Nowa, repozytoryjna wersja emulatora NeoGPC , autorstwa Luke Arntson. Emulator pozwala nam pobawić się grami z przenośnej konsoli NeoGeo Pocket Color (emulacja wersji b&w być może pojawi się w nim w przyszłości).
Jakoż, że reportowano problemy pod XP, wersja skompilowana pod VS2010.
Dark Arms: Beast Buster 1999 (SNK Corporation of America, Nov, 1999)
Author: | Date: 30 listopada 2013 04:58:01
- Some minor fixes, started experimenting with real reads/writes to 0x4000 to start supporting the bios. Next up will be Z80 debugging to figure out what the BIOS is waiting for.
Author: | Date: 19 listopada 2013 04:57:14
- Getting the bios closer to where it needs to be.
Author: Date: 15 listopada 2013 00:06:35
- Start of emulating the real bios.
Crush Roller (SNK Corporation of America, 1999)
Author: | Date: 13 listopada 2013 04:10:24
- Getting the first of the memory resource working. Also removing some redundancies on old files that have no meaning anymore.
Author: | Date: 12 listopada 2013 22:35:08
- Fixed step-over, fixed high-CPU usage, moved all tlcs900h debugger behavior over to our debugger code, gave paused emu cpu-cooldown. Initial work on graphical debugger.
Dive Alert (SNK Corporation, Aug 19, 1999)
1.1.0 - TLCS900h Debugger initial state
- The TLCS900h debugger is in a semi-working state, so I thought I'd release something.
- Breakpoints, stepping into opcodes, watching registers, etc. all seem to be working fine.
- Lots of improvement to be made, but its starting to come together.
NeoGPC Revision[SVN 15]
Author: | Date: 9 listopada 2013 21:05:18
NeoGPC Revision[SVN 14]
Author: | Date: 9 listopada 2013 20:37:05
- The debugger is mostly working. I could not get step over to work right, FCEU sets a breakpoint after a CALL and removes it on impact. I also added basic steps for the next parts of the debugger, including VRAM and table watchers, as well as a memory editor.
Fatal Fury: First Contact (SNK of America, May, 1999)
Author: Date: 8 listopada 2013 05:51:48
- Now with tlcs900h debugger power, and z80 status is in there.
Author: Date: 6 listopada 2013 04:50:55
- Debugger now works. If you have the debugger open while you load a rom, it starts paused. You can step and resume, see the registers, etc. The vertical scrollbar does not work yet, and the breakpoints seem broken so I'll need to investigate that.
Delta Warp (SNK, Prototype)
Author: Date: 30 października 2013 05:00:02
- Switching box to fceu style
Magical Drop Pocket (Data East Corp, 1999)
Author: | Date: 16 września 2013 01:51:56
- Latest build, now with a full disassembler.
Author: | Date: 3 września 2013 06:09:06
- Modifying the debugger slightly. Still more work to do, but this seems to be a step in the right direction.
Metal Slug 2nd Mission (SNK of America, 22.05.2000)
Author: Date: 5 czerwca 2013 06:30:38
- Lots of updates. Still working on the debugger.
- Modified: /trunk/src/core/neogpc.cpp
- Modified: /trunk/src/core/neogpc.h
- Modified: /trunk/src/cpu/tlcs900h.h
- Modified: /trunk/src/cpu/tlcs900hdebugger.cpp
- Modified: /trunk/src/cpu/tlcs900hdebugger.h
- Modified: /trunk/src/win32/NeoGPC.rc
- Modified: /trunk/src/win32/main.cpp
- Modified: /trunk/src/win32/video_directx.cpp
- Modified: /trunk/src/win32/windebugger.h
Evolution - Eternal Dungeon (SEGA Corporation, 2000)
Author: | Date: 15 maja 2013 07:23:00
- Beginning of disassembler in place. VERY slow at the moment, speed increase will be next, then accuracy and proper opcode decoding.
Author: | Date: 11 maja 2013 06:09:48
- Debugger partially working now. GUI drives add/remove/step, need to add actual input reading + listbox controls + opcode analyzer.
Author: | Date: 12 marca 2013 06:27:58
- More TLCS900h debugging, started windebugger.h
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Jest na tyle dobrym udawaczem, że na podwalinie jego kodu powstały takie emulatory jak VBjin (VirtualBoy) i PCEjin (PCEngine) Delikata.
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