Mamy rezurekcję chyba najbardziej popularnego frontendu do wykorzystania z SuperModelem Barta Trznadlowskiego.
Nakładka musi zostać znajdować się w tym samym katalogu, w którym mamy emulator (inaczej brzydko się wysypuje).
Młode i proste projekty (co nie znaczy, że niepotrzebne) mają to do siebie, że nowe wersje sypią się jak z rękawa:) Nie inaczej jest i w tym przypadku;)
Sega Model 3 UI 16/03/2024
- display the number of Rom files you own.
- Availability is now displayed within the game list.
- Message window no longer appears when determining position and resolution
- If a window goes missing when setting the position and resolution, press the R key on your keyboard and it will return to the main monitor.
- Rows for selected games are no longer visible
Sega Model 3 UI 16/03/2024
fix more
- when determining its location and resolution.
- Darken the brightness of the window background image.
- A window larger than the resolution cannot be specified.
- It will not work correctly if the magnification is not 100%.
- The row of selected games and the number of games are now displayed.
- A warning window now appears when determining some values
Sega Model 3 UI 1.0.7 / 15/03/2024
- The resolution collection has been converted to an external file.
- A warning will now appear correctly if the resolution you are trying to adjust is larger than the screen size of the main form.
- You can now change the font size.
- Changed the color of some controls
- It may have become difficult to see.
- Delete Write ini button
- Written to ini file when app closes
- Typo
- Changed some snap images.
Sega Model 3 UI 1.0.5/6 / 13/03/2024
- Now remembers the sort order & last selected game
- I've tried maintaining selected rows when sorting but it's difficult.
undo what went wrong
- A warning window will now appear when overwriting the ini file.
- The width of the Gamelist frame can now be adjusted.
The setting values are written to the ini file.
- Added a button to get the local IP address.
It is unknown if it will function properly.
- I think the True-Hz value was wrong. Correctly 57.524160
Sega Model 3 UI 1.0.4 / 12/03/2024
small fix
- The game list can now be sorted.
- A warning will now appear if you select a window size that is larger than your monitor resolution.
- The image of the selected game is now displayed in the background of the window for determining the position.
・The background color of the popup during loading was a little strange, so I changed it.
Sega Model 3 UI 1.0.3 / 11/03/2024
Dodano ustawienie supersamplingu
- Fixed an issue with specifying the rom folder path.
- The Refreshrate item only reads and writes the ini file, so
- I tried adding a checkbox for True-hz. This is not a True-hz command option - just rewrite RefreshRate to 57.524160.
Sega Model 3 UI / 10/03/2024
- Supersampling can now be set. (1-8)
Sega Model 3 UI 1.0.1 / 6/03/2024
Nowa wersja frontendu SegaSuperModel 3UI - ułatwia jak zwykle korzystanie z emulatora, który wymaga poleceń wpisywanych z linii komend. Dla opornych, ale przydatne;)
New Sega Model 3 UI is now available for public use, and we invite everyone to explore and enjoy the new emulator experience.
Additional features
- Borderress can now be set.
- A window will appear where you can decide the display position.
- Please press the 3-point leader button.
- Resolution can now be selected only from the drop-down list. Need a fix?
- CrossHairStyle can now be selected.
- RefreshRate is fixed at 57.5246. Need a fix?
- PowerPC frequency can now be set to 0.
- 0 is Auto
- Added a Write ini button.
- It is also written to the ini file when you press 'LoadRom'
- Added 'Step' display to Gamelist
- I didn't know the font, so I chose the normal "Arial".
- Fixed an issue where "." could not be entered in Address out in Network settings.
Alphabet characters can no longer be entered.
- You can now fine-tune the display position using the cursor keys.
- Fixed an issue where the window for determining the display position in a multiple monitor environment would appear in a position other than the main display.
- Corrected to always display which display has the window that determines the display position in a multiple monitor environment.
- A confirmation window will now be displayed when overwriting the ini file.
- 'Auto' is now displayed when the PowerPC frequency is 0.
GUI Frontendu dla Supermodel, emulatra SEGI MODEL 3.
UPDATE 12/04/19
- Has been added to the frontend the possibility that the same check the file games.xml.De this way whenever they add, modify or remove roms to the file, the frontend automatically to be able to read the file will update the list of roms to use .
- If the UI does not find the nvram folder, it will create the folder itself so that certain configurations of the ROMs that we use are saved correctly.
- If the UI does not find the saves folder, it will also create the above automatically.
- Fixed a bug with the snapshots since if any of them were missing then the images did not come out correctly.
- The custom resolution option has been added allowing us to choose the output resolution without being prefixed in the UI.
- Added a new icon thanks to Hipnosis (collaborator of that has lent its help so that the UI has a new modernized icon.
- Added dialogue box has been added informing us of the loading of the games.
- Added the option to hide the window by command line when loading games leaving a cleaner load in the eyes of users.
GUI Frontendu dla Supermodel, emulatra SEGI MODEL 3.
- Added - list view of all the supported games
- Added - preview of each game (snaps).
- Added - button of the roms directories.
- Added - check Load button (Load Rom)
- Added - all video options
- Added - all sound options
- Added - all control options (for the time being it uses the supermodel configurator (accurate and will never fail)
- Added - system link options (preliminary) will only work with the only version created by Spindizzi
Priorities for future versions
- Add - a new window for controls and remapping from there
- add - individual configuration for each game
Inne treści związane z tematem
Mamy rezurekcję chyba najbardziej popularnego frontendu do wykorzystania z SuperModelem Barta Trznadlowskiego.
Nakładka musi zostać znajdować się w tym samym katalogu, w którym mamy emulator (inaczej brzydko się wysypuje).
Mamy rezurekcję chyba najbardziej popularnego frontendu do wykorzystania z SuperModelem Barta Trznadlowskiego.
Nakładka musi zostać znajdować się w tym samym katalogu, w którym mamy emulator (inaczej brzydko się wysypuje).
Młode i proste projekty (co nie znaczy, że niepotrzebne) mają to do siebie, że nowe wersje sypią się jak z rękawa:) Nie inaczej jest i w tym ...
Mamy rezurekcję chyba najbardziej popularnego frontendu do wykorzystania z SuperModelem Barta Trznadlowskiego.
Nakładka musi zostać znajdować się w tym samym katalogu, w którym mamy emulator (inaczej brzydko się wysypuje).
Młode i proste projekty (co nie znaczy, że niepotrzebne) mają to do siebie, że nowe wersje sypią się jak z rękawa:) Nie inaczej jest i w tym ...
[ARCADE] Supermodel x64 0.3a 9d09b07 12/09/2024
Nowa wersja testowa emulatora arcade maszynek SEGA MODEL III. Wrzucam od czasu, do czasu nowe wersje tego świetnego emulatora, ale zazwyczaj ich nie opisuje, czekając aż Bart Trznadlowski w końcu obwieści kolejną odsłonę swojego programu, ciekawe czy się kiedykolwiek doczekamy - w końcu od ostatnie pełnej wersji Supermodel 0.2a dzieli nas już naście lat:)