MameSick opublikował wersję swojej mutacji MAME 0.164 - MameUIFX. MameUiFX może poszczycić się jednym z ładniejszych GUI wśród klonów MAMEUI i jest jednym z najlepiej działających klonów tego multiemulatora.
MAMEUIFX 0.164 released. July 29, 2015
Updated to MAME 0.164
Changelog from 0.163:
- Added support in Iterface for ProgettoSnaps Movies (Details)
- Added to Interface new option "Show confirmation dialog on exit" (Details)
- Added game Resolution and Refresh Rate info to the Interface Statusbar (Details)
- Added Savestate and Dumping Status folder to the Interface (Details)
- Added new OpenGL Shaders properties page to the Interface (Details)
- Changed Background Color of all dialogs in the Interface. XP Silver style color is used (Details)
- Fixed Background Color painting in the Interface game Picture Area (Details)
- Fixed display of Japanese Text in the Interface game Info Area (Details)
- Fixed with an hack MAMETESTERS bug ID 04701 (blandia: Graphic garbage)
- Removed terrible DIRECTORIES.INI hack from Interface source code (Details)
→ NOWSZY [Arcade] MAMEUIFX x64/ x86 0.167
MAMEUIFX 0.167 September 30, 2015
Updated to MAME 0.167
- Added support for VECTOR new core options in the Interface
- Added support for RASTER.INI specific options to stay inline with new HLSL improvements in MAME
- Added support for CRT Geom Bloom OpenGL multiple shader (cgwg, u-man)
- Added support for Sokoban LE (TAITO L Edition) (Details)
- Added support for The Speccies 2 (TAITO L Arcade Version)(Details)
- Fixed with an hack MAMETESTERS bug ID 00130 (darkseal: when firing music playback slightly increase)
- Fixed with an hack MAMETESTERS bug ID 02108 (vaportra: music tempo all wrong when firing)
MAMEUIFX 0.163 released. June 24, 2015
Updated to MAME 0.163
Changelog from 0.162:
- Added support for 1942 C64 Music (Minwah)
- Added support for Mr and Mrs Pacman (Dave Widel, HBMAME)
- Fixed "Joystick Mapping" core option behaviour in the GUI (h0tw1r3)
- Fixed memory leak with GLSL shaders in official MAME (h0tw1r3)
- Fixed with an hack MAMETESTERS bug ID 02640 (kazan: Slow graphic rendering, missing graphics)
- Fixed properly MAMETESTERS bug ID 05959 (kyros: A few sound FX are missing)
- Fixed properly MAMETESTERS bug ID 05962 (gotcha: Music suddenly stops) [darq]
NOTE: MAMEUIFX is now compiled with FULL MAME support, but until a real decision is taken by MAME Developers about the ability to distribute an ARCADES ONLY version of MAME, MESS drivers are disabled by default.
MAMEUIFX 0.161.1 released .May 06, 2015
Updated to MAME 0.161
Changelog from 0.161:
- Added support for Metal Slug 2 Turbo
- Updated to latest Jezze HLSL source code
MAMEUIFX 0.161 April 29, 2015
Changelog from 0.160.1
- Added ability to setup 3 different GLSL shaders directly from the Interface
- Added support for Jezze HLSL shaders and source code fixes
- Added support for CRT Geom GLSL shaders (u-man, Retroarch Forum)
- Added support for Ketsui Arrange 1.7
- Completely changed the layout of "About" and other Interface Dialogs
- M1FX 10.0 released: see the Forum for the full list of changes
MAMEUIFX 0.160 March 25, 2015
Changelog from 0.159:
- Added a new Snapshot/Movie options dialog to the Interface
- Added ability to select and use a different Cheat File than default one in the Interface
- Added support for OpenGL Video Mode options directly from the Interface
- Added support for GLSL shaders directly from the Interface (a new GLSL directory is available in which you can put your GLSL shaders and select them)
- Added support for Timothy Lottes GLSL shaders (Timothy Lottes, SoltanGris42, u-man)
- Fixed MAMETESTERS bug ID 04621 (ironhors: 30fps framerate seems abnormal)
- Partially re-designed the layout of Default Game Options dialog
- M1FX 8.0 released: see the Forum for the full list of changes
MAMEUIFX 0.159 released. February 26, 2015
Changelog from 0.158:
- Added support for WARRIORS OF FATE - TENCHI WO KURAU 2 (Three extra players)
- Enabled by default new video mode renderer OpenGL and made it available in Video Mode options
- Implemented widestretch (Full Widescreen Stretch) feature for all video modes supported which are:
- DirectDraw
- Direct3D
- BGFX (not working at the moment)
- OpenGL (This new feature makes completely discouraged the use of DirectDraw Hardware Stretch option)
- Fixed some cosmetic issues in the Interface
- M1FX 7.0: fixed and improved the equalizer, now in sync with the volume slider
MAMEUIFX 0.158 released. January 29, 2015
Changelog from 0.157:
- Updated BUBBLE BOBBLE REDUX (With Level Skipper) to the latest version released
MAMEUIFX 0.157 released. january 01, 2015
Changelog from 0.156:
- Implemented SYNCREFRESH feature from GroovyMAME (thanks to Calamity and Haynor666)
- Removed SOUNDSYNC feature from CabMAME (no more needed)
MAMEUIFX 0.156 November 29, 2014
Changelog from 0.155:
- Added new Toolbar Icon to switch on the fly between "Normal" and "Grouped" View in the gamelist
- Fixed MAMEUIFX bug in MIDAS.C driver (black screen in game as reported at MAMEItalia Forum)
- Removed very old hack in TWIN16.C driver (no more needed)
- Tweaked refresh rate in CAVE.C driver to a more reasonable value
Inne treści związane z tematem
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[arcade] Mame x64 0.267 30/06/2024
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