Prosty ale bardzo przydatny frontend dla najnowszych wersji Mednafen'u. Najnowszych bo napisany z myślą tylko o emulacji Segi Saturn.
Fixes in Version 1.2:
- Fixed a bug that occurred when changing the language or skins.
- Added a window with more information about the game.
- Added check for BIOS files on the specified routes.
- Window title bar color constantly changing in line with the chosen skin.
- Added ability to delete the profile for the selected game.
- Added new system messages.
Исправления в версии 1.8:
- Добавлена возможность масштабировать изображение отдельно по ширине и высоте
- Исправлен баг с влючением / выключением звука
Fixes in version 1.8:
- Added the ability to scale the image separately in width and height
- Fixed bug with mute on / off
Исправления в версии 1.7:
- Добавлена поддержка светового пистолета и японской клавиатуры.
- Добален выбор режима устройства (цифровой / аналоговый).
Fixes in version 1.7:
- Added support "Light Gun" and "Japanese keyboard".
- Added support switch mode (digital / analog).
Исправления в версии 1.6:
- Добавлена поддержка команды "-which_medium".
- Добалено окно выбора номера диска (для запуска мультидисковых игр).
- Добавлена поддержка "16MiB RAM" карт.
- Добавлено выделение цветом нечётных элементов списка игр (в соответствии с выбранной темой).
- Исправлены некоторые мелкие ошибки.
Corrections in version 1.6:
- Added support for the "-which_medium" command.
- Added window for selecting the number of the disc (for launching multi-disc games).
- Added support for "16MiB RAM" cards.
- Added color selection of odd elements of the list of games (according to the chosen theme).
- Fixed some minor bugs.
Fixes in Version 1.5:
- Added support for image formats "CCD / IMG / SUB" and "M3U".
- Added a description of the launch of multi-disc games to the "Game Properties" window.
- Fixed some minor bugs.
Fixes in Version 1.4:
- Added new options for controls adjustment in accordance with changes in Mednafen (v0.9.43).
- Added ability to sort the contents of the columns of the table with the list of games.
- Added displaing the path to the CD image (in window with more information about the game).
- Added new system messages.
Fixes in Version 1.3:
- Added new options for image adjustment in accordance with changes in Mednafen (v0.9.41).
- Fixed displaying of the mouse sensitivity value.
- Fixed a bug with the disappearance of the "Delete profile" in the pop-up menu.
- Changed some descriptions of settings.
→ [FRONTEND] MedSat 1.1
Fixes in Version 1.1:
- Fixed an issue when choosing a CD image, that's already open by another application.
- Added "Fullscreen mode" option.
- Fixed definition of scanlines options.
- Added new system messages.
- Added blocking popup menu item "Clear list", if current games list is empty.
- Russian language support.
- Skins support.
Main features:
- Support for the list of games.
- Support the profiles for each game (loading / saving).
- Ability to run games with the keeping pixel aspect ratio and widescreen (16:9).
- Multilanguage support (English / Russian). Other languages can be added by editing the external resources.
- Skins support.
wstecz29/10/2016 00:30