantheon 11.766 30/07/2022

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[MULTI] Pantheon 11.766 30/07/2022

Multiemulator Pantheon, autorstwa  Bostjana 'Grandy' Grandoveca  został wzbogacony o nowe tytuły dla Sinclair Spectrum QL.

Pantheon posiada własną bazę tytułów, co z jednej strony ogranicza nas go gry tylko przez niego oferowane, z drugiej zaś strony uwalnia nas od poszukiwania oryginalnych dumpów. Numer wersji jest również informacją o tym, z jaką bazą tytułów program sobie radzi...


Psion Chess (Sinclair Research Ltd., 1984)


Pantheon 11.766 30.07.2022

  • games for Sinclair Spectrum QL: 2048, 23 Bullets, 3-D Maze, 3D Noughts and Crosses, Adventureland, Akalabeth: World of Doom, Anagram, AnalytiQL, Aries, Asalto y Castigo, Bombs Away, Break-Out, Breakout, Bridge, Britain, Bugziacs, Cavern, Clocks & Tables, Cluedo, Connect 4, Crazy-Cards, Cube Crawler, Cyclops, Decipher, Digitaya, Dino, Do-Re-Mi, Domino, Domino!, Einstein, El Blindo, Farce, Film-Fun, Froggy, Fruit Machine, Galaxia, GeeGees, Ghost, Ghost Town, Haunted House, Here We Go, Hole in One, Infernal, Javelin, Jumper, Linegame, Lucas, M-Cruncher, Maze, MemOmeM, Mini Adventure, Mission Impossible, Monopoly, More Tea Vicar!, Mystery Fun House, Naval Battle, Nim, One Day Cricket, Othello, Parachute Jump, Pentathlete, Pirate Adventure, Proteus, Psion Chess, Pyramid of Doom, QBMD, QBits Tic-Tac-Toe, QL Breakout, QL Invaders, QL Othello, QL Racer, QLTris, QSlots, QThello, Questprobe 1: The Incredible, Hulk, Questprobe 2: Spider-Man, React, Return to Pirate's Isle, Reversi, Rock-Fall, Runway, S.A.M. Interceptor, Savage Island, Part 1, Savage Island, Part 2, Segundero, Snake, Snakes and Ladders, Sokoban, Space Invaders, Star Trek v5.7, Starburst, Strange Odyssey, Surround, Tetris, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai, The Count, The Golden Voyage, The Hill, The Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle, Tower of Brahma, Towering Inferno, Treasure Hunt, TunnelPanic, txtElite, Ultimate Snake, Vicious Viper, Voodoo Castle, Wedgie Chess, Wordwise, Worm-Germ, Yahtze, ZapMan

Pantheon 11.654 20.06.2022

Soul of a Robot (a.k.a. Nonterraqueous 2) (Mastertronic Ltd., Nov, 1985)
  • games for Sinclair ZX Spectrum: Labirintus, Labyrinthion, Land of Sagan, Las Vegas Casino, Laser War, League Challenge, Legend of Kage, Life-Term, Light the Conk, Lil' Alien, Loco Bingo, Loony Lander, Luna Crabs, Lunaris, Macaroid, Mad in Cashcais, Magic Tokens, Mah Jongg, Mantronix, Mario Bros., Master Mariner, Mathsted, Maze Chase, Meganova, Menace, Metalyx, Miami Vice, Micro Mouse Goes De-Bugging, Millipede, Mined-Out, Mission Collision, Monster Munch, Moon Cresta, Mothership, Ms. Pac-Man, Murder, Murder at Hamilton Halls, Mystery of the Indus Valley, N.E.I.L. Android, Nanako in Classic Japanese Monster Castle, Nebula, Nicotine Nightmare, Nightmare Rally, Ninja Commando, Nonterraqueous, Nonterraqueous II: Soul of a Robot, O.K. Yah!, Odyssey I, Oldman, Ometron, One for the Road,Opposition, Overkill, P.H.A.R.T., Panama Joe, Parabola, Paratroopers, Pecinski Heroj, Penalty Soccer, Petris, Phantomas en Brujolandia, Phantomas en La Luna, Pingo, Piramide, Pluggit, Pogo, Pontoon, Pontoon!, Power Pyramids, Print Shop, Professional Soccer, Psi Chess, Pulsoid, Q10 Tank Buster, Race Ace, Raider of the Forgotten Ark, Rally Driver, Rattler, Redcoats, Repton 2, Repulsar, Rescue on Fractalus!, Rider, River Rescue, Road Race, Robot Messiah, Rogue, Rugby Boss, Runestone, Sabre Wulf, Samurai, Schizofrenia, Scramble, Sea Battles, Senso, Sex Poker, Shard of Inovar, Shockway Rider, Shooting Gallery, Side Arms, Sito Pons 500cc., Skateball, Skool Daze, Slingshot, Smashout!, Snake Pit, Sokoban, Southern Belle, Space Crystal, Space Walk, Specman, Spectral Invaders, Spi-Droid, Sprinter, Star Firebirds, Star Fox, Starblade, Stomp, Strike!, Sub Track, Summer Santa, Super Nudge 2000, SuperTed, SuperTed: The Search for Spot, Sweevo's World, Tachyon Command, Talos, Tax Returns, Teacher Trouble, Terra Force, Terrorlandia, Tetris Championship Edition, The Adventures of Saint Bernard, The Bermuda Triangle, The Case of the Obscene Mural, The Diamonds, The Eleventh Hour, The Five Treasures of Ryzar, The Girl Who Was Death, The Helm, The Ice Temple, The Jewels of Babylon, The King's Keep, The Light Corridor, The Manor of Madness, The Odyssey of Hope, The Philosopher's Stone, The Queen of Hearts, The Real Stunt Experts, The Survivors, Think!, Tiles, Titan, Toy Bizarre, Traffic Control, Triaxos, Trom, Tube Mix, Tutankhamun, U-Boat, UFO Invaders, Utok Bile Mysky, Vampire Vengeance, Vega Solaris, Video Pool, Vjetrenjaca, Volcano, Wamwort, Warp Factor 6, Werewolves of London, White Diamond, Wibstars, Winged Warlords, Wizard's Warrior, Wordsearch, World War I, Wreckage, Xadom, Xevious, Yahtzee, Yatzee, Yurk Attack, Z-Man, Zanthrax: Race of the Future, ZX Berserk, ZX Columns

Pantheon 11.468 25.04.2022

Attack of Empire (Chibur, 1985). Photo@Project
  • games for Sinclair ZX Spectrum: 100km Race, 3D Interceptor, 4-Minute Warning, 51, 911 TS, A Fistful of Necronomicons, A Shadow on Glass, Abyss, Ad Astra, Advesary, Ah Diddums, Aladdin's Cave, Alstrad, Antares, Apfel-Kobold, Aquaplane, Arkanods, Armageddon, Asteroids, Astral Invasion, Atlantis, Attack of the Empire, Autorennen, Awari, B.C. Bill, Backgammon, Ballblazer, Barrel Jump, Battle of Britain, Battle Ships, Beaky and the Egg Snatchers, Beebul, Bekstvo iz KPD Grljevca, Biljard, Bimbo, Black Jack, Black Jack!, BlockBusters, BlockBusters Goldrun, BMX Racers, Bomb Fusion, Bounce Panic, Boxing Manager, Boxing Manager II, Break-Out, Breakout, Broodslayer, Buriabeast, Camelot Warriors, Captain Slog, Castle Blackstar, Castle Quest, Caterpilla, Cederick, Championship Darts, Chimera, City Bomber, Civil Service, Civil Service II, Clock Chess '89, Coco-nut, Computer Scrabble, Cosmic Raiders, Cotton ZX, Crawler, Crazy Pingoin, Crime Busters, Cruise Attack, Crystal Quest, Cybo-Run, Dame, Dandy, Dark Strengths, Dawnssley, De-Fusion, Death Star, Deflektor, Devil Diver, Dickie Diver, Disco Dan, Doc the Destroyer, Domine, Domino's, Dotty, Dr. Jekyll vs Mr. Hyde, Dragonsbane, Draughts, Dustman, Dynatron Mission, Earth Shaker, Eddie Kidd Jump Challenge, Eliminator, Enchanted, Escape from Krakatoa, Escape from Shire, Evening Star, Eye, Factory Breakout, Fantasia, Fido, Fido II:Puppy Power, Fire Hawks, Flash Beer, Flash Beer 2, Flash Beer 3, Flip Flap, Football Manager 2, Football Manager 3, Fortress of Keler, Frog Hopper, Froglets, Fruit 2000, Fruit 2010, Fruity, Galactic Gunners, Galactic Raiders, Galaxians, Game Screen I, Game Screens II, Gemelos, Ghost Castle, Ghost Castle 2, Glider, Gobbleman, Gobbler, Goldwood, Gotcha, Grand Prix Tennis, Green Door, Gridrunner, Gyroscope, Gyroscope II, Hacker, Halaga, Harry Goes Home, Heavy on the Magick, Hercules, Hi-Q-Quiz, Highrise Harry, Hobgoblin, House of Orion, Howzat, Hubert, Hunchy, Hyperbowl, I Ain't Got Nobody, Ian's Night Out, Impact, Impact!, Incredible Adventure, Inspector Gadget and the Circus of Fear, Into Africa, Invincible Island, Italian Supercar, Jack and the Beanstalk, Jangler, Jet Set Willy, Jet Set Willy: A Bulgarian Requiem, Jocky Wilson's Compendium of Darts, Jocky Wilson's Darts Challenge, Joust, Jumping Jack, Jungle Jie, Kaboom!, Kemshu, Kidnapped, KinderComp, King Tut's Treasure, Kljuc, Knight Rider, Komplex, Krakout
NOWSZY [MULTI] Pantheon 14.814 02.02.2025
Ballblazer - MSX (1987,Activision)

Pantheon 14.814 02.02.2025

  • games for MSX computers: 747 Flight Simulator, Adventure Quest, African Trail Simulator, Akanbe Dragon, Alpha Blaster, Altered Beast, American Success, Aoki Okami to Shiroki Mejika: Genchohisi, Amoto's Puf, Army Moves, Auf Wiedersehen Monty, Automania, Babel - The New Megablocks, Balloon Buster, Balloon Punch, Birdy World, Bit Byter, Black Jack Hentai, Blastoid, Block Terminator, Blow Up!, BonBall, BOP!, Bozo's Big Adventure, Breaker!, Bufonada, Bumpy, Bumpy Bum Trasky, Campo Minado, Can Can Bunny Spirits, Can Can Bunny Superior, Castle Adventure, Champions: Grand National, Chopper, Chopper One, Comecocos, Colossal Adventure, Confused?, Cosmo Traveler, Courageous Perseus, Cowboyana Jones, Crescent Moon Girl, Crimson II, Crimson III, Cryptogram, Cyberbig, Darwin 4078, De Grotten van Oberon, Dead of the Brain, Defcon, Deus Ex Machina, Devil Hunter: Ikenie no Makyo, Digger, Diced - Tournament, Dizzy, Dizzy Ball, Docteur Galaxie, Double Dragon I, Double Dragon II: The Revenge, Dragonworld, Dream Program System, Drink It!, Droids: The White Witch, El Poder Oscuro, Emerald Dragon, Fall Out, Fanky Punky, Final Countdown, Follow the Clues, Formula 1 Simulator, Four Wall Smash, Futbol, Gakuen Monogatari: High School Story, Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu, Globi-Blod, Ghost, Graduation Photography, Gruta de Maquine, Gunship, Hare Nochi Oosawagi!, Hitsuji Yai, Hungry Harry, Hustle, Hustler, Hydefos, Hydlide III: The Space Memories - MSX2, Hype, Inindo: Datou Nobunaga, Intruder: Sakura Yashiki no Tansaku, Kami no Machi, Kinetic Connection, Kin-niku Man, Knight Ghost, Knightmare III: Shalom, L - Elle, La Venganza de Johny Comomolo, Leather Skirts, Legends, Legends of Star Arthur: Planet Mephius, Lilly's Saga: The Stones of Evergreen, Little Vampire, M-Droid, Mazes Unlimited, Mecano Oasis, Megaz Monkey Do, Memory, Miki, Mine Finder, Mini-Golf, Mitsume ga Tooru: The Three-Eyed One Comes Here, Mix, Mobile Suit - Gundam, Mole Mole, Mole Mole 2, Monks, MSX Soccer, MSXmas, Muhonmourn 3, Murder on the Atlantic, My Sacred Place, Narco Police, Navy Moves, Night Flight, Nike, Nobunaga no Yabou 2: Sengoku Gunyuu Den, Nobunaga no Yabou 3: Bushou Fuuun Roku, Nuclear Bowls, Oberon 69, Operation Havoc, Panique, Peras, Phantasie I: Gelnor's Chapter, Phantasie II: Story of Ferronrah, Pinky Chase, Pointo X - Senryo Sakusen, Police Force, Police Force II, Power Drift, Psy-O-Blade, Psychic War: Cosmic Soldier 2, Psychic War: Cosmic Soldier 2 - MSX2, Pyramid Quest, R-Type, Rad van Fortuin, Rance: Hikari o Motomete, Rance II: Hangyaku no Shojotachi, Randoom, Robo Rumble, Rune Master, Rune Master II, Rune Master III: Sangoku Eiketsu-den, Sacred Valley, Saurusland, Shadow Hunter, Shadow of the Pig, Shadow Switcher, Shinobi, Simulador Profesional de Tenis, Soviet, Space Cat, Space Shuttle - A Journey into Space, Spartan X, Spy vs Spy II: The Island Caper, Star Virgin, Starquake, Steinzeit, Sugo Hachi, Supa Robo, Super Chess, Tai-Pan, Testament, The 4th Unit, The 4th Unit 2, The 4th Unit 3: Dual Targets, The 4th Unit 4: Zero, The Circus Mystery, The Duel: Test Drive II, The Munsters, The Tower of Cabin, TimeTrax, Toshin Toshi, Touwtrekken, Tritorn II - Road of Darkness, TT Racer, Tuareg, Ultima IV: Quest for Avatar, Urotsuki Doji, Wash Man, Wells & Fargo, Word, World Golf II, Xak: The Art of Visual Stage, XZR: Hakai no Guzo, Zarth
NOWSZY [MULTI] Pantheon 14.620 24/11/2024
The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole (1987, Level 9 Computing)

Pantheon 14.620 24.11.2024

  • games for Atari 8-bit computers: Adalmar, Air Strike II, Air Support, Aliants, Alley Cat, America's Cup, Ankh, Arkanoid II, Assault on the Astral Rift, Astro-Droid, Astromeda, Attack of the Mutant Camels, Attank!, AutoDuel, Aztec, Barbarian, Barnstorming, Basil the Great Mouse Detective, Battalion Commander, Battle Ships, Battle Trivial, Battlot, Billiards, Blinky's Scary School, Bombeeno, Bop'n Wrestle, Box-In, Breath of the Dragon, Brian Clough's Football Fortunes, Bug Hunt, Bulldog Pinball, Burgers!, Byx-Man, Capture the Flag, Carrier Force, Cascade, Casino Solitaire, Cat-Nap, Caverns of Khafka, Caverns of the Lost Miner, Chicken Chase, Chop Suey, Circo Bianco, Classic, Classy Chassy, Colony, Combat Leader, Computer Football Strategy, Conan, Constellation, Contagion, Cosmic Glob, Countdown, Craps Simulator, Creepers, Crusade in Europe, Crypto Cube, Cultivation, CuttleMania!, Cypher Bowl, Cytron Masters, Czaszki, Daylight Robbery, Deathchase XE, DeathLand, Defensor, Der Leise Tod, Desmond's Dungeon, Despatch Rider, Dimension X, Disc Hopper, Domain of the Undead, Double, Dr. Sparkz, Drag, Dragon Quest or a Twist in the Tail, Dragonriders of Pern, Ducks Ahoy!, Dude Story, Dungeon Adventurer, Dungeons, Dragons and Other Perils, Dwie Wieze, Electra, Encounter!, Escape from Volantium, European Super Soccer, Fighter Pilot, Final Flight!, Forest Fire!, Frank and Mark, FREE - Funny Risky Evil Escape, Frustration, Fury: The Wrath of Taljun Cathu, Gacek, Galactic Conflict, Gauntlet, Golf Championship, Graf von Barenstein, Greedy Bat, Guardians of the Gorn, Hawkquest, Heartlight, Heli in the Caves, Hotel Alien, Hunter, Impetus, Infidel, Infiltrator, Jet-Boot Jack, Jinxter, Jurassic Park, Jurassic Park II, Kampfgruppe, Knights of the Desert, Knock-Out, Konigsdiamanten, Laser Strike, Last Squadron, Lift, Lode Runner's Rescue, Lords of Conquest, Lucifer's Realm, M.A.Z.E. - Le Labyrinthe de la Mort, M.U.L.E., Mad Jax, Mail Order Monsters, Major Blink, Math Encounter, Max, Mech Brigade, Midnight, Milk Race, Millionaire, Monster Hunt, Mouse Party, Mouskattack, Mozg Procesor, Mt. Rock, Mule Wars, Mysterious Adventure: 9. Perseus and Andromeda, Mysterious Adventure: 10. Ten Little Indians, Mysterious Adventure: 11. Waxworks, Nam, Night Knight, Ninja Commando, Orbit: A Trip to the Moon, Outlaw, P.O.W., PacMan Labyrinth, Panzer Grenadier, Paul Daniels' Magic Adventure, Phantasie, Phantasie II, Pirates of the Barbary Coast, Pitstop II, Plot, Plundered Hearts, Pool, Prisoner 2, Psyclotron, Pungoland, Quad, Questron, Quick Step!, Rad Zone, Rails West!, Rain of Terror, Reforger '88, Revenge of the Mutant Camels, RGB, Ridiculous Reality, Rome and the Barbarians, Rommel: Battles for Tobruk, Roxblox, Ruff and Reddy in the Space Adventure, Same Game, Scramble, Screwlight, Seastalker, Sereamis, Shiloh - Grant's Trial in the West, Showdown Hockey!, Sidewinder, Sidewinder II, Silent Service, Ski-Weltcup, Sky Scraper, Smack Jack, Snowball, Sokoban, Sorcerer, SOS Saturn, Space Lobsters, Space Rider, Space Trap, Space Zap, Spaceball, Special Delivery, Special Forces, Spellbreaker, Spitfire '40, Spy Master, Spy vs Spy, Spy vs Spy II: The Island Caper, Spy vs Spy III: Arctic Antics, Star Fire, Star Fleet I, Star League Baseball, Starcross, Starquake, Stellar, Stock Market - The Game, Sun Star, Super Ball, Super Bunny, Survival, Tensor Trzaskowskiego, The Brundles, The Chessmaster 2000, The Comet Game, The Crypt, The Dallas Quest, The Great Return of the Penguins, The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole, The Guild of Thieves, The Guns of Fort Defiance, The Hidden Treasure, The Institute, The Last V8, The Mask of the Sun, The Quest, The Serpent's Star, The War of the Worlds, Theatre Europe, Thetris, Thunder Maze, Timber!, Time Pilot, TNT Terror!, Trax, Triumph, Trivia Quest, Tube Trooper, Tunnel Trekker, Twenty Forty Eight, Twist of Souls, Ultima IV: Quest for Avatar, Visualizer Jigsaw Game, Warship, Whoops!, Whoops II, Wille, Winter Olympiad '88, Wombel, Xelious Mines, ZauberBall, Zero War, Zorro, Zybex 2, Zybex 3
NOWSZY [MULTI] Pantheon 14.360 1/09/2024
Zaxxon (Sega, 1985)

Pantheon 14.360 1.09.2024

  • games for Sega SG-1000: Arno Dash, Arno Dash 2, Bank Panic, Bomb Jack, Bomberman Special, Borderline, C So!, Cabbage Patch Kids, Chack'n Pop, Challenge Derby, Champion Baseball, Champion Billiards, Champion Boxing, Champion Golf, Champion Ice Hockey, Champion Kendou, Champion Pro Wrestling, Champion Soccer, Champion Tennis, Championship Lode Runner, Che-Man, Cheril Perils Classic, Choplifter, Circus Charlie, Congo Bongo, Doki Doki Penguin Land, Dragon Wang, Drol, Earth Attack, Elevator Action, Exerion, Flicky, Foryster, Girl's Garden, Golgo 13, GP World, Gulkave, Guzzler, H.E.R.O., Hang-On II, Home Mahjong, Hustle Chumy, Hyper Sports, Hyper Sports 2, James Bond 007, Jet Paco and Jet Puri, King's Valley, Klondike Solitaire, Knightmare, Konami's Ping Pong, Lawnmower, Libreway, Lode Runner, Magical Kid Wiz, Magical Tree, Mahjong Solitaire, Monaco GP, N-Sub, Ninja Princess, O, Okamoto Ayako no Match Play Golf, Orguss, Othello, Pacar, Pachinko, Pachinko II, Palikat, Pegged, Pippols, Pitfall II: Lost Caverns, PitMan, Pop Flamer, Q-bert, Rally-X, Road Fighter, Rock 'n' Bolt, Safari Hunting, Safari Race, San-nin Mahjong, Sega Flipper, Sega Galaga, Sega Mahjong, Serizawa Hachidan no Tsumeshogi, Sgt. Helmet Training Day, Shinnyuushain Tooru-kun, Sindbad Mystery, Skyfox, Snake, Snake!, Soukoban, Space Armor, Space Invaders, Space Mountain, Space Slalom, Star Force, Star Jacker, Star Soldier, Super Tank, Super Uwol!, Tank Battalion, The Black Onyx, The Castle, The Legend of Kage, U.F.O., Vexed, Wonder Boy, Yamato, Yie Ar Kung-Fu, Yie Ar Kung-Fu 2, Zaxxon, Zippy Race, Zoom 909
NOWSZY [MULTI] Pantheon 14.248 28/07/2024

Pantheon 14.248 28.07.2024

  • games for Commodore VIC20: 3D Time Trek, Aardvark Attack, Action Ball, African Escape, Alien Blitz, Alien Demon, Alien Overun, Alien Trooper, Alpha Anxiety, Android Attack, Annihilator, Another VIC in the Wall, Apple Panic, Arcade Football, Artillery Duel, Asteroyds, Astro-Command, Astroblitz, Aztec Challenge, Backgammon, Ballon Hopper, Balloon Dodger, Battleship, Bee Trap, Bergshooting, Black Max, Blowup, Blue Star, Bomber Attack!, Bomberman, Bombscare, Bonzo, Breaker, Brueckenbau, Capture the Flag, Carnage of Karn, Carrier Attack, Catacombs, Centipede, Chariot Race, Chimp Chase, Chopper, City Crusher, Cloudburst, Coconuts, Computer War, Coppa, Coppa Reloaded, Cosmic Bouncer, Cosmic Jailbreak, Crater Raider, Crawler, Crazy Cavey, Cryptic Numbers, Cyclon, Deadly Skies, Defender!, Deliverer, Demon Star, Devastator, Dino Eggs, Don't Eat The Trees, Donkey Kong, Dragonwing, Dumper, Escape-MCP, Exit Plan Z, Explore the Miser's House, Expulsion, Fahr Simulator, Fickle, Fox Hunt, Fred the Snake, Frogger '07, Gator Beach, Gold Fever, Gord, Graphic Twister, Gravity Bomber, Gridmania, Headbangers Heaven, Hoppit, Hospital, Hunchback, Island of Secrets, Jelly Monsters, Jupiter Rescue, Key-Quest, King Tut, King's Ransom, Land of Tezrel, Loop, Ludwig's Lemon Lasers, Magic Mirror, Mangrove, Martian Raider, Maze Venture, Menagerie, Metamorphosis, Midway Campaign, Mine Field, Mini Kong, Monkey Kong, Moon Patrol, Moons of Jupiter, Motor Mouse, Mountain King, Night of the Ninja, Number Nabber - Shape Grabber, Oil Tycoon, Omnitron, Owerri, Patience, Pharaoh's Curse, Pipes, Pollywog, Pole Position, Power Blaster, Punchy, Quest for Tires, Raid on Fort Knox, Rally-X, Renaissance, Rescue, Richthofen's Revenge, Robin at Ravenwreck, Robot Riot, Salvage Crew, Sea Battle, Seafox, Saigon, SETI, Shifty, Siege!, Ski Sunday, Skibbereen, Sky Blazer, Snake, Sokoban, Space Caverns, Space Docking, Space Mouse, Space Scramble, Space Snake, Space Warz, Space Zap, Spider City, Star Battle, Star Frog, Star Worms, Stock Market, Submarine Commander, Subspace Striker, Super Slot, Swarm, Tacco, Tempel, The Castle of Doctor Creep, The Crypt, The Falcon's Lander, The Forbidden Crypt, The Mysterious Island, The Quest, Theater of War, Theater of War II, Timebomb, Tomarc the Barbarian, Trashman, Treasure Robber, Tribbles, Tron!, Turtle Bridge, U-Boat, UFO Pilot, VIC Scramble, VIC-Viper, Video Vermin, Volcano Blast, Wall Street, Wallet Walker, Where is my Prince?, World Cup Shoot-Out, Worm-Out, Worm-Out II, Wostok, Zombie Yard
NOWSZY [MULTI] Pantheon 14.062 26/05/2024

Pantheon 14.062 26.05.2024

  • games for Sinclair ZX Spectrum: 1943: The Battle of Midway, 180!, 1985: The Day After, 2003: A Space Oddity, 3D Combat Zone, 3D Pacman, 3D Pool, 720°, 747 Flight Simulator, A Question of Sport, A Tangled Tale, Abu Simbel Profanation, Acro Jet: The Advanced Flight Simulator, Adventureland, Adventures in the Lost Valley, Aftermath, Airwolf, Airwolf II, Alien Destroyer, Alien Swarm, All or Nothing, Amaurote, Andy Capp, Angleball, Arcade Fruit Machine, Arkos, Army Moves, Astro Blaster, AstroBlaster, Attack of the Alien Waters, Auf Wiedersehen Pet, Auto Chef, Axons, Babaliba, Bad Dream, Barbarian, BarrowQuest, Batman, Battle of the Planets, Batty, Bear Bovver, Behold Atlantis, Belegost, Big Ben Strikes Again, Bingsete, Black Magic, Blind Alley, Bloody, BMX Jungle Bike, Bolalela, Bomber Bob in Pentagon Capers, Boulder Dash III, Boulder Dash IV, Boulder Dash V, Boulder Dash VI, Brain Damage, British Lowland, Bruce Lee, Bug Blaster, Bug Eyes, Bulls and Bears, Caesar the Cat, Caesar's Travels, Cannon Bubble, Casanova, Castle Colditz, Castlemaze Adventure, Cavemania, Centropods, Challenge of the Gobots, Championship Baseball, Chickin Chase, Cimmerjan, City Connection, Classic Japanese Monster Castle, Clever & Smart, Clive in Exile, Colin the Cleaner, Colossus 4 Bridge, Colossus Chess 4.0, Comando Quatro, Confuzion, Cookie, Copta, Cosmic Guerilla, Costa Capers, Crack-Up, Cribbage, Cricket Captain, Crime Santa Clause, Crux 92, Crystals of Doom, Curro Jimenez, Cybernation, Cyrus II Chess, Daley Thompson's Super-Test, Danger! Adventurer at Work!, Danger! Adventurer at Work! 2, Deactivators, Death Cruiser, Deathchase, Defenda, Delta Charge, Destiny Mission, Dictator, Dina Blaster, Doctum, Domination, Doombase, Draughts Genius, Dragon Quest, Druid, Dun Darach, Dungeons of Doom, EastEnders, Egg Farm, El Capitan Trueno, El Cid, El Misterio del Nilo, El Topo, Elevator Action, Encounter, Enduro, Escape-MCP, European Champions, Eurorun, Everest Ascent, Exterminator, Fahrenheit 3000, Family Quiz, Fearless Frank, Feud, Fire and Forget, Firefly, Flight Path 737, Flipper, Footballer of the Year, Footballer of the Year 2, Frank N Stein, Frankenstein 2000, Freex, Fruity!, Galakzions, Galaxy Warlords, Game Without a Name, Gateway to the Skies, Gemini Wing, Geoff Capes: Strong Man, Ghostly Grange, Glug Glug, Gold Digger, Golf, GP Motocross, Greedy Gulch, Grid Quest, Gryzor, Gunfighter, Gunstar, Hammer Boy, Hareraiser - Prelude, Hareraiser - Finale, Helter Skelter, Heroes of Karn, High Noon, Holiday in Sumaria, Hopper, Hoverkraft, Howard: The Duck, Humphrey, Hypsys, Ice Attack, In Search of the Lost Valley, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Indoor Soccer, Insert Coins, Insurgency, International 3D Tennis, International Manager, Into the Eagle's Nest, Invasion Luna, It's a Knockout, Jackal, Jail Break, Jet Set Willy: Join the Jet-Set, Jet Set Willy: Maria vs. Some Bastards, Jock and the Time Rings, Jolly Jack's Run Ashore, Judge Morry vs. Baldo Midget, Jungle Fever, Kamikazi, Kat Trap, Kendo Warrior, KGB Super Spy, Kick Off, Kinetik, King's Valley, Knockout Whist, Konami's Golf, Konami's Tennis, Krago Castle, Kurashiku Nihongo Monsuta Shiro 3, Lap of the Gods, Laser Zone, Leapfrog, Licence to Kill, Lifeboat, Limited Over Cricket, Little Game, Lode Runner, Loony Zoo, Lorna, Lost Caves, Lost in Time, Lunar Attack, Macadam Bumper, Madballs, Magnets, Manic Miner, Manic Miner 2, Marauder, Master and Servant, Maverick, Mazeman, Meltdown, Mermaid Madness, Meteoroids, Microbowl, Milk Race, Missile Command Base, Mission Impossible, Mole on the Dole, Moon Patrol, Mortadelo y Filemon II - Safari callejero, Motorcycle 500, Mr. Wong's Loopy Laundry, Mushroom Alley, Mutant Monty, Myla Di'Kaich, N.E.X.U.S., Nebulus, Necks Please..., New Wheels John?, Night Bomber, Ninja, Nonamed, Notorik, Nu, Pogodi!, Obliterator, Oink! - Piggy Tales, Ole, Toro, Olympicon, Once Upon a Lily Pad, Operation Nightingale, Orc Attack, Overlander, Pac-Land, Painter, Para Academy, Parchis, Pat the Postman, Peneless, Percy the Potty Pigeon, Periscope Up!, Phantomasa, Phileas Fogg's Balloon Battles, Pi-Balled, Pi-Eyed, Pipemania, Pirate Adventure, Planet Fighter, Plotting, Poltergeist, Potty Planter, Premier League, Prince of Persia, Pro Boxing Simulator, Prowler, Pssst, Pyramid Patience, Quadrax, Quiz Quest, R.A.M., Ragnablock, Raider of the Cursed Mine, Rambo, Rays, Reality Hacker, Reckless Rufus, Relatos de Ahion, Revenge of the C5, Reversi!, Rex Hard, Ring Wars, Road Racer, Robin of the Wood, Robon, Rocman, Roulette, Royal Birkdale, S.T.U.N. Runner, Sabotage, Salamander, Samantha Fox Strip Poker, Santa's Christmas Capers, Savage Island, Part 1, Savage Island, Part 2, Score 3020, Seahawk, Secret Mission, Secret Valley, Sentinels, Seventh Cavalry, Shanghai Warriors, Shoot Redux, Show Jumping, Sidewalk, Six Card Cribbage, Skelby - The Schizophrenic Droid, Slippery Sid, Smash T.V., Snare, Soccer Q, Solar Empire, Sorderon's Shadow, Space Command, Space Warp, Special Delivery, Spectres, Specvaders, Splat!, Spy Hunter, Stagecoach, Star Reporter, Star Trek: The Computer Program, Starbike, Stay Kool, Stone Space, Strange Odyssey, Street Gang, Strike Force Harrier, Stunt Bike Simulator, Subterranean Stryker, Super Mutt, Super Sam, Superman: Man of Steel, Swat!, System 15000, Taffy Turner, Tango, Tantalus, Technician Ted, Technician Ted: The Megamix, Ten-Pin Challenge, Terror from the Deep, Test Match Cricket, The Adventures of Sid Spider, The Bimbles, The Covenant, The Domes of Sha, The Fast and the Furious, The Inferno, The Lost Tomb of Ananka, The Nowotnik Puzzle, The Prince of Tyndal, The Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle, The Valley, The White Feather Cloak, Thief, Three Weeks in Paradise, Tiless, Time Sanctuary, Timebomb, Titanic Blinky, Toobin, Tour 91, Track Suit Manager, Trailblazer, Treasure, Triplex, Trouble Brewin', Tubaruba, Turbo Driver, Turbo Skate Fighter, Tutti Fruti, Two-Gun Turtle, UFO, UGH!, Uncle Jack, Up for Grabs, Vagan Attack, Valkyrie 17, Vegas Jackpot, Viaje al Centro de la Napia, Viking Raiders, Viper III, Voidrunner, Voodoo Castle, Wacky Darts, Wanderers: Chained in the Dark, Warrior Mage, WEC Le Mans, West Bank, Who Killed Cock Robin, Whopper Chase, Wind Surfer, Winter Games, Wiz-Biz, Wizard's Spell, Wonder Boy, World Class Leader Board, World Cup, World Destruction, Xarax, XOR, Yakzee!, Yogi Bear and Friends in the Greed Monster, Z-Pilot, Zaraks, Zodiac Strip, Zoot and the Mankins, ZX Reversi
NOWSZY [MULTI] Pantheon 13.640 10/02/2024

Pantheon 13.640 10.02.2024

  • games for MSX computers: 1789, La Revolution, 3-D Bomberman, 3D Pool, A View to a Kill, Aguas Bravas, Alcyon, Alien Attack, Angleball, Ankoku Shinwa: Yamato Takeru Densetsu, Aoki Okami to Shiroki Mejika: Genghis Khan, Aoki Okami to Shiroki Mejika: Genghis Khan - MSX2, Arcusyu: Arcus Arch, Arugisu no Yoku, Arya, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, Back to the Future Adventure, Ballblazer, Bank Buster, Bestial Warrior, Blockbuster, BlockPuzzle, Bloody, Blue Warrior, BMX Rekencross, Bob-007: Infiltrado, Bomulus and the Lost Crown, Breaker Breaker, Brisk, Buster Block, Cal, Cal II, Casablanca ni Ai o: Satsujinsha wa Jiku o Koete, Casanova, Chambers of Thyrea, Champion Pro Wrestling, Chicken Chase, Choan Super, Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer, Comando Quatro, Congo Bongo, Crazy Cars, Cribbage, Cuncuna, Curro Jimenez, Dennou Gakuen 1: Cybernetic Hi-School, Dennou Gakuen 2: Highway Buster, Dennou Gakuen 3: Toppu wo Nerae!, Destroyer, Dires: Giger Loop, Dizzy Dice, Do the Same, Domino, Dot Attack, Dr. Archie, Dragon Slayer Jr.: Romancia - MSX2, Dragon Slayer IV: Drasle Family, Dragon Slayer IV: Drasle Family - MSX2, Driller Tanks, Ducky, Dungeon Striker, Estland Campaign, El Capitan Trueno, El Cid, El Misterio del Nilo, Fantastic Football, Final Mystery Murder Club: Satsujin Club, Fire Ball, First Steps with the Mr. Men, FlyGuy, Forajidos, Freedom Fighter: Rise of The Humans, Freddy Hardest, Freddy Hardest in South Manhattan, Galna Dada, Girl's Control, Golden Basket, Golvellius, Gram Cats, Green Crystal, Gutt Blaster, Harajuku After Dark, Haunted House, Heart Stealer 2, Heavy Boxing, Here and There with the Mr. Men, Heroes of the Lance, Hollywood Hijinx, Hundra, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Inferno, Isseki Ni Kakeru Seishyuun, Jaasta, Joker, Joker II, Jony y el Trono del Jaguar, Journey to the Centre of the Earth, Kagerou Meikyuu, Kimagure Orange Road, Kioku: The Lost Memories, Klondike Solitaire, Knight Tyme, Kokon no Kaiki II, Kyouto Ryu No Tera Satsujin Jiken, L'abbaye des Morts, L'Affaire..., La Espada Sagrada, Las Tres Luces de Glaurung, Last Darumadedon, Le Retour du Jedi, Les Passagers du Vent, Lipstick Adventure, Lipstick Adventure 2, Litter Box, Little Princess, Logic Remastered, Machinegun Joe vs the Mafia, Mahjong Solitaire, Make them Fall, Make them Jump, Mambo, Manami no Dokomade Ikuno?, Matamarcianos: Batalla Espacial, Maziacs, Meaning of Life, Mecom, Megadoom, Mini Golf, MJ-05, Monster on the Run, Mortadelo y Filemon, Mortadelo y Filemon II - Safari callejero, Mr. Wong's Loopy Laundry, Mutant Monty, Nichiyoubi ni Uchuujin ga...?, No Back Down, Nonamed, Noukou Senshi Sanae chan, Nueve Principes en Amber, Nyancle Racing, O Conde de Monte Cristo, Open Wide!, Outroyd, PAC-01, Pac-Land, Pink Panther, Pippo la scopa ficcanaso, PitMan, Princess Maker, Princess Maker - English, Pro Yakyuu Family Stadium - Homerun Contest, Psycho Pig U.X.B., Pumpkin Adventure, Puyo Puyo, Radora no Densetsu, Raven, Red Lights of Amsterdam, Reflexion, Relevo's Snowboarding, Return of Jelda, S.O.L.O., Sailor's Delight, Seikimatsu Fly Battler Yasiti, Skyhawk, Slapshot, Solitaire Royale, Space Walk, SPC Super HOOPS, Special Operations, Square Ball, Star Road, Starship Simulator, Step, Street Snatch, Stupid Martians, Subcommander, Submarine Shooter, Swing, Sword of Legend Lenam, Tanigawa Kouji no Shougi Shinan II, Tashiro Masashi no Princess ga Ippai, Terrorpods, The Chess Game 2, The Cockpit, The Flintstones, The Menace from Triton, The Survivors, The Wall, The Wig, The Wreck, Titanic, Tom & Jerry, Tool Blocks, Tortilla Sunrise, Trantor: the Last Stormtrooper, Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress, Usa Jong: Babi in the World, Victorious Nine II: Koukou Yakyuu Hen, Warau Serusuman, Wing Man, Wing Man 2, Wing Man Special, Winter Events, Winter Games, Witch Day, Where is it?, X-na, XOR2021, Yazzie MSX Remastered, Zoids: Chuuou Tairiku no Tatakai
NOWSZY [MULTI] Pantheon 13.340 16.12.2023

Pantheon 13.430 16.12.2023

  • games for Nintendo GameBoy: 3 Choume no Tama: Tama and Friends, 720°, A Bug's Life, Aguri Suzuki F-1 Super Driving, All Star Tennis 2000, Amazing Tater, Amida, Animal Breeder 3, AquaLife, Arle no Bouken: Mahou no Jewel, Azure Dreams, B-Daman Bakugaiden: Victory e no Michi, Backgammon, Bakuchou Retrieve Master, Battle City, Battleship, Beatmania GB, Beatmania GB2: GotchaMix, Beauty and the Beast: A Board Game Adventure, Bikkuriman 2000: Charging Card GB, Black Bass: Lure Fishing, Bomberman Quest, Booby Boys, Bubble Ghost, Burger Burger Pocket, Cardcaptor Sakura: Itsumo Sakura-chan to Issho, Casper, Checkmate, Columns GB: Tezuka Ozamu Characters, Crayon Shin-Chan: Ora to Shiro ha Otomodachi Dayo, Crayon Shin-Chan: Ora no Gokigen Collection, Crayon Shin-Chan 2: Ora to Wanpaku Gokko Dazo, Crayon Shin-Chan 3: Ora no Gokigen Athletic, Crayon Shin-Chan 4: Ora no Itazura Dai Henshin, Daikaiju Monogatari: Miracle of the Zone II, Dancing Furby, Dear Daniel no Sweet Adventure, Dino Breeder 3: Gaia Fukkatsu, Dino Breeder 4, Dokapon?!: Millennium Quest, Doraemon: Aruke Aruke Labyrinth, Doraemon: Kimi To Pet No Monogatari, Dragon Dance, DT: Lords of Genomes, Dungeon Savior, Dx Monopoly GB, Elie no Atelier GB, Evel Knievel, Gakkyu Ou Yamazaki, Game Boy Wars 2, Ganbare Goemon: Mononoke Douchuu Tobidase Nabe-Bugyou!, Ganbare Goemon: Tengu-tou no Gyakushuu!, Get Mushi Club: Minna no Konchuu Daizukan, Golf Daisuki!, Goraku Ou Tango!, Hamster Club, Hamster Club 2, Hanasaka Tenshi Tenten-Kun no Beat Breaker, Hello Kitty no Beads Koubou, Hello Kitty no Magical Museum, Hello Kitty no Sweet Adventure, Hollywood Pinball, Honkaku Shogi: Shogi Ou, Honkaku Taisen Shougi Ayumu, Jinsei Game Tomodachi Takusan Tsukurou yo!, Juukou Senki Bullet Battlers, Kaijin Zona, Kakutou Ryouri Densetsu: Gekitou Foodon Battle, Kakutou Ryouri Densetsu: Kettou Bistgarm Hen, Kandume Monsters Parfait, Karamuchou wa Oosawagi!: Okawari!, Karamuchou wa Oosawagi!: Porinkiis to Okashina Nakamatachi, Kawaii Pet Shop Monogatari, Kawaii Pet Shop Monogatari 2, Kizuchida Quiz da Gen-San Da!, Klustar, Konchuu Hakase 2, Legend of the River King GB, Legend of the River King 2, Lil' Monster, Lode Runner: Domudomu Dan no Yabou, Luca no Puzzle de Daibouken!, Mahjong Joou, Mahjong Quest, Marie no Atelier GB, Mary-Kate and Ashley: Get A Clue!, Medarot 2: Kabuto Version, Medarot 2: Kuwagata Version, Medarot 2: Parts Collection, Meitantei Conan: Karakuri Jiin Satsujin Jiken, Meitantei Conan: Kigantou Hihou Densetsu, Meitantei Conan: Norowareta Kouro, Monkey Puncher, Monopoly, Mortal Kombat 4, Nakayoshi Pet Series 1: Kawaii Hamster, Nakayoshi Pet Series 2: Kawaii Usagi, NBA 3 on 3 featuring Kobe Bryant, NBA Jam '99, NFL Blitz, Oddworld Adventures 2, Ojarumaru: Tsukiyo ga Ike no Takaramono, Oni: Kininkou Maroku Oni, Oni II: Innin Densetsu, Oni III: Kuro no Hakaishin, Oni IV: Kishin no Ketsuzoku, Oni V: Innin no Tsugumono, Othello Millennium, Pachi Pachi Pachi-Slot: New Pulsar Hen, Pachinko CR Mouretsu Genjin T, Pocket Bomberman, Pocket Color Mahjong, Pocket Color Trump, Pocket GI Stable, Power Pro Kun Pocket, Power Pro Kun Pocket 2, Poyon no Dungeon Room: Daikaiju Monogatari, Pro Mahjong Tsuwamono GB, Puchi Carat, Puyo Puyo Gaiden: Puyo Wars, Puzzle de Shoubuyo! Wootama-chan, Quest RPG: Brian's Journey, Quest: Fantasy Challenge, Real Pro Yakyuu!: Central League, Real Pro Yakyuu!: Pacific League, Rip-Tide Racer, Roadsters Trophy, Rockman DX3, Rox, Rugrats: Time Travelers, Sakata Gorou Kudan No Renju Kyoushitsu, Sanrio Timenet: Kako Hen, Sanrio Timenet: Mirai Hen, SD Hiryu no Ken Gaiden EX, Seme COM Dungeon: Drururuaga, Shamus, Shanghai Pocket, Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children: Aka no Sho, Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children: Kuro no Sho, Shogi 2, Shogi 3, Soreike! Anpanman: Fushigi na Nikoniko Album, Soukoban Densetsu: Hikari to Yami no Kuni, Soul Getter: Houkago Bouken RPG, Space Station Silicon Valley, Spy vs Spy: Operation Boobytrap, Star Ocean: Blue Sphere, Super Bombliss DX, Super Breakout, Sweet Ange, Sylvanian Families: Otogi no Kuni no Pendant, Sylvanian Melody: Mori no Nakama to Odori Mashi!, Tabaluga, Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon, Tanimura Hitoshi no Don Quixote ga Iku, Tasmanian Devil: Munching Madness, Tetris DX, The Great Battle Pocket, The New Adventures of Mary-Kate and Ashley, The Rugrats Movie, The Shutokou Racing, Three Lions, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000, Titus the Fox: To Marrakech and Back, Tokimeki Memorial Pocket: Culture Hen, Tokimeki Memorial Pocket: Sport Hen, Totsugeki! Pappara Tai, Trade and Battle: Card Hero, Uno, Wings of Fury, Yars' Revenge, Zipball
  • games for Nintendo GameBoy Color: A Bug's Life, Aliens: Thanatos Encounter, All Star Tennis 2000, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Battleship, Berlin, Bomberman Quest, Chicken Run, Coffee Drop, Crazy Zone, Crouching Tiger - Hidden Dragon, Daikatana, Dear Daniel no Sweet Adventure, Dinosaur, Dogz: Your Virtual Petz Palz, Doraemon: Kimi To Pet No Monogatari, Dragon Tales: Dragon Adventures, Dragon Tales: Dragon Wings, Drains, Evel Knievel, F-18 Thunder Strike, Final Blade, Fort Boyard, FX Shooter-G, Gaia Master Duel: Card Attackers, Gensoumaden Saiyuuki: Sabaku no Shikami, Gonta no Okiraku Daibouken, Gran Duel: Shinki Dungeon no Hihou, Gremlins: Unleashed!, Hamster Paradise, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Hiryuu no Ken Retsuden GB, Hollywood Pinball, Hype: The Time Quest, Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine, Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000, Jisedai Begoma Battle Beyblade, Juukou Senki Bullet Battlers, Kawaii Pet Shop Monogatari, Kawaii Pet Shop Monogatari 2, KRTL: Jay und Die Spielzeugdiebe, Legend of the River King GB, Legend of the River King 2, Little Nicky, Luca no Puzzle de Daibouken!, Lucky Luke: Desperado Train, Madden NFL 2001, Madden NFL 2002, Mary-Kate and Ashley: Crush Course, Mary-Kate and Ashley: Get A Clue!, Mary-Kate and Ashley: Winners Circle, Metal Slug 2001, Metamode, Mobile Golf, Monopoly, Monsters Inc., Mortal Kombat 4, NASCAR Heat, NASCAR Racers, NBA 3 on 3 featuring Kobe Bryant, NBA Hoopz, Network Boukenki Bug Site: Alpha Version, Network Boukenki Bug Site: Beta Version, NHL Blades of Steel, NHL Blades of Steel 2000, Ojarumaru: Tsukiyo ga Ike no Takaramono, Pachi Pachi Pachi-Slot: New Pulsar Hen, Painter, Planet of the Apes, Pocket Bomberman, Pocket GI Stable, Polaris SnoCross, Poyon no Dungeon Room: Daikaiju Monogatari, Poyon no Dungeon Room 2, Pro Mahjong Tsuwamono GB2, Puzzle Sky, Quest RPG: Brian's Journey, Rayman 2: The Great Escape, Rescue Heroes: Fire Frenzy, Roadsters Trophy, Rockman DX3, Rugrats: Time Travelers, Rugrats: Totally Angelica, Rugrats in Paris: The Movie, Sabrina the Animated Series: Spooked!, Sabrina the Animated Series: Zapped!, Sakura Taisen GB: Geki Hana Kumi Nyuutai!, Sakura Taisen GB2: Thunder Volt Sakusen, Shaman King Chou Senjiryakketsu: Funbari Hen, Shaman King Chou Senjiryakketsu: Meramera Hen, Shogi 3, Shoubushi Densetsu Tetsuya: Shinjuku Tenun-hen, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Soul Getter: Houkago Bouken RPG, Space Station Silicon Valley, Spy vs Spy, Star Heritage, Star Ocean: Blue Sphere, Super Chinese Fighter EX, Super Fighters '99, Super Me-Mail GB: Me-Mail Bear no Happy Mail Town, Sylvanian Families: Otogi no Kuni no Pendant, Sylvanian Families 2: Irozuku Mori no Fantasy, Sylvanian Families 3: Hoshi Furu Yoru no Sunadokei, Sylvanian Melody: Mori no Nakama to Odori Mashi!, Tasmanian Devil: Munching Madness, The Dukes of Hazzard: Racing for Home, The Fish Files, The Jungle Book: Mowgli's Wild Adventure, The Lion King: Simba's Mighty Adventure, The New Adventures of Mary-Kate and Ashley, The Powerpuff Girls: Paint the Townsville Green, The Rugrats Movie, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000, Titus the Fox: To Marrakech and Back, Tom and Jerry: Mousehunt, Tom and Jerry in Mouse Attacks!, Tonka Raceway, Toonsylvania, Totsugeki! Pappara Tai, Trade and Battle: Card Hero, Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour, Wario Land 3, Winnie the Pooh: Adventures in the 100 Acre Wood, World Destruction League: Thunder Tanks, X-Men: Mutant Academy, X-Men: Mutant Wars
NOWSZY [MULTI] Pantheon 13.130 15.10.2023

Pantheon 13.130 15.10.2023

  • games for SNK Neo Geo Pocket/Color: Another Day in Hell, Barbarian - The Ultimate Warrior, Baseball Stars, Baseball Stars Color, Big Bang Pro Wrestling, Bikkuriman 2000 Viva!, Biomotor Unitron, Blocks, Bomberman, Bust-A-Move Pocket, Centipede, Columns, Cool Boarders Pocket, Cool Cool Jam, Cotton: Fantastic Night Dreams, Crush Roller, Dark Arms: Beast Buster, Delta Warp, Densetsu no Ogre Battle Gaiden, Densha de Go! 2, Diamond Run, Dive Alert: Becky's Version, Dive Alert: Matt's Version, Dodger, Doko Demo Mahjong, Dot-Man, DynaMate, Dynamite Slugger, Evolution: Eternal Dungeons, Faselei!, Fatal Fury: First Contact, Game and Watch, Ganbare Neo Poke-Kun, Gears of Fate, Infinity Cure, Invader, Joust, Jumpy!, Juno First, Kikou Seiki Unitron, King of Fighters R-1, King of Fighters R-2, Koi Koi Mahjong, Lights!, Magical Drop Pocket, Manic Miner, Maze, Melon Chan no Seichou Nikki, Memories Off: Pure, Metal Slug: 1st Mission, Metal Slug: 2nd Mission, Mine, Mizuki Shigeru no Youkai Shashinkan, Neo 21, Neo Baccarat, Neo Cherry Master, Neo Cherry Master Color, Neo Derby Champ Dayoso, Neo Dragon's Wild, Neo Geo Cup '98, Neo Geo Cup '98 Plus, Neo Mystery Bonus, Neo Poke Pro Yakyu, Neo Turf Masters, Neo Yahtzee, NeoDaleks!, Neotris, Neotris: The Grand Carnage, Nige-ron-pa, Pac-Man, Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku: Azteca, Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku: Dekahel, Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku: e-Cup, Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku: Hanabi, Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku: Oelsol, Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku: Ohanabi, Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku: Porcano 2, Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku: Ward of Lights, Pachinko Hissho Guide: Pocket Parlor, Party Mail, Picture Puzzle, Pocket Love: If, Pocket Reversi, Pocket Tennis, Pocket Tennis Color, Pocketron, Puyo Pop, Puzzle Gems, Puzzle Link, Puzzle Link 2, Rockman Battle & Fighters, Same Game, Samurai Shodown, Samurai Shodown 2, Shanghai Mini, Shogi no Tatsujin, Shogi no Tatsujin Color, Shufflepuck Cafe, SNK Gals' Fighters, SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters' Clash (Capcom), SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters' Clash (SNK), SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters' Clash 2, SNK vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium, Solitaire, Sonic the Hedgehog Pocket Adventure, Soreike! Hanafuda Dojo, Space Invaders, Super Real Mahjong, Syko War, The King of Fighters: Battle de Paradise, The Last Blade: Beyond the Destiny, Tsunagete Pon!
NOWSZY [MULTI] Pantheon 13.018 20.08.2023

Pantheon 13.018 20.08.2023

  • upgraded to Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 (was 3.5 before)
  • games for Sinclair QL: 198x, Ad Verbum, Advent, Ambition, Assault & Battery, Break-In, Bull-Shot, Carre, Cavern Frenzy, Cazaletras, Castle Amnos, Classic Adventure, Conundrum, Crazy Cards, Crib, Crobe, Cyborg Wars, Danger! Adventurer at Work!, Deephome: A Telleen Adventure, Dominoes, Dreamlands, Dungeons of Choloom, Dunric's 8K Adventure, Final Conflict, Financial Climes, Flightsimulator QLF, From the Tower of Valagon, Fyleet, Full House, Galaxy AD2370, Gambler!, Gomoku, Grey Wolf, Hack, Hangman!, Hexpawn, Informatory, Josiah Oobadiah, Kingdom of England, LightCycle, Limited Over Cricket, Metamorphoses, Metropolis, Mission X, Mordon's Quest, Mountaineer, No Aliens Today Thanks, NumberMind, Othello 1.01, Paladin, Parallax, PC versus QL, Pente, Photopia, Pontoon, Puissance 4, Pudge, Q-Draughts, Q-opoly, QBits Golf, QL Adventure, QL Conquest, QL Football Manager, QL Puzzle, QLingo, Quadruplets, Quzzle, Reconnaissance, Rescue of Horan, Reversi!, Rubik's Area, Sam the Little Spaceman, Same, Santa's Dilemma, Sector X, Serpent, Shade, Skat, Solitario, SoQLoban, Space Raid, Space Warp, Squadies, Star Trek, Storeman Sam, Sudoku, Super Star Trek, The Aftermath of the Asimovian Disaster, The Blag II, The Gerbil Riot of '67, The Lost Spellmaker, The Nowotnik Puzzle, The QL Forum Adventure, The Quest, The Snake, The Towers of Hanoi, The Voyage of the Beano, The Wall, Threes, Transfer, Troll, Warehouse Sam, Wearing the Claw, Werewolves and Wanderer, Werner, Westward-Ho! 1847, Wipeout, Wizard, Wreck Dive, Ye Classical-Type Adventure, Zeitfalle, ZFred
NOWSZY [MULTI] Pantheon 12.906 15.07.2023
F-15 Strike Eagle (1984, MicroProse). Photo@Pantheon

Pantheon 12.906 15.07.2023

  • games for Sinclair ZX Spectrum: 1942, 1942 Mission, 20 Tons, 3-D Noughts and Crosses, 3D Maze of Gold, 3D-Quadracube, A Day in the Life, A Glasgow Murder, Ace Low, Air Fire, Alien Attack, Alien Curse, Alpha-Beth, American Football, Andromeda, Angler, Aquanoids, Arlene, Atomix, Atomix II - Hexagonia, Auto Concentration, Aztec, Ball by Ball, Bananaby, Baron Rojo, Battle for Midway, Beatcha, Biff, Bionic Ninja, Black Arrow, Black Beard, Blockade Runner, Blue Max, Bomber, Bonkers, Boulder Dash, Boulder Dash II, Brick Breaker, Brum Brum, Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom, Cabman, Captain Kelly, Castle Adventure, Castle Thade, Catterpillar, Cerius, Cerius II: Interalia, Championship Run, Chess, City of Death, Classic Axiens, Coloris, Confusion, Corruption, Cosmic Debris, Cowboy Shootout, Crash Landing, Crazy Er-Bert, Cruising on Broadway, Crystal Cubes, Crystals, Cyberknights, Danger, Danger Maze, Dark Castle, Darts, Dead by Dawn, Dead Flesh Boy, Death Bringer, Defendar, Demonslair, Detornator, Diamond Dungeon, Diamond Digger, Dinky Digger, Dirt Track Racer, Do Not Pass Go, Dog Weazle - The Megaventure, Don Juan Tenorio, Double Trouble, Downtown, Drakkar, Dungeon Raiders, E-Motion, Earthshock, Ed-On, Eights, Electro, Embassy Assault, End Zone, Equinox, Escape from Colony 8, Escape from the Sewers, European Trophy, European Trophy II, Exodus, Exofox, F-15 Strike Eagle, F1 Tornado, Fanky Punky, Feline Sleepy, Fighter, Fireflash, First Moves Chess, Flak, Flux, Football, Frog Run, Fruit Machine, Funhouse, Future Knight, Galactic Jail Break, Galactic Trooper, Gangplank, Gary Lineker's Superstar Soccer, Ghost Hunt, Ghost Town, Gift from the Gods, Glass, Gob Stopper, Godzilla & the Martians, Gold Stadt, Golden Hawk, Goldgraber, Gothik, Grand National, Grand Prix Drivers, Grid-Bug, Grid Trap, Guido, Gun Fright, H.E.R.O., Hades Nebula, Hampa 1930, Hard Drivin', Hawks, Heathrow Air Traffic Control, Heathrow International Air Traffic Control, Helvera - Mistress of the Park, High Steel, Holdmentes, Hollywood Poker, Honba za Pokladem, Hover Droid, Hummer House of Horror, Hundra, Hyperblaster, I Need Speed, Ian Botham's Test Match, iLogicAll, Impossaball, International Rugby, Invaders!, Iron Soldier, Itasundorious, Jack the Nipper, Jack the Nipper II: In Coconut Capers, Jailbreak, Jaws Revenge, Jericho Road, Jet Man Silly, Jet Set Willy 2, Jet Set Willy: Ivy, Jet Set Willy: The Colossal Cave, Jet Set Willy: The Lord of the Rings, Joe Blade, Joe Blade 2, Journey to the Centre of Eddie Smith's Head, Just Imagine, Kaa's Kingdom, Kamikaze Collector, Kentucky Racing, Killer Knight, Killer Ring, Kirel, Knight Driver, Komando II, Kong!, Kosmic Kanga, Krtek a auticko, Kung-Fu Knights, LA Drugs Bust, Lala Prologue, Lazy Jones, LED Storm, Legend of the Lost Kingdom, Letris, Lifeline, Locomotion, Lop Ears, Los Angeles SWAT, Lothlorien, Luna Atac, Mad Cars, Mad Mix Game, Makao, Man Hunt, Maria's Christmas Box, Master Word, Maze Death Race, Maziacs, Megaphoenix, Meteor Storm, Miami Chase, Micromaze, Mikie, Millimon, Mission 1: Project Volcano, Mission 2: Project Gibraltar, Monster Muncher, Moonlight Madness, Morris Meets the Bikers, Mr. Freeze, Mr. Wimpy, Mundo Fantastico, Murder!, Mushroom Mania, N.E.X.O.R., NATO Alert, Nervos This Position, Night Gunner, Nightmare, No 1, North Star, Nuclear Attack!, Oblivion, Odd Ball, Oh Mummy!, Olympimania, One Man and his Droid, Operation Hormuz, Orbit of Doom, Othello, Out of the Shadows, Out Run, Pac-Mania, Pacman's Revenge, Pandemia, Paradroids, Paris-Dakar, Pawnchess, Penetrator, Pentomania, Perico Delgado Maillot Amarillo, Phantomas in Ataria, Pheenix, Piggy, Ping Pong, Planetoids, Pneumatic Hammers, Podder, Postern Backgammon, Prelude to D-Day, Prison Blues, Project Future, Psi-Spy, Pulsator, Puzznic, Pyramania, Quack-Shot, Quetzalcoatl, R-Type, Rakattak!, Rath-Tha, Realm of Darkness, Red Baron, Rescue, Reversi, Ricochet, Riding the Rapids, Road Frog, Robotron: 2084, Rocket Raider, Roman Empire, Roundheads and Cavaliers, Rugby Coach, Sabrina, Saimazoom, Saracen, Scalextric, Scuba Kidz, Self Destruct, Shadow Skimmer, Ship of the Line, Shipwreck, Sidewize, Sir Fred, Skateboard Joust, Sky Runner, Smashout!!, Snake, Snake!, Soccer 7, Soko Ban, Son of Blagger, Space Harrier, Space Raiders, Speccy Pairs, Speculator, Spiky Harold, Spookyman, Stack Up, Star Wars, Stomping Stan, Street Hawk, Strip Poker II+, Sub Hunter, Super Bridge, Super Gran, Super Gran: The Adventure, Superkid, Superkid in Space, Syntax, T-Bird, Tapper, Taxi!, Telly Wise, Terra Cresta, Therbo, Thunderbirds, Time Switch, Time Zone, Toadrunner, Towdie, Trail Racer, Traxx, Tribble Trubble, Tron, Turmoil, Twintris, Uchi Mata, Uchi Mata 2, Unitrax, Vampire Killer, Vice Versa, Violent Universe, Voyager, War 70, Warlord, Weetabix versus the Titchies, Whizz Kid, Wild Water, Witch Hunter, World Cup Football, World Soccer, Wriggler, Xen, Yeti, Zaxxan, Zybex


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