
QL-Emulator 3.2.1

[9] @ Piątek, 24 Sierpnia 2018 01:05CET

QL-Emulator 3.2.1

QL-Emulator to sharewarowy udawacz mikrokomputera ZX SPECTRUM QL, który po wielkim sukcesie Spektrusia, miał się stać jego następca w 1983 roku. Procesor montowany do tego komputera - MOTOROLA M68008, należał do rodziny 32-bitowych procesorów (ale z 16 bitową szyną adresową, a w wypadku 08 - 8 bitową), które wykorzystano ze znacznie większym powodzeniem w Macintoshu, Amidze czy też w ATARI ST.

Niestety, QL (Quantum Leap czyli: "krok milowy") okazał się nieudanym projektem, debiutującym z prawie rocznym pośligiem (1984), który pogrążył SINCLAIRA na dobre - QL był zbyt drogą konstrukcją jak na domowe warunki, z potwornie niedopracowanym systemem i wykorzystującym kasetki microdrive, w momencie kiedy stacje dyskietek stawały się oficjalnym standardem. Z drugiej strony był to komputer posiadający dwa porty sieciowe LAN ("Qlan") czy też wyjście na monitor i TV. W jakich warunkach ten komputer powstawał dobrze obrazuję fragment filmu BBC "MicroMen" z 2009:) Trafiłem na ten film przypadkowo i będe musiał pogrzebać za nim głębiej.

QL-Emulator, pozwala nam powrócić do tej maszynki - wersja darmowa tego emulatora jest okrojona w stosunku do wersji płatnej (45$) o parę udogodnień (możliwość regulacji prędkości procka, tcp/ip, dostęp do plików QXL.WIN).


Version 3.2.1

  • Added basic keyboard emulation for Sinclair PM ROM.
  • Debugger: new DA (dumps memory in ASCII format) and CHANNELS (lists open QDOS channels) commands.
  • Simulate more differences of the SMSQ/E file system (compared to QDOS).
  • Changed SMSQ/E variant of the mouse driver to avoid undesired side effects.
  • Fixed accelerated graphics issue when there are more than 32767 channels.

Version 3.2

  • Added support for "mdump version 2" microdrive images.
  • mdump_task (QL utility to create microdrive images) now included in the QL Software directory
  • Option to use the ROM microdrive driver to access microdrive images (Sinclair ROMs only). Enabled by default. Increases compatibility, but access is slower compared to the Q-emuLator driver - the emulated tape speed is about twice that of a real cartridge.
  • Take QL display screenshots by pressing Ctrl+F11. Screenshots are saved as a bitmap (.BMP file extension) at a fixed 512 x 256 resolution on the computer's desktop.
  • Changed QL sound timbre to match the original.
  • Improved QLay microdrive images handling to be compatible with images produced by the MDIDriver_cde driver.
  • 1% faster CPU emulation.
  • Don't stop emulation on Fxxx instructions. (Compatibility improvement for some buggy QL programs.)
  • File system improvements and bug fixes:
  • Added support for floppy images where both sides are formatted but QDOS only uses a single side.
  • Escape * and ? filename characters when writing to Windows directories.
  • Correct the drive allocation sizes returned by IOF.XINF.
  • Allow some raw reads of partial floppy disk sectors.
  • ZIP file driver when the "level 2" driver is enabled: Avoid opening an incorrect file when the requested file doesn't exist but the filename is the prefix of the name of an existing file and the first character after the prefix is '_'.
  • Floppy image driver: Ensure unused parts of blocks are zeroed in all cases.
  • Other bug fixes:
  • Improved Caps Lock handling and Caps Lock state consistency.
  • Fixed spurious error message after unregistering application.

Version 3.1.4

  • Fixed crash at shutdown on Windows 7/8 when running the executable directly from a DVD rather than running the installer.
  • Fixed issue where entering the debugger after a QL program exception would always stop at the interrupt 2 service routine address.

Version 3.1.3

  • Exit and re-enter full screen mode on Alt-Tab.
  • Return cartridge name in "get medium info" trap for microdrive images (*.mdv).
  • Fixed crash when QCF file was passed on the command line.

Version 3.1.2

  • No error message for privilege exceptions (allows some buggy QL software to run).
  • debug_68k: disassemble LINK and STOP instructions.

Version 3.1.1

  • Improved error message when directory attached to microdrive slot doesn't exist.
  • Fixed BEEPING command (was broken in version 3.1).

Version 3.1

  • Mount compressed (zipped) floppy disk images as read-only disks.
  • Major tweaks to precise QL speed emulation.
  • Accept floppy disks and floppy disk images with non-standard number of tracks.
  • Patch Minerva ROM to fix Minerva bug causing AUTO/EDIT to delete SuperBASIC lines after startup and when add-on ROMs like the Toolkit II are installed.
  • API to allow third-party extension DLLs to emulate hardware devices.
  • File system bug fixes:
  • Show correct file length in Qram and QPAC2 for native host files.
  • Fixed QXL.WIN main directory access with QMENU's file_select$ command.
  • Fixed crash when built-in RAM disk is used in static mode (i.e. it has been formatted with a fixed preallocated size) and gets full.
  • Disallow overwriting a directory when creating a new file (to avoid inadvertent data loss).
  • Other bug fixes:
  • Added KEYROW emulation for 10 more keys.
  • Fixed jittery display refresh at QL speed (bug was introduced in version 3.0.3 and related to the low-CPU-usage feature).
  • debug_68k debugger: fixed printing of word-length negative immediate values.
  • Fixed tab order in QL Configuration window.
  • Added "*.* All Files" option to the file types selector in the window to open floppy disk images.
  • Small inaccuracy fixed in window aspect ratio (on Windows 7).

Version 3.0.3

  • Greatly reduce CPU and power usage when running at QL speed.
  • Fixed form feed issue in printer emulation.
  • Compatible again with Windows 95.
  • UI and accessibility fixes.
  • Fixed low level IPC emulation with Minerva ROM.

Version 3.0.2

  • Honor magnification filter setting on Windows XP.

Version 3.0.1

  • Fixed license expiration issue.
wstecz24/08/2018 01:05
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