Nowa wersja bardzo dobrze zapowiadającego się emulatora sprzętu marki Amstrad/Schneider ACE-DK autorstwa Philippe 'Offset' Rimauro. Wersja poprawkowa, która poprawia działanie CTM (swoją drogą na szybko odnalezienie ustawień filtrów obrazu jest hmmm... nieintuicyjne);)
Program pozwala cieszyć się większością współczesnych unowocześnień - począwszy od obsługi obrazów HDD, aż do takich ciekawostek jak współdzielenie folderu z hostem. Zapowiada się całkiem solidny soft dla tej rodziny mikrokomputerów, warto więc śledzić jego rozwój.
Ace-DL 30/01/2024
New zoom mode, Graphics Explorer enhancements, FDC evolutions
- new CRT filter "CTM" with glowing slot mask
- new CRT filter "Trinitron" for Arcade machine lovers
- new CRT filter "GT6x" dedicated to monochrome display
- new floppy explorer module in drive configuration submenu (beta)
- new HDD drive sounds + model configuration (totally useless but hey!)
- new Orgams ROM pack in order to work with IMPsuite pack
- ability to save snapshot with F4 key (Asic chunks, REMU, extended RAM, ROM, Firmware backup supported)
- ability to reset emulator from trace with F12 key or button from HUD
- upper memory is not more reinit when RESET is triggered
- text is also highlighted in ramdump when there is a selection or breakpoint visible
- handle cross to close emulator when in configuration menu (except ROM config+disk editor)
- display 0/1 instead of 0/Pflags for IFF flip/flop in trace
- FDC bit read/write fully rewritten to manage strong speed variations and physical limits
- FDC seek and calibration engine is dissociated from physical drives
- FDC drive pooling management + Sense Interrupt rewritten
- FDC debug window with moar informations
- bugfix FDC Seek (emulator crash when ejection during seek)
- bugfix FDC WriteData burst mode
- bugfix FDC format execution phase status update
- bugfix FDC angle preservation from track to track
- bugfix EDSK recording with spiketrack
- bugfix annoying glitch with some audio samples
- bugfix error messages when a file cannot be loaded
- bugfix key repetition when using keyboard remapping
- bugfix regression about plugins status in configuration file
→ NOWSZY [cpc] ACE-DL release JoooOOOOooonnnvier 2025/01/22
Ace-DL release JoooOOOOooonnnvier! 22/01/2025
new misc. options for EDSK autosave and versioning, ability to save tiles/sprites in graphic explorer
new debug features, breakpoints may be toggled from trace and watchers are displayed green in trace...
What's new
- upgraded iMPdraw rom pack to sept 2024
- new options for EDSK autosave and versioning
- ability to save Tiles/Sprites in graphic explorer
- ability to load RASM symbols chunk in Cartridge (get new Rasm!)
- ability to toggle all execution breakPoints from Trace with key 'T'
- execution breakPoints in watcher mode are now green in Trace
→ NOWSZY [cpc] ACE-DL release Noël 2024/12/26
Ace-DL release Noël/Christmas 24-26/12/2024
Spanish traductions, new shortcuts..
- spanish translations for the GUI (see flags with F12)
- ability to use (L)abels to jump in memory from Graphics Explorer
- +/- from numeric keypad change emulation output volume
Ace-DL release O.D.I.L.E 14/12/2024
- added new traductions
- added FullScreen mode for Linux/Windows users (F11 key)
- upgrade width/height limit to 512 in Graphics Explorer
- added Amsdos header option for Memory import in configuration saves
- now you can resize Graphics Explorer window + size saved in configuration
- display an error message when a file is not supported (instead of simply discarding it)
- bugfix step over in trace with HALT, LDIR, CPIR and other 'looped' instructions
- bugfix number of selected Upper Rom, displayed in Gate Array window
- bugfix number of selected bytes after a successful search
- bugfix recovery of explorers coordinates after close/reopening
Ace-DL release Quetta 18/11/2024
Nowe filtry graficzne... W kolejności od góry Raw, CTM, Trinitron, Atari, GT green, GT grey.
New Atari Screen filter, Configuration Save/Load, Partial translation in French (option), bugfixes
- new extra Timer to increase ACE refresh accuracy
- added Atari SC1224 monitor emulation
- Added configuration SAVE/LOAD in configuration main menu
- Added configuration select from command line
- Left-clic on Reset must not reinitialise extended memory
- Command line option to select another Audio driver (AceDL -h for help)
- all GUI almost translated in French (optional)
- bugfix plastic cover size with CTM filters
- bugfix ACE breakpoints + evolutions
Ace-DL release Helloween/BND-4 26/10/2024
Dandanator automatic Basic/Gaming modes switch
can import native ACE breakpoints from RASM (get new release)
- Dandanator goes to Basic mode without cartridge to avoid side effects
- new button in Machine configuration to reinit the entire machine (no plugin, no rom, no breakpoints)
- import of natives ACE breakpoints from RASM symbol file
- may click Timer in Trace to reset nop counter
- may press F7,F8,F10 when trace mode but focused on another window
- added HOME/END and Shift+HOME/END in memory explorer to navigate in memory and selection
- more persistence for CRTC register value change
- bugfix underline for CRTC selected register
Ace-DL release Oktober Fest/Back To School 2/10/2024
Memory Explorer, GUI bugfixes and enhancements
- LibSDL upgraded to 2.30.7
- updated UNIDOS+packs to v1.51
- try to create .config directory for settings if it does not exists (Linux/Mac)
- Breakpoint activation when click ON the instruction (no more half screen or something...)
- Memory explorer can see/edit Dandanator ROM
- Memory explorer can see/edit Play2CPC Cartridge
- new debug module for Dandanator (with internal registers)
- new command line option for delaying autotype
- added brightness to saved settings
- bugfix SenseInterrupt breakpoint
- bugfix register display in AY debug
- bugfix memory overflow with AY audio display
- bugfix SYMBiFACE Mouse plugin not initialized at startup
- bugfix FDC default timings when loading snapshot from another emulator
- bugfix Emulator Mapping in Memory Explorer with ROM extension (do not use this for edition!)
Ace-DL release 2024 Summer Fixes 17/08/2024
Breakpoints, FDC/Drive, Explorers, Joysticks
- Save/Restore more parameters with RamDump/GFX Explorer windows
- Seek polling catch-up triggers earlier than expected (wip)
- Ability to see/edit/dump ASIC page in Memory Explorer
- Display current mapping in Memory Explorer when using Emulator mapping view
- bugfix crash when USB joystick has no name
- bugfix intempestive Memory Explorer or Breakpoint window when launched from a Memory Explorer
- bugfix RAM Breakpoint mask default (was 0 instead of 0x3FFF for any bank)
Ace-DL release 2024 Wake points
- File import in RAM Explorer may use AMSDOS header when available (new option in miscellaneous)
- File import in RAM Explorer with AMSDOS header does not need the emulator to be paused
- ROM import from snapshot automapped into cartRidge or VROM when play2CPC is active
- Enabling condition editor for all breakpoints (need keyboard translation for GUI)
- Added CRTC mapping to breakpoint conditions
- Breakpoints import/export (ACE dedicated BRK files)
- Keep sound quiet when draging something into emulator when in Trace mode
→ NOWSZY [cpc] ACE-DL release Call of 2024/06/18
Ace-DL release Call of (PépéZinzin) 18/06/2024
Mouses plugins evolutions
- new option to follow R12/R13 in graphics explorer
- ignore case of CPR / DES / ROM when drag'n'drop
- avoid extra keystrokes with keyboard translation and joystick emulation
- use relative Mouse mode when emulating mouse plugins (no more side screen limitation)
- new motor speed calculations at shutdown for physical drive according to hardware measures
- bugfix backward ROM mapping scan with Play2CPC in RAM/GFX modules
- bugfix FM interactions with motor speed
Ace-DL release Invitiation 05/06/2024
Drive, FDC, Debug, various fixes
- new option to allow extra sounds when recording video
- new option to force stereo on CPC machines (not Plus already stereo)
- allow digits in AMSDOS name when importing with ManageDsk
- added full translated keyboard to label search (L in Trace)
- redraw GUI borders when dynamically change CRTC without plastic cover
- Drive step skipping management more realistic
- FDC new jitterBit reading algorithm (was slower than expected)
- FDC HUT bug extended to sick mode
- FDC shadow polling must skip sick steps
- bugfix floppy position optimisation on track change
- bugfix a few memory leaks (HFE management)
Ace-DL release Mc Adam (Mappin') 27/05/24
New keyboard layouts for Mac, Tape player prototype, various fixes
- new easter eggs
- enable/disable breakpoints in trace in the left side only
- PlayCity default initialisation for YM frequencies
- Reset reinitialise all audio expansions
- ludicrous graphics optimisations
- tape player prototype (wav only, not accurate)
- new option to emulate contention on databus (affect PAL)
- dynamic CRTC change on the fly (beware of side effects)
- added FR (Apple layout) keyboard mapping
- added UK (Apple layout) keyboard mapping
- bugfix execution breakpoint toggle
- bugfix extended key on GUI mapping
- bugfix regression with mouse wheel on debug
→ NOWSZY [cpc] ACE-DL release Grosse Fatigue (Moar) 2024/05/17
Ace-DL release Grosse Fatigue (Moar) 17/05/24
YM Exporter, Debug highlights, various fixes
- write new DSK to export subdir (mostly useful for Mac users)
- new highlights in debug
- new YM export functionality
- bugfix keyboard mapping in ManageDSK File Header text input
- bugfix keyboard mapping in RamDump (still improving handling)
- clean Amsdos name when import file with ManageDSK module
- ability to Pause the Emulation with Pause and ScrollLock
- memory Explorer at startup reuses last mapping+location
- Graphics Explorer at startup reuses last mapping+settin
Ace-DL release May the Force 11/05/24
- little changes in Amstrad Plus monitor geometry
- added screen contours (Monitor>Plastic Cover)
- added US keyboard mapping
- keyboard mapping can be used in GUI (see new options in Configuration>Keyboard)
- bugfix some memory leaks
- bugfix FDC result persistence after Seek
- bugfix Green and Grey palette generation
- bugfix export of file >16K with floppy manager
- bugfix FDC timeout bug emulation, causing timeout on perfect writes...
Ace-DL release
- bugfix FDC timeout bug emulation, causing timeout on perfect writes...
Ace-DL release May the Force 5/05/24
- Bugfix FDC Head reload with ReadData (some residual code left...)
- Automatic time counters with Execution Breakpoints (min, max, current)
- HexFind and TextFind in Memory Explorer (press F and N to repeat)
- Text Edition in Memory Explorer + Text selection
- AY registers color change on modification
- FDC ReadTrack timings when Not Ready
- Snapshot default memory banking
→ NOWSZY [cpc] ACE-DL release Spark/Diptera 19/04/2024
Ace-DL release Spark/Diptera 19/04/2024
- True Drive LED management
- FDC Shadow polling management
- FDC Long HUT bug emulation
- FDC HUT cutoff for Seek/Calibrate/Illegal
- Reset emulator when draging new ROM to Dandanator
- Ludicrous timings adjustments in FDC polling according to electronic measures
- Ludicrous timings adjustments according to drive models for Ready loss with motor ON
- bugfix right-click on HUD buttons (wont trigger anymore vertically above)
- bugfix drive conflicts between A and B
- bugfix breakpoints on FDC Scan
Ace-DL release Step Beyond 12/04/2024
Joysticks, Ergo, Bugfixes, SDL upgrade
- LibSDL upgraded to 2.30.2
- Shugart Drive ready loss time accuracy based on electronic sensors
- Drive distinction between EME-150A and EME-155
- FDC stress mode for command parameters
- allow configuration menu when in debug mode
- shadowing Joystick via Keyboard emulation at startup
- new HUD icon to temporary disabling Joystick via Keyboard emulation
- pressing F3 multiple time switch between Floppy/Snapshot load
- bugfix PSG volume with very high frequencies
- bugfix USB Joystick 1 Fire mapping
- bugfix multiple unintended opening of RamDump
Ace-DL release Avril 2/04/2024
Joysticks, huge FDC rewrite, dev features
- Use symbols for JR,JP,CALL in debug trace
- USB joystick can be used as Joystick 2
- Joystick Fire 3 for Joystick 1 and Joystick 2
- Joystick polling at 25Hz (like real hardware)
- Play a different sound when Drive head reaches the max
- FDC Scan command + dedicated breakpoint
- FDC invalid command calls
- FDC Multi-Track on ReadDiag
- FDC Ready Loss during ReadDiag/ReadData/Format/ScanData
- FDC Head Load/Unload Time management rewritten
- FDC SeekStep/DriveStep engines integrated in Pooling for step accuracy
- FDC pooling command override + pending execution
- FDC pooling resync on executed ReadData/ReadDiag/ReadID
- FDC command overload management
- FDC even more precise stress bypass mode
- FDC GetID accurate timings
- FDC Specify accurate timings
- FDC SenseDrive light up the drive LED
- FDC ScanData, ReadData, ReadDiag and WriteData in FM mode
- FDC ScanData, ReadData and WriteData sector find decision
- FDC WriteData proper bit shift before writing according to PLL
- FDC Calibration/Seek usage of internal registers
- FDC Overrun error skipped on last byte of sector (765A specific)
- FDC Gap2 must be literally ignored when Read/Write
- FDC ReadDiag must ignore 28 bytes after index hole when starting to scan
- FDC Data Separator tolerances distinction between FDC9216 and SED9420C
- FDC Format better H,R results
- FDC DAM synchronization accuracy with non standard MFM structure
- Drive step management not anymore in FDC code
- shutdown audio when displaying help
- bugfix Format ID-CRC calculation
- bugfix SkipBit behaviour
- bugfix unexpected DAM behaviour with ReadData and ReadMark
- bugfix Ready on Gotek without Floppy
- bugfix Multi-Track on ReadData/WriteData
- bugfix Generic 3.5 Motor management
- bugfix Specify Head Load Time uninitialised
- bugfix CRTC 0 for registers 12 and 13 internal update (toms)
→ NOWSZY [cpc] ACE-DL release Step Beyond 12/04/2024
Ace-DL release Step Beyond 12/04/2024
Joysticks, Ergo, Bugfixes, SDL upgrade
- LibSDL upgraded to 2.30.2
- Shugart Drive ready loss time accuracy based on electronic sensors
- Drive distinction between EME-150A and EME-155
- FDC stress mode for command parameters
- allow configuration menu when in debug mode
- shadowing Joystick via Keyboard emulation at startup
- new HUD icon to temporary disabling Joystick via Keyboard emulation
- pressing F3 multiple time switch between Floppy/Snapshot load
- bugfix PSG volume with very high frequencies
- bugfix USB Joystick 1 Fire mapping
- bugfix multiple unintended opening of RamDump
Ace-DL release Avril 2/04/2024
Joysticks, huge FDC rewrite, dev features
- Use symbols for JR,JP,CALL in debug trace
- USB joystick can be used as Joystick 2
- Joystick Fire 3 for Joystick 1 and Joystick 2
- Joystick polling at 25Hz (like real hardware)
- Play a different sound when Drive head reaches the max
- FDC Scan command + dedicated breakpoint
- FDC invalid command calls
- FDC Multi-Track on ReadDiag
- FDC Ready Loss during ReadDiag/ReadData/Format/ScanData
- FDC Head Load/Unload Time management rewritten
- FDC SeekStep/DriveStep engines integrated in Pooling for step accuracy
- FDC pooling command override + pending execution
- FDC pooling resync on executed ReadData/ReadDiag/ReadID
- FDC command overload management
- FDC even more precise stress bypass mode
- FDC GetID accurate timings
- FDC Specify accurate timings
- FDC SenseDrive light up the drive LED
- FDC ScanData, ReadData, ReadDiag and WriteData in FM mode
- FDC ScanData, ReadData and WriteData sector find decision
- FDC WriteData proper bit shift before writing according to PLL
- FDC Calibration/Seek usage of internal registers
- FDC Overrun error skipped on last byte of sector (765A specific)
- FDC Gap2 must be literally ignored when Read/Write
- FDC ReadDiag must ignore 28 bytes after index hole when starting to scan
- FDC Data Separator tolerances distinction between FDC9216 and SED9420C
- FDC Format better H,R results
- FDC DAM synchronization accuracy with non standard MFM structure
- Drive step management not anymore in FDC code
- shutdown audio when displaying help
- bugfix Format ID-CRC calculation
- bugfix SkipBit behaviour
- bugfix unexpected DAM behaviour with ReadData and ReadMark
- bugfix Ready on Gotek without Floppy
- bugfix Multi-Track on ReadData/WriteData
- bugfix Generic 3.5 Motor management
- bugfix Specify Head Load Time uninitialised
- bugfix CRTC 0 for registers 12 and 13 internal update (toms)
→ NOWSZY [cpc] ACE-DL release Consolidation 2/04/2024
Ace-DL release Avril 2/04/2024
Joysticks, huge FDC rewrite, dev features
- Use symbols for JR,JP,CALL in debug trace
- USB joystick can be used as Joystick 2
- Joystick Fire 3 for Joystick 1 and Joystick 2
- Joystick polling at 25Hz (like real hardware)
- Play a different sound when Drive head reaches the max
- FDC Scan command + dedicated breakpoint
- FDC invalid command calls
- FDC Multi-Track on ReadDiag
- FDC Ready Loss during ReadDiag/ReadData/Format/ScanData
- FDC Head Load/Unload Time management rewritten
- FDC SeekStep/DriveStep engines integrated in Pooling for step accuracy
- FDC pooling command override + pending execution
- FDC pooling resync on executed ReadData/ReadDiag/ReadID
- FDC command overload management
- FDC even more precise stress bypass mode
- FDC GetID accurate timings
- FDC Specify accurate timings
- FDC SenseDrive light up the drive LED
- FDC ScanData, ReadData, ReadDiag and WriteData in FM mode
- FDC ScanData, ReadData and WriteData sector find decision
- FDC WriteData proper bit shift before writing according to PLL
- FDC Calibration/Seek usage of internal registers
- FDC Overrun error skipped on last byte of sector (765A specific)
- FDC Gap2 must be literally ignored when Read/Write
- FDC ReadDiag must ignore 28 bytes after index hole when starting to scan
- FDC Data Separator tolerances distinction between FDC9216 and SED9420C
- FDC Format better H,R results
- FDC DAM synchronization accuracy with non standard MFM structure
- Drive step management not anymore in FDC code
- shutdown audio when displaying help
- bugfix Format ID-CRC calculation
- bugfix SkipBit behaviour
- bugfix unexpected DAM behaviour with ReadData and ReadMark
- bugfix Ready on Gotek without Floppy
- bugfix Multi-Track on ReadData/WriteData
- bugfix Generic 3.5 Motor management
- bugfix Specify Head Load Time uninitialised
- bugfix CRTC 0 for registers 12 and 13 internal update (toms)
→ NOWSZY [cpc] ACE-DL release Olivia 7/03/2024
Ace-DL release Olivia 7/03/2024
Breakpoints, FDC and Drives evolutions, ergonomics
- protect current floppy with Right-Click on "Eject" (in HUD)
- drive Ready behaviour on disk eject and motor ON
- drive Ready propagation only when non Shugart
- FDC WriteData behaviour with floppy protection
- FDC WriteData behaviour when drive is not Ready
- FDC WriteData result phase accurate timings
- FDC Format C & N results
- FDC Format behaviour with floppy protection
- FDC Format behaviour when drive is not Ready (bugfixed!)
- bugfix RASM Label display in trace
- bugfix Memory breakpoint in Extended RAM (from ramdump)
- bugfix Memory breakpoint in Main RAM location (from ramdump or snapshot)
Ace-DL release Giboulées 04/03/2024
- SCP reliability with strange format, empty tracks, asymmetrical sides (thanks Lone)
- Dandanator can load .rom files as well as .des files (same structure, only the name...)
- hide mouse cursor with Multiplay mouse
- 'hide mouse' setting added to saved configuration
- FDC Version accurate timings
- FDC extra-pooling management
- enforce page location with memory breakpoints from RAM/ROM Explorer
- ability to toggle overscan in trace mode (reset display)
- new setting Read/Write for Memory and IO breakpoints
- new shortcut M to change Access mode for a selected breakpoint in the list
- new presets for IO breakpoints
- bugfix regressions in breakpoint edition/activation
Ace-DL 27/02/2024
- breakpoints configuration now more in configuration menu but from breakpoints window
- no more Reset with F12 from trace (use HUD or CTRL-F9 like outside trace)
- new plugin MultiPlay MX4 (only mouse support on port A)
- new Interrupt break
- new command line option to open any window at any position (run with -h for detail)
- now can save media from trace via F4
- Interrupt routines highlighted on screen (Winape like, see misc options)
- FDC multi-tracks and multi-head features support
- FDC permissive timings reduced (some productions need at least a timeout)
- now there is only 3 directories for media, export or private data
- bigger work interval for vHold/hHold in Monitor settings
- Basic Explorer display proper real values with negative exponent
- save/restore Disassembling, RAM/ROM and Graphics Explorer windows positions
- bugfix FDC ET0 on unformatted track
- bugfix Gotek drive forced rotation
Ace-DL 21/02/2024 Modesty Release
Snapshot watcher, ZigZag in GFX Explorer, FDC, ergonomics
- Orgams ROM pack upgrade to FF240128
- new registers shortcuts in GOTO popup
- new script in video_stream in order to convert k-frames to PNG
- new snapshot watcher option to automatically reload snapshot on modification
- new zig-zag visualisation in Graphics Explorer
- ACE snapshots backups full FDC+Drive configuration
- FDC new breakpoints for GetID and Weak sector data read
- EDSK huge track skips track-header when building MFM flow (Thanks Lone)
- more interactivity with selection in RAM/ROM Explorer with cursor
- can scroll in Graphics Explorer with PageUp/PageDown
- bugfix Emulator background at correct size when popup asking something
- bugfix Emulator background in debug when using zoom x2
- bugfix FDC SenseInterrupt when seek was terminated but ready lost
- bugfix FDC default when using snapshot
- bugfix ROM chunk compression in snapshot
Ace-DL 13/02/2024 Valentine Bis Release
Various bugfixes, developpers should also get the last RASM
New release with important bugfix on SnapShot when sharing from other emulators
Przegapiona i całkiem ciekawa funkcjonalność ACE-DL pozwalająca śledzić zmienne w programach Basic (klawisz F7)
- Volume setting is now lowering ALL sounds
- Right-Click on Reset will do Strong Reset (memory, plugins)
- FDC breakpoints (from FDC window)
- FDC Sick mode full rewrite
- FDC ReadTrack EOT flag
- FDC Ready distinction for EME-150/155 and 156/156V/157
- FDC GetID in FM mode (mostly used to get hole index)
- FDC Format in FM mode (mostly for timings and erasing track)
- bugfix ManageDSK file existence test (was skipping last char)
- bugfix Snapshot RLE decoding (was Rasm/ACE only compatible...)
- bugfix FDC sector ID calculations
- bugfix FDC calibration on drive B without drive B
- bugfix Basic Explorer display with huge real values
- bugfix Basic Explorer integrity check
Ace-DL 08/02/2024 Pre-Valentine Glop Release
Basic Explorer, FDC accuracy improvement
- New Basic Explorer (available from richt-click menu in Trace)
- FDC Write behaviour with zero size sectors
- FDC Format last bytes of the track behaviour
- FDC DMA & Uninitialised behaviour
- FDC Quick Ready loss and SenseInterrupt
- FDC pooling timings
- FDC ReadData/ReadMark/ReadTrack better error status
- FDC Accurate GetBit at low speed
- FDC SenseDrive behaviour of Generic 3.5
- Floppy drive new deceleration method
- Floppy drive ready rising configuration
- bugfix SenseDrive persistent status
- bugfix Gotek default Ready
- bugfix SeekTrack over 82
- bugfix SenseInterrupt track info with Ready loss
2024 FDC investigations release
- FDC ReadDiag/ReadData sub-status timings accuracy
- FDC Sense Interrupt evolutions (interrupt overwrites, timings)
- FDC Format behaviour evolutions (results, overlap, timings)
- FDC Accurate Write timeout (different from Read timeout)
- FDC Debug window displays General Status + step info
- FDC GetID sick mode emulation
- FDC Seek/Calibration evolutions (why, how, what, where, when)
- Floppy Drive seek tolerances behaviour simulated
- added Left-CTRL as fire 2 for WASD joystick emulation
- Play2CPC VROM may be setted from snapshot if plugin is activated
- Play2CPC VROM may be mapped from Ram or Graphics Explorer if plugin is activated
- New byte graphic visualisation mode in Graphics Explorer
- New zoom mode at crappy ratio of x1.5 (OK for Raw/Monochrome, but not CTM display)
- allow screen capture during debug via context menu (right-click on trace pannel)
- file selection now use full window size
- bugfix FDC ControlMark management
- bugfix FDC GetID regression (FatMag wasn't readable)
- bugfix FDC bit writing on track loop
- bugfix Play2CPC VROM activation when there is no cartridge
- bugfix savestate select (click was not precise as it was supposed to be)
- bugfix OUT (C),L opcode display when disassembling
- bugfix plugin activation from command line
- bugfix Graphics Explorer interactivity (wasn't able to going down in memory)
- bugfix Windows version crash when loading in overscan mode or CTM resize
Inne treści związane z tematem
[cpc] ACE-DL release JoooOOOOooonnnvier 2025/01/22
Nowa wersja bardzo dobrze zapowiadającego się emulatora sprzętu marki Amstrad/Schneider ACE-DK autorstwa Philippe 'Offset' Rimauro. Jako ciekawostkę należy potraktować rozwój tego emulatora - projekt powstał z myślą o MorphOS, a dopiero poźniej powstała jego mutacja dla Linuksa i Windows.
Program pozwala cieszyć się większością współczesnych unowocześnień - ...
Po raz drugi udało się autorowi CPCEC zrobić mnie na szaro:) Właśnie wtedy kiedy nie było czasu na aktualizację i oko me powędrowało w inną stronę autor jednak postanowił się podzielić nową odsłoną:P Stąd i opóźnienie w newsach... zresztą jak widać takich niespodzianek już jest parę.
CPCEC to projekt Cesara Nicolas-Gonzaleza pakietu emulatorów ZXSEC - czyli ...
[cpc] ACE-DL release Noël 2024/12/26
Nowa wersja bardzo dobrze zapowiadającego się emulatora sprzętu marki Amstrad/Schneider ACE-DK autorstwa Philippe 'Offset' Rimauro. Jako ciekawostkę należy potraktować rozwój tego emulatora - projekt powstał z myślą o MorphOS, a dopiero poźniej powstała jego mutacja dla Linuksa i Windows.
Program pozwala cieszyć się większością współczesnych unowocześnień - ...
[cpc] ACE-DL release Call of 2024/06/18
Nowa wersja bardzo dobrze zapowiadającego się emulatora sprzętu marki Amstrad/Schneider ACE-DK autorstwa Philippe 'Offset' Rimauro.
Program pozwala cieszyć się większością współczesnych unowocześnień - począwszy od obsługi obrazów HDD, aż do takich ciekawostek jak współdzielenie folderu z hostem. Zapowiada się całkiem solidny soft dla tej rodziny ...
[cpc] ACE-DL release Grosse Fatigue (Moar) 2024/05/17
Nowa wersja bardzo dobrze zapowiadającego się emulatora sprzętu marki Amstrad/Schneider ACE-DK autorstwa Philippe 'Offset' Rimauro.
Program pozwala cieszyć się większością współczesnych unowocześnień - począwszy od obsługi obrazów HDD, aż do takich ciekawostek jak współdzielenie folderu z hostem. Zapowiada się całkiem solidny soft dla tej rodziny ...