MAMEUI MameUI w wersji x64 (tym razem najpierw Robberta) gotowy do pobrania. Gdybym miał tyle wolnego czasu ile go nie mam to i tak używałbym... Arcade;P
MameUI 0.245 29/06/2022
- sync with mame v0.245
MameUI 0.244
- sync with mame v0.244
MameUI 0.243
- sync with mame v0.243
MameUI 0.242
- sync with mame v0.242
MameUI 0.241
- sync with mame v0.241
MameUI 0.240
- sync with mame v0.240
MameUI 0.239
- sync with mame v0.239
MameUI 0.238
- sync with mame v0.238
MameUI 0.237
- sync with mame v0.237
MameUI 0.236
- sync with mame v0.236
MameUI 0.235
- sync with mame v0.235
MameUI 0.234
- sync with mame v0.234
- Fixed crash in maestro.cpp when validating
- Fixed buffer overflow when creating CPU.ini
MameUI 0.229
- The hack that saved slider values on exit has been removed. This is because the slider code was refactored and the result was not compatible with the hack.
- Fixed a problem with the pluginspath which could cause plugin errors in certain circumstances.
- Fixed a problem where category files could not be found in certain win10 setups (MESS only)
→ NOWSZY [Arcade] MAMEui x64 0.273.1 31/12/2024
MameUI 0.273.1 31/12/2024
- cdibios: fixed crash at start [MT9037]
- vp415: fixed regression and crash at start [MT9024]
- svision: fixed crash at start if no cartridge [MT9017]
MameUI 0.273 25/12/2024
- sync with mame v0.273 (If it was skipped they would make an entry at (like last year), and my version would have been (0.272.2).)
- Removed option to change clone colours - it hadn't been working for a long time.
- Fixed crash in mononcol if no cartridge used.
- Fixed quickload in jaguar which had been crashing for the last few years. Many games now playable. See hash/more/jaguar_quik.xml
- Got rid of annoying popup messages in supracan.
Please note that gameinit.dat which previously only contained arcade-related info now additionally has console, computer, and pinball information. You can grab a copy at This information will show at the top of the history tab.
MameUI 0.272 29/11/2024
- The only major change is the ability to get proper crash dumps in case something goes wrong. Most people can ignore this, but if you think you can help with tracking down problems you must start MAMEUI with a redirection parameter. For example:
>mameui > crash.txt
Various internal things will be written to crash.txt which can be ignored, but should a crash occur, the dump will go into crash.txt as well. The dump uses the new file mameui.sym which has been included in the download package. When a crash occurs, MAMEUI will appear to freeze for about 60 seconds, before exiting. No need to panic. If the freeze goes on for too long then you can terminate the process.
MameUI 0.270 26/09/2024
- sync with mame v0.270
- The software listed in hashmore now number 39158, spread over 102 lists.
MameUI 0.269 29/08/2024
- sync with mame v0.269
MameUI 0.268.1 01/08/2024
- sync Mame 0.268
- Found that some zn games were crashing, so fixed that and uploaded version 0.268.1
MameUI 0.266 30/05/2024
- sync Mame 0.266
MameUI 0.265 25/04/2024
- sync Mame 0.265
MameUI 0.264 27/03/2024
- sync Mame 0.264
MameUI 0.263 28/02/2024
- sync Mame 0.263
In case you're unaware, many of UI controls on the function keys have been reassigned. For example, instead of P for Pause, now it's F5.
We got annoyed one time too many at the interactions of the P key with drivers that would need it (keyboards, virtual piano keyboards, lots of stuff). So we decided an overhaul was in order. Of course, all that is still customizable, so one can trivially change things back in the UI if needed.
- F5: pause
- shift-F5: single-stepping in pause
- F4: single-stepping in rewind
- F6: save state
- shift-F6: quicksave (save without confirmation to a save state called quick, at least for now)
- F7: load state
- shift-F7: quickload
- F8/F9: frameskip level up/down
- shift-F8: toggle cheats
Plus a number of unchanged controls:
- F4: show graphics/tilemaps
- F10: (un)throttle
- F11: show fps
- shift-F11: show profiler
- F2/shift-F2: tape stop/start
- F12: screenshort
- shift-F12: record mng
- shift-ctrl-F12: record avi
Hopefully, that will help. Also, the easier-to-access save/load keys could be nice.
→ NOWSZY [arcade] HbMameUI x64 0.245.20 20/06/2024
HBMAME 0.245.20 2024-06-20
- ngneo: expanded the software list
New Games
- [au] Au
- [gladmortd2] Gladmort (Demo 2)
- [kof94s39] Kof'94 (Team Edit Edition v1.3.0)
- [nbajam04] NBA Jam Rewind (rev 1.2)
- [sfz3mix] Street Fighter Zero 3 (Turbo Mix 0.30) [zero800]
HBMAME x64 0.245.19 2024-05-18
- New compiler version: GCC 13.2
- Dropped support for universal bios before 3.0
New Games
- [breakrev08] Breakers Revenge (Extra)
- [ckongpt2s02] Crazy Kong Part II 2023 revision
- [dkong22] Donkey Kong (hitboxes)
- [dkong23] Donkey Kong (hitboxes and sprites)
- [ffight04] Final Fight (Framework, 2022-01-25)
- [gladmortd] Gladmort (Demo)
- [karnovr04] Karnov's Revenge (Revolution v0.1)
- [kodu04] The King of Dragons (910910U, Tough Plus, 2021-06-22)
- [oldsps28] Oriental Legend 2 (New Revision CN)
- [samsho2pe] Samurai Shodown II (Perfect v2.0, 2024-05-01)
- [sfa2s11] Street Fighter Alpha 2 (960430U, Ultra Edition)
- [sfz3mix] Street Fighter Zero 3 (Turbo Mix 0.29) [zero800]
- [wakuwak7s05] Waku Waku 7 (Enhanced, 2023-06-06)
- [yoyoshkn] Yo-Yo Shuriken
HBMAME x64 0.245.18 10/04/2024
- New PGM driver from IQ_132
- Restored music to kovshp and many of its hacks
- New Games
- [cyborg] Cyborg Force
- [cyborg1] Cyborg Force (patched)
- [galaga01] Galaga Wave Mixer
- [galaga02] Galaga Challenging Only
- [lbhmg] Last Blade Hidden Mini Game
- [nbajam03] NBA Jam Tournament Edition SE 5.0
- [pgmcabal] Cabal (PGM) [iq_132]
- [pgmsnake] PGM test program [iq_132]
- [sf2ce58] Street Fighter II' (SrSreet edition)
- [sfz3mix] Street Fighter Zero 3 (Turbo Mix 0.28) [zero800]
- [ssf2tnl] Super Street Fighter II Turbo (New Legacy v0.9 beta 2024-04-02)
- HBMAME x64 0.245.17 21/02/2024
- Set Neo-Geo Korean-language translations to actually show Korean text.
- New Games
- [aofkt] Art of Fighting (Korean)
- [area88rk] Area 88 (Korean)
- [area88rka] Area 88 (Korean, alt)
- [captcommjk] Captain Commando (911202, Korea)
- [csclub02] Capcom Sports Club (970722, Korea)
- [daimakaik] Dai Makai-Mura (Korean)
- [ddsomak] Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (960619, Korea, alt)
- [ddsomjk] Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (960619, Korea)
- [ffightaek] Final Fight 30th Anniversary Edition (Korean)
- [ffightjk] Final Fight (Korean)
- [gunbird01] Gunbird (Korean hack)
- [knightsk] Knights of the Round (911127, Korea)
- [kodjk] The King of Dragons (910805, Korea)
- [kof2002bs25] Kof2002 (hack of the bootleg)
- [kof2kkt] Kof2000 (Korean)
- [kof97plskt] Kof'97 (Plus, Korean)
- [kof98hkt] Kof'98 (Korean)
- [kof99ndkt] Kof'99 (Korean)
- [puzzldprk] Puzzle De Pon! R (Korean)
- [puzzledpk] Puzzle De Pon! (Korean)
- [rockmank] Rockman: The Power Battle (950922, Korea)
- [rockman2k] Rockman 2: The Power Fighters (960708, Korea)
- [sfz2alk] Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (960805, Korea)
- [sfz2k01] Street Fighter Zero 2 (960430, Korea)
- [sfz2k02] Street Fighter Zero 2 (960227, Korea)
- [sfz3mix] Street Fighter Zero 3 (Turbo Mix 0.27)
- [sfzchk] Street Fighter Zero (951020, CPS Changer, Korea)
- [sfzk] Street Fighter Zero (950727, Korea)
- [strider05] Strider (Korean)
- [tengai03] Tengai (Korean)
- [tk2k01] Tenchi wo Kurau II (Sanmei Spiral Counterattack Beta 1.03, 921031, Korea)
- [tophuntrk] Top Hunter (Korean)
- [uccops02] Undercover Cops (Korean)
- [wofchk] Tenchi wo Kurau II (921031, Korea)
- HBMAME 0.245.16 2024-01-28 0.245.16
- Clockwork Aquario: Added sound, removed freeplay.
- New Games
- [240ptest1] 240p Test Suite v1.0
- [captcommh12] Captain Commando (readjusted v1.1)
- [captcommh13] Captain Commando (readjusted v1.2)
- [dinoj14] Cadillacs (Ex Musou v.1+Battered Hack)
- [dkong21] Donkey Kong Pacman Crossover v1.00
- [dkremix] Donkey Kong Remix
- [dt7] Dynamic Trial 7 (prototype)
- [hsf2s15] Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (040202U, difficulty fix)
- [sf2reds07] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (2020 Golden Edition)
- [sfz3j19] Street Fighter Zero 3 (980629J, Training Edition v1.2)
- [sfz3mix24] Street Fighter Zero 3 (Turbo Mix 0.24)
- [sfz3mix25] Street Fighter Zero 3 (Turbo Mix 0.25)
- [sfz3mix] Street Fighter Zero 3 (Turbo Mix 0.26)
- [ssf2t09] Super Street Fighter II Turbo (940223ETC, difficulty fix)
→ NOWSZY [Arcade] MAMEui Classic x64 0.262.2 25/12/2023
MameUI Classic 0.261.2 25/12/2023 Christmass Edition
Interim release because there's nothing official this month.
→ NOWSZY [arcade] HbMameUI x64 0.245.15 25/12/2023
HBMAME 0.245.15 2023-12-25
- [ddonpachjd] DoDonPachi (Japan, demo)
- [pandajump2] Panda Jump (set 2)
- [ramokromok] RAM OK ROM OK (Galaxian hardware demo)
- [sfz3mix22] Street Fighter Zero 3 (Turbo Mix 0.22)
- [sfz3mix] Street Fighter Zero 3 (Turbo Mix 0.23)
→ NOWSZY [Arcade] MAMEui Classic x64 0.261 29/11/2023
MameUI Classic 0.261 29/11/2023
- sync with mame v0.261
MameUI Classic 0.260 25/10/2023
- sync with mame v0.260
MameUI Classic 0.259 29/09/2023
- MAMEUI Classic 0.259.0 has been released.
- sync with mame v0.259
MameUI Classic 0.258 30/08/2023
- MAMEUI Classic 0.258.0 has been released.
- sync with mame v0.258
MameUI 0.257 28/05/2023
- MAMEUI Classic 0.257.0 has been released.
- sync with mame v0.257
- Can save a filter combination as a new filter
MameUI 0.256 28/05/2023
- MAMEUI Classic 0.256.0 has been released.
- Don't crash at start if mame.ini is corrupted
- History.xml is now supported
- Support for history.dat, marp.dat, story.dat and sysinfo.dat has been dropped.
- When a new history.xml is loaded for the first time, it can take several seconds to create an index. Be patient.
- The icon options have been changed for the main game list. You can choose small or large icons, and whether to indent clones. The options of list view and arrange icons have been removed.
MameUI 0.255 31/05/2023
- MAMEUI Classic 0.255.0 has been released.
- Fixed a crash with some sliders: Gamma, Brightness, Contrast etc
→ NOWSZY [arcade] HbMameUI x64 0.245.14 24/09/2023
HBMAME 0.245.14 2023-09-24
New Games
- [dkongacc] Donkey Kong Accelerate v1.01 (2023-09-05)
- [dkbrlbss] Donkey Kong Barrel Boss v1.01 (2023-08-16)
- [dksprfin2] Donkey Kong Springfinity v1.02 (2023-08-15)
- [sfz3mix20] Street Fighter Zero 3 (Turbo Mix 0.20)
- [sfz3mix] Street Fighter Zero 3 (Turbo Mix 0.21)
HBMAME 0.245.13 2023-08-05
- HBMAMEUI: Can save a filter combination as a new filter.
- The GCC build version has been increased to 11.2 (available from mamedev site)
New Games
- [amazonn] Soldier Girl Amazon (Neo-Geo port)
- [arkcrsn5] Cruisin 5 (demo)
- [froggerp] Frogger (fixed)
- [mhavocrv2] Major Havoc - Return to Vax 1.8
- [ssf2tnl] Super Street Fighter II Turbo (New Legacy v0.8 beta 2023-07-20)
→ NOWSZY [arcade] HbMameUI x64 0.245.12 15/04/2023
HBMAME 0.245.12 2023-06-15
New Games
- [galaxiann] Galaxians (Neo-Geo port)
- [horekidb3] Kid no Hore Hore Daisakusen (Neo-Geo port)
- [landmakr03] Land Maker (English translation of the story line)
In HBMAMEUI, the History tab has been updated. The supported dat files are:
- history.xml
- mameinfo.dat
- command.dat
- gameinit.dat
Support of the following has been dropped:
history.dat(no longer updated by the official site)marp.dat(not updated for 7 years)story.dat(not updated for 7 years)sysinfo.dat(not updated for 7 years and not relevant)messinfo.dat(not relevant)
HBMAME 0.245.11 2023-04-07
- Fixed bad graphics in Rally Chase (trallycd)
- Added preliminary support for .neo files used in NeoSD and Mister.
- Added preliminary support for .7z files used in Darksoft's MultiMVS.
New Games
- [chuckie] Chuckie Egg
- [dktrain2] Donkey Kong Trainer 1.01 (bugfix)
- [neo2048] Neo 2048
- [ngmvs] Neo-Geo MultiMVS support
- [ngneo] Neo Geo support of .neo files
- [pacjrz80] Pac-Jr on Pacman Hardware
- [sbpf] Super Bubble Pop (fixed)
Notes for ngmvs and ngneo:
- Very preliminary. Cheats, save-states, memcards etc have not been tested.
- If loading fails you'll get a black screen.
- Intended for testing of homebrew. Protected sets are not supported. However, most standard games happen to work.
- Files are meant to be loaded as loose software. Use the inbuilt File Manager, or the command-line (-quik <full path to file>).
- Can use a Software List. An example xml has been included which you can expand upon.
- The file extension is 7z, which works fine from command-line but is treated as a directory by the File Manager. You'll have to enter it and choose any file within.
- The files within must be at the root of the 7z, or loading will fail.
HBMAME 0.245.10 2023-03-13
New Games
- [240ptest] 240p Test Suite
- [ckongpt2s01] Crazy Kong with DK colours and graphics
- [looptrsp] Looptris Plus (2022-12-24)
- [pitfall2u01] Pitfall II trainer (2002-10-15)
- [pollen] Pollen Angel
- [sf2mix] Street Fighter II: Champion Edition (Mix 1.3)
- [vr01] Virtua Racing Rival Edition V7 (2023-02-22)
- [xeviousn] Xevious (NeoGeo, beta 1, 2023-03-07)
HBMAME 0.245.9 2022-11-17
New Games
- [dkong05-17,20] Donkey Kong (various hacks)
- [futari15bc] Mushihime-Sama Futari Ver 1.5 (2006-12-08.MASTER VER. 1.54. BLK COLOR)
- [futariblc] Mushihime-Sama Futari Black Label - Another Ver (2009-11-27 INTERNATIONAL BL - ORIG COLOR)
- [futaribljc] Mushihime-Sama Futari Black Label (2007-12-11 BLACK LABEL VER - ORIG COLOR)
- [grdians41] Denjin Makai II (LBS Edition, 2022-10-14)
- [ibarablkcs] Ibara Kuro Black Label (2006-02-06. MASTER VER. COLOR SAT)
- [ibaracs] Ibara (2005-03-22 MASTER VER.. COLOR SAT)
- [mhavocpe] Major Havoc 1.0 (English/French/German/Tournament versions)
- [ngmontst3] Neo Geo Monitor Test Tool v1.3
- [pacyuyu] Pac-Yuyu
- [pandajump] Panda Jump
- [sf2mkot01] Street Fighter II': Magic KO Turbo - Nightmare Crack (set 2)
HBMAME 0.245.8 2022-11-17
New Games
- [dkong05-17,20] Donkey Kong (various hacks)
- [futari15bc] Mushihime-Sama Futari Ver 1.5 (2006-12-08.MASTER VER. 1.54. BLK COLOR)
- [futariblc] Mushihime-Sama Futari Black Label - Another Ver (2009-11-27 INTERNATIONAL BL - ORIG COLOR)
- [futaribljc] Mushihime-Sama Futari Black Label (2007-12-11 BLACK LABEL VER - ORIG COLOR)
- [grdians41] Denjin Makai II (LBS Edition, 2022-10-14)
- [ibarablkcs] Ibara Kuro Black Label (2006-02-06. MASTER VER. COLOR SAT)
- [ibaracs] Ibara (2005-03-22 MASTER VER.. COLOR SAT)
- [mhavocpe] Major Havoc 1.0 (English/French/German/Tournament versions)
- [ngmontst3] Neo Geo Monitor Test Tool v1.3
- [pacyuyu] Pac-Yuyu
- [pandajump] Panda Jump
- [sf2mkot01] Street Fighter II': Magic KO Turbo - Nightmare Crack (set 2)
HBMAME 0.245.8 2022-10-20
19YY now has full background music included.
New Games
- [avengrgs01] Avengers In Galactic Storm (Boss Hack, set 1)
- [avengrgs02] Avengers In Galactic Storm (Boss Hack, set 2)
- [bgaregga02] Battle Garegga (Zakk version, set 2)
- [cosmicw] Cosmic Wars (bootleg of UniwarS)
- [cybots02] Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (950424E, Access Mod)
- [dkong01-04] Donkey Kong (various hacks)
- [dkonghh] Donkey Kong HeartHunt v1.01 (2022-10-15)
- [emeralda01] Emeraldia (New Rotate)
- [grdians19-40] Denjin Makai II (various hacks, 22 sets)
- [hook10-15] Hook (various hacks, 6 sets)
- [kingball01] King & Balloon (bootleg)
- [mk2s06] Mortal Kombat II (SP4K, 2021-08-05)
- [mk3s02] Mortal Kombat 3 (K, 2021-08-05)
- [nbbatman10] Ninja Baseball Bat Man (1v8, 2020-01-08)
- [nbbatman11] Ninja Baseball Bat Man (One Key Edition, 2020-09-06)
- [strider01] Strider (US, fixes graphics and music)
- [strider02] Strider (JP, fixes graphics and music)
- [vs_urban] Vs. Urban Champion
- [wbml03] Wonder Boy in Monster Land (bootleg)
- [wwfmania01] WWF: Wrestlemania (Acid Clown Edition, 2020-12-02)
HBMAME 0.245.7 2022-10-12
- Since 0.246, MAME has rearranged all the driver files and many others too. This requires an almost complete rewrite of HBMAME, and I've decided not to do this. Therefore future releases will be based on 0.245, and be released adhoc, whenever new games are added.
New Games
- [aburtest] Afterburner Test Rom (v0.1)
- [aburtest1] Afterburner Test Rom (v0.11)
- [frogtest2] Frogger Test Rom (2019-01-27)
- [galxtest2] Galaxian Test Rom (2017-12-07)
- [gyrutest] Gyruss Test Rom (2021-06-27)
- [gyrutest2] Gyruss Test Rom (2021-09-29)
- [hypetest] Hypersports Test Rom (0.5 test)
- [moontest] Moon Cresta Test Rom (2017-12-07)
- [mrdotest] Mr. Do! Test Rom (2017-12-07)
- [pacmtest2] Pacman Test Rom (set 3)
- [pbobble3s02] Puzzle Bobble 3 (Recarbonated, 2p only)
- [phoetest] Phoenix Test Rom (2017-12-07)
- [pooytest] Pooyan Test Rom (set 1)
- [scobtest] Super Cobra Test Rom (2019-01-27)
- [scratest] Scramble Test Rom (2019-01-27)
- [senctest] Space Encounters Test Rom
- [sinvtest] Space Invaders Test Rom (SMv1.0)
- [sinvtest0] Space Invaders Test Rom (v1.0)
- [sinvtest1] Space Invaders Test Rom (v1.1)
- [sinvtest2] Space Invaders Test Rom (v1.2)
- [sinvtest3] Space Invaders Test Rom (v1.3)
- [spectest] Spectar Test Rom
- [theglad104] The Gladiator (v104)
- [trkftest07b] Track and Field Test Rom (0.7 beta)
- [trkftest08b] Track and Field Test Rom (0.8 beta)
- [trkftest09b] Track and Field Test Rom (0.9 beta)
- [trkftest10b] Track and Field Test Rom (1.0 beta)
- [trkftest11b] Track and Field Test Rom (1.1 beta)
- [trkftest12b] Track and Field Test Rom (1.2 beta)
- [trkftest11t] Track and Field Test Rom (1.1 test)
- [trkftest12t] Track and Field Test Rom (1.2 test)
- [trkftest12tu] Track and Field Test Rom (1.2 test, unencrypted)
- [twinqixs01] Twin Qix (Japan)
2022-09-26(???) HBMAME 0.245.6
- All hacks & homebrew are expected to work - please report anything that misbehaves.
- Neogeo: made Universal Bios the default, to properly catch cpu exceptions.
- Neogeo cartoon intros: No need to set them up, they "just work".
- Ironclad: default language is now English.
New Games
- [aquario]Clockwork Aquario
2022-09-09 HBMAME 0.245.5
New Games
- [19yy]19YY v1.0
- [ffightaec2]Final Fight Anniversary Edition (CPS2 hardware)
- [fantzone01]Fantasy Zone (PS2)
- [mhavocpex8]Major Havoc - The Promised End (BETA v0.89) ENGLISH
- [mhavocpex8de]Major Havoc - The Promised End (BETA v0.89) GERMAN
- [mhavocpex8fr]Major Havoc - The Promised End (BETA v0.89) FRENCH
- [ssf2tnl]Super Street Fighter II Turbo (New Legacy v0.7.1 beta 2022-09-06)
2022-08-26 HBMAME 0.245.4
New Games
- [forgottnsf2]Forgotten Worlds (SF2 conversion)
- [ghoulsf2]Ghouls'n Ghosts (SF2 conversion)
- [gxg]Casanova She and She
- [magdrop3te]Magical Drop 3 (Tournament Edition, 2022-08-19)
- [nbajamre]NBA Jam Rewind (rev 1.1)
- [striders04]Strider (SF2 conversion)
2022-08-12 HBMAME 0.245.3
- Fixed altbeast and clones, games re-enabled.
New Games
- [cakefght1]Cake Fighter v1.1
- [captcommh11]Captain Commando (readjusted)
- [dinos283]Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Readjusted v1.2)
- [pbobble3h01]Puzzle Bobble 3 (Recarbonated)
- [sailormnh06]Sailor Moon (Fight for Justice)
- [teot]The Eye of Typhoon (Tsunami Edition, beta 7, 2022-07-31)
2022-07-23 HBMAME 0.245.2
- Puzzled: enabled both story mode and demo mode
New Games
- [cakefght]Cake Fighter
- [ssf2tnl3]Super Street Fighter II Turbo (New Legacy v0.3 beta 2020-05-18)
- [ssf2tnl7]Super Street Fighter II Turbo (New Legacy v0.7 beta 2022-07-19)
HBMAME 0.245.6 2022-09-23 0.245.4
New Games
- [ng4ptest] Neo Geo 4 Player Multitab Test
- [teot] The Eye of Typhoon (Tsunami Edition, beta 6, 2022-07-06)
HBMAME 0.245.1 2022-07-09 0.245.1
New Games
- [ng4ptest] Neo Geo 4 Player Multitab Test
- [teot] The Eye of Typhoon (Tsunami Edition, beta 6, 2022-07-06)
HBMAME 0.245 2022-06-29 0.245
New Games
- [captcommr1d] Captain Commando (unknown hack r1d)
- [captcommr1f] Captain Commando (unknown hack r1f)
- [cawingh01] Carrier Air Wing (bootleg)
- [contcircja] Continental Circus (Japan set 2)
- [dinore1] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Readjusted v1.1)
- [dkrndmzr] Donkey Kong RNDMZR v1.00 (2022-05-22)
- [dkwizard] Donkey Kong Wizardry v1.03
- [kf2k19unis04] Kof 10th Anniversary 2019 Unique (Optimized 2020-??-??)
- [kf2k20unis01] Kof 10th Anniversary 2020 Unique (Optimized 2020-10-25)
- [kf2k20unis02] Kof 10th Anniversary 2020 Unique (Optimized 2020-11-06)
- [mslug2fm] Metal Slug 2 (Friendly Fire - Fightcade 2 Ver.2 Hack)
- [mslug3rb] Metal Slug 3 (Last Warhead)
- [mslug4a] Metal Slug 4 20th Anniversary (GOTVG Ver.2021 Hack)
- [mslug4ar] Metal Slug 4 Enemies Reset Fusion 20th Anniversary (Hack)
- [mslug5sgf] Metal Slug 5 Remake Final (Fightcade 2 Ver.2021 Hack)
- [mslug5x] Metal Slug 5 X
- [mslugxsrf] Metal Slug X AzStar Soda Remix (Fightcade 2 Ver. Hack)
- [sfz3mix] Street Fighter Zero 3 (Mix 0.13)
- [teot] The Eye of Typhoon (Tsunami Edition, beta 5, 2022-05-29)
- [umk3tm20210809] Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Team Edition 2021-08-09)
- [umk3uk20220406] Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (UC Edition 2022-04-06)
HBMAME 0.244 2022-05-25 0.244
- Added artwork for Man-Pac.
New Games
- [dinore] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Readjusted v1.0)
- [dkchrte] Donkey Kong Christmas Tournament Edition
- [dkongte] Donkey Kong Tournament Edition
- [dkspkyte] Donkey Kong Spooky Tournament Edition
- [dksprfin] Donkey Kong Springfinity v1.01 (2022-04-29)
- [mhavocpex81] Major Havoc - The Promised End (v0.81)
- [mslugunity] Metal Slug Unity
- [mslug2unity] Metal Slug 2 Unity
- [mslug3unity] Metal Slug 3 Unity
- [mslug4unity] Metal Slug 4 Unity
- [mslug5ast] Metal Slug Asteroids
- [mslug5unity] Metal Slug 5 Unity
- [mslugxunity] Metal Slug X Unity
- [sfa2us05] Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Unlock Hidden Characters)
- [sfz3mix11] Street Fighter Zero 3 (Mix 0.11)
- [sfz3mix] Street Fighter Zero 3 (Mix 0.12)
- [teot] The Eye of Typhoon (Tsunami Edition, beta 4, 2022-05-07)
HBMAME 2022-04-27 0.243
- Fixed gauntlet2 regressions.
New Games
- [ffightaeh04] Final Fight 30th Anniversary Edition Mad Gear's City (2022-04-12)
- [jrpacplus] Jr Pac-Plus
- [manpac] Man-Pac
- [sailormnh05] Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Reign of Terror) v1.6
- [sf2mix110] Street Fighter II: Champion Edition (Mix 1.1)
- [sfz3mix07a] Street Fighter Zero 3 (Mix 0.07a)
- [sfz3mix09] Street Fighter Zero 3 (Mix 0.09)
- [sfz3mix] Street Fighter Zero 3 (Mix 0.10)
→ NOWSZY [Arcade] MAMEui x64 0.253.1 30/03/2023
MameUI 0.253 30/03/2023
- ???
MameUI 0.253 29/03/2023
- sync with mame v0.253(?)
There's been a truckload of new and invasive bugs in MAME recently, so you'll most likely get some weird things happening, especially if you use a joystick or game controller. Make sure you read the new document about setting up your controller:
If MAME crashes, then most likely it will take down the frontend with it.
The support for arcade.ini, console.ini, computer.ini and othersys.ini have been removed from MAME, and so these files will be ignored. In MAMEUI the support of arcade.ini was restored.
In MAME, the files arcade.flt and mess.flt were deleted, however you can create your own and it will work as before. The only difference is that you need to maintain them yourself instead of being done by the developers.
There's a new development branch being created for MAMEUI - it will have a new name (suggestions?) and a lot of improvements. It's not a priority though, so it could be many months before you see anything.
In the meantime the old worn-out MAMEUI has been rebranded as "Classic" - it will require GCC 10.1, and will only get updates to keep it working. There won't be any new features. The release schedule is (at this time) expected to be every 3 months.