Pojawiła się nowa aktualizacja multiemulatora Agat, który pozwoli nam zaemulować rosyjskie i bułgarskie klony komputera Apple ][ - Pravetz (bułg.) i Agat (rus.), a także oryginalną konstrukcję Apple ][ i mikrokomputer Acorn Atom. Po lekkim blamażu związanym z ostatnim uploadem (autor nie dodał... binarek, co mogło trochę skomplikować emulację), przyszedł czas na poprawną dystrybucję.
Changes in the version 1.30.2 15/12/24
- Fixed distribution
Changes in the version 1.30.1
- Fixed extended font for Agat-7
- Fixed help files.
Changes in the version 1.30
- Implemented Agat networking card in test mode.
- Improved Agat text mode output.
- Fixed compatibility issue in language switch register.
→ [APPLE] Agat Emulator 1.29.2 28/11/2020
Changes in the version 1.29.2
- Fixed a crash after closing an emulator window.
→ [APPLE] Eksperymentalny Agat Emulator 1.29.2 exp1
Porównanie nowego i starego modułu emulacjącego wyświetlanie grafiki w emulatorze AppleII/Agat AGAT.
Changes in the version 1.29.2-exp1
This version contains an experimental rendering engine. New features include:
- Proper 7x8 pixel characters in text modes
- Fonts are used exactly as taken from system ROMs
- Real-time NTSC TV simulation in native Apple modes
Known issues:
- New graphics is displayed in a separate window, in addition to the original graphics implementation.
- 80-column Apple text modes will also display in NTSC simulation mode which looks really bad--as it would on an actual NTSC TV-set. There is currently no way to switch to pixel-precise rendering on demand.
- Combined graphics modes and partial page animations don't work for Apple2e, as seen on the Test Drive title screen.
- Not all fonts are replaced with ROM versions. Some systems will display text inverted and flipped.
→ [APPLE] Agat Emulator 1.29.2
Changes in the version 1.29.2
- Fixed a crash after closing an emulator window.
→ [APPLE] Agat Emulator 1.29.1
→ [APPLE] Agat Emulator 1.29
AgatEmulator version 1.29 - 06.08.2017
- Reimplemented ACM sound driver
AgatEmulator version 1.28 - 06.08.2017
- Fixed printing to TIFF, text, and raw files.
- Control manually when new pages are created while printing to TIFF and Windows printer.
- Added support for .pds images traditionally used for Pravetz emulation.
- Disk images are now opened in window mode instead of fullscreen when started from a shell association.
- rgb-monitor-16.pal is fixed to support the "bright black" color.
- PRAVETZ8A.FNT is replaced with three distinct variations: Bulgarian font pravetz8a8c_bg.fnt, font for exporting to Soviet Union pravetz8a8c_su.fnt, and a Variant version pravetz8a8c_uz.fnt.
→ [APPLE] Agat Emulator 1.27
Changes in the version 1.27 - 3.10.2015
- Fixed raw printer output to a file
- Added an ability to print directly to a printer connected to the PC's parallel port
- TOR disk image is replaced with an authentic version
- Fixed an error in the extended Agat-7 font
→ [APPLE] Agat Emulator 1.26.1
Changes in the version 1.26.1 - 13.02.2014
- Improved compatibility with some programs for Agat-7 with 140K-drive.
→ [APPLE] Agat Emulator 1.26
Changes in the version 1.26 - 21.04.2013
- Improved sound quality for Mockingboard
- Improved simulation of Pravetz 8A
- Added support for Liberty Drive (Apple //e, Pravetz 8A)
- Added support for Dallas No-Slot Clock (Apple //e, Pravetz 8A)
- Added two new sample floppy images
→ [APPLE] Agat Emulator 1.25
Changes in the version 1.25 - 28.02.2013
- Improved quality of sound via ACM subsystem (Windows Audio)
- Added sound of Seagate SCSI hard drive
wstecz15/12/2023 22:47
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