
[AMIGA] Winuae 2.4.0 beta 11/12

[0] @ !!! Sobota, 14 Stycznia 2012 00:30 CET [14-01-2012 00:29 CET]

[AMIGA] Winuae 2.4.0 beta 11/12

Człowieka nie ma parę dni w sieci a tu omijają go nowości z każdej strony. Cóż, co prawda na kartonach jeszcze ale już w nowym miejscu, donoszę o nowej becie WinUAE, a w zasadzie fix do bety 11.

Winuae 2.4.0 Beta 12 / 11.01.12

  • Quick beta update: blitter cycle-exact mode was not cycle-exact in b10 and b11 release builds.

Winuae 2.4.0 Beta 11 / 11.01.12

  • SocketBaseTagList() must not report unknown tag error unless tag is really unknown, not just unsupported. SBTC_LOGx tags are now "supported" because some programs sets them and they also do not want to get any errors.
  • bsdsocket.library SBTC_FDCALLBACK implemented. Should fix (SAS-C compiled only?) Unix ports that use both socket and plain file FDs.
  • Multiple bsdsocket emulation thread safety fixes. Should finally fix all YAM hangs.
  • Directory filesystem internal file size access update, previously Examine() and friends returned old file size if file size changed (either inside or outside of emulation) until file was closed. (fixes Subversion bad request 400 error)
  • Built-in zip unarchiver utf-8 encoded file name support implemented
  • Vertical centering and small enough display size: vertical positioning was really wrong.

Winuae 2.4.0 Beta 10 / 06.01.12

  • RTG mode list should always list all monitors' supported resolutions.
  • PAL filter display positioning is now same as other filters.
  • Removed obsolete right control key hack, Amiga does not have right control key, it was only originally needed to handle keyboard layout B in old UAE versions.
  • Cycle-exact mode and very heavy interrupt activity caused lost internal interrupt event in some very rare situations, bug introduced long time ago. (Guardian Dragon II / Kefrens random hang, probably others too)
  • In non-vsync modes only triple buffering enables vsynced page flipping, other modes flip instantly for better performance (and possibly introduces tearing but it is better than bad performance)
  • Log more complete RDB dump when mounting RDB hardfile or real harddrive using UAE controller.
  • bsdsocket emulation tweaks. SocketBaseTagList() more compatible with AmiTCP (emulate weird behavior of breaking tag list processing if unknown tag detected, some programs actually don't even have a TAG_END..), get/setsockopt more compatible ("Unknown optlen (1)" log error messages) Convert SO_SNDTIMEO and SO_RCVTIMEO time values between milliseconds and struct timeval.
  • HID input stuck button fixed if multiple buttons were kept pressed while releasing another button.
  • HID input configuration loading didn't always match devices correctly

Winuae 2.4.0 Beta 9 / 30.12.11

  • USB HID game controller support really works now. (HID signed value handling is a bit special) Also added pad quirks list from Linux, some game pads apparently report bad minimum and maximum range values, this also includes Logitech G13 stick which was not listed (reported range is -127 to 127, real range is 0 to 255) and this caused the b8 problem because I assumed it was supposed to work that way which of course broke other correctly working devices with negative minimum range.
  • D3D and DirectDraw fullscreen mode monitor selection improved, it wasn't reliable if system had more than 1 display adapter(s). (Win32 EnumDisplayDevices(), DirectDraw and Direct3D monitor indexes are not guaranteed to be same)
  • Adjusted sound buffer range, old 1 is new 2, 2 is 3, and so on. Old 7 is too big, most drivers won't accept it and new vsync can work with buffer smaller than old 1. (Buffer size "0" or "1/2" would have been too confusing..) In other words, if you load old configuration, only value shown in GUI increases by one, real buffer size does not change.
  • Fixed Graffiti emulation crash in if Graffiti hires mode was detected but emulation was not configured for superhires support. (Only in some situations)
  • Disable genlock detected option if A2024 or Graffiti enabled, this is impossible configuration and would only slow down emulation (forces Graffiti emulation to keep looking for command codes continuously)
  • PC keyboard emulation mode, maps keys like F12, End, Home etc.. to Amiga key codes (afaik same key codes are also used by AROS, OS4 and MorphOS). Num Lock opens the GUI by default (Only remaining key that is more or less free), all other special UAE key mappings are disabled. Config file only at the moment: input.keyboard_type=pc
  • Do not include "raw" display modes (marked as "!") in RTG resolution list.
  • Old vsync mode is back (native only, non-fastest CPU mode compatible only)

Winuae 2.4.0 Beta 8 / 26.12.11

  •  Fixed D3D RTG hardware cursor stupid divide by zero crash introduced in b6
  • Old "Include CD/DVD drives.." now always mounts in CDFS + uaescsi.device mode (uaescsi.device is automatically enabled)
  • Approximate CPU speed and 68020: divide A500 instruction cycle counts by 4.
  • RTG vsync and >=100Hz display didn't work correctly.
  • RTG vsync and non-fastest CPU speed mode fixed.
  • Removed RTG autovsync setting, it does not make any sense.
  • Fixed D3D + no filter crash in some situations.
  • CDFS CD mounted drives are now bootable but only if media is present when drive is mounted to prevent ugly "No disk present in device CDx:" requesters.
  • Display vertical position was wrong if A2024 or Graffiti emulation was enabled.
  • AROS ROM updated.
  • Low latency USB HID game controller raw input mode is now the default (except if Windows XP, it should work but enumerated device paths are wrong), old custom input mappings compatibility is not guaranteed, DirectInput is still used for any non-HID devices.
  • Fixed HID analog stick handling if reported range was -val to +val instead of 0 to +val, also other small updates.
  • USB HID device name detection improved, less generic names, better match with DirectInput device names.

Winuae 2.4.0 Beta 7 FIX: 24.12.11

  • should fix RTG non-fastest cpu mode and fix divide by zero crashes introduced in b6.

Winuae 2.4.0 Beta 7: 23.12.11

Quick fix for broken vsync in non-fastest modes fixed.

  • vsync in non-fastest CPU modes fix (b6)
  • Renamed "Include CD/DVD drives.."
  • Disable other uaescsi.device CD drives if image mode or drive letter is selected from CD type select menu.

Winuae 2.4.0 Beta 6: 22.12.11

New vsync should finally work in all modes

  • Removed sound exclusive checkbox, WASAPI exclusive modes are now listed in select menu.
  • New RTG vsync using low latency sync method, currently always triple buffered.
  • Display selection GUI changed again, now lists both display adapter(s) and connected monitor(s).
  • Associated “.uae” didn’t set correct icon id (right click on .uae shows wrong or missing icon). Reset .uae association again to fix it.
  • Fixed filter panel hang in some situations before emulation was started.
  • Low latency vsync keeps list of modes that have already been calibrated, switching back to remembered mode uses stored calibration value.
  • Unreliable old-style vsync options are gone. Replaced by low latency + double or triple buffered mode.
  • DirectDraw low latency vsync fully implemented.
  • RTG hardware cursor positioning fixed in aspect ratio corrected full window modes.

Winuae 2.4.0 Beta 5: 18.12.11

  • Removed obsolete fake (50), (60), (100) and (120) refresh rates.
  • Primary Display Driver monitor selection removed.
  • Only primary monitor allowed >75Hz modes.
  • Does not load or use ddraw.dll anymore if D3D mode enabled.
  • Display and mode enumeration rewritten (does not use ddraw aymore).
  • DirectDraw mode vertical positioning fixed (was always on top of screen)
  • Fixed Sound panel crash if sound card id stored in configuration file was larger than available number of sound card drivers.
  • Handle situation where PortAudio Pa_IsFormatSupported() returns true but Pa_OpenStream() fails with paInvalidSampleRate. (Usually seems to happen when requesting 44100Hz but hardware supports only 48000Hz)
  • VSync sound syncronization improved (All types: DirectSound, WASAPI, OpenAL and PortAudio). Note that buffer settings are not same between device types.
  • SND% blue/yellow/red flickering fix, previously flickering speed changed depending on buffer size.
  • More fastest possible/JIT low latency vsync updates.
  • AROS CDFS is now UAE boot ROM built-in. "Include CD/DVD drives.." now has two modes:
    • * - if uaescsi.device is not enabled: mount as Windows drive (same as previously) This mode may disappear in the future.
    • * - if uaescsi.device is enabled: mount using built-in CDFS. (Correct file names, protection flags, audio tracks etc..) There is no need to install Amiga-side CDFS anymore. I am not sure if AROS CDFS if good enough but at least it appears to work..

"Include CD/DVD drives.." (+uaescsi.device) can now be used to install OS3.0+ safely. KS2.0+ only. (CDFS requires 2.0+ features)

Winuae 2.4.0 beta Beta 4: 12-12-2011

  • Another switching from CE mode to non-CE hang fix. (Blitter nasty related)
  • Another too fast CPU audio hack update, fixes random glitches (Uridium II, Moonstone, probably many others)
  •  Low latency vsync buffering change, selected buffering mode can be modified now.
    • No buffering is same as previously
    • Double and triple buffering can be enabled, increases latency but can reduce random jumps.
  •  Fastest possible CPU low latency vsync update:
    • Works now without buffering
    • Flips buffers in vblank thread (Flipping timing is correct now, tearing gone)

Winuae 2.4.0 beta Beta 3 11-12-2011

Long waited fastest possible CPU vsync is here! Maybe.

  • Fixed DirectDraw mode crash (b1)
  • Fixed uaenet.device crash if program attempted to open it but winpcap was not installed. (old)
  • Added CD32 drive emulation hack, CD32 Mutation Gold Compilation games now load (but they didn't work on my real CD32 either so technically not working is correct behavior. This hack is removed if it breaks other programs)
  • Too fast CPU audio hack update, one of the hacks actually caused sound glitches with some strange sound routines.
  • Do not blank screen if display can't be shown (DirectDraw display position negative upper left coordinates), now sets coordinates to zero.
  • Keyboard statesave buffer overflow (b1)
  • Experimental new vsync mode for fastest possible/JIT CPU modes. Tested using WHDLoad demos and games.
    • Uses secondary thread which polls vblank state continuously. There is no way to get signal/message/whatever during vblank. Stupid Windows.
    • Activates automatically if 2 or more CPUs/cores detected and fastest possible/JIT and low latency mode selected.
    • JIT is also supported.
    • Works in windowed and fullscreen modes (just like normal low latency vsync).
    • This mode is currently buffered, used to hide horrible tearing (flip timing is much more complex if fastest possible CPU), will be hopefully improved later.
    • Sound pitch changes possible, this also needs some improving later.

Winuae 2.4.0 beta Beta 2 04-12-2011

  • Adjusted horizontal positioning, full overscan was not visible.
  • Clear display buffers when monitor type or refresh rate changes.
  • A2024 1-plane mode brightness level fixed (DPL bits implemented)
  • Fix A2024 10Hz flickering near panel borders.
  • 16-bit color supported in A2024/Graffiti emulation.
  • Disable audio emulation hacks if 68020 CE (previously only if 68000 CE)
  • Switching from CE to non-CE on the fly froze the emulated machine in some situations until mode was switched back to CE.
  • PCMCIA CF IDE emulation added ("SC IDE" controller type), originally developed for AROS m68k PCMCIA CF IDE support testing.
  • Fastest possible without JIT + low latency vsync should work much better now (but probably still not good enough)

Winuae 2.4.0 beta 1 26.11.2011

  • Number of supported serial ports, MIDI ports and sound devices increased, allocated dynamically.
  • Fixed crash if more than max supported serial ports or MIDI ports found.
  • Sort MIDI and serial ports alphabetically.
  • Hardfile write protection has never worked, only worked when using real harddrives.
  • Very old keyboard handshake emulation hack removed, now following key code won't arrive until current key code has been handshaked properly. I guess this hack was needed when CIA emulation was not good enough.
  • Parallel joystick adapter unused pin added to Input panel (spare/2nd button) World Cup 1990 parallel port joystick adapter uses this pin.
  • Gayle IDE emulation IDE doubler mode improved, both buses are now separate, supports drivers that send command to drive on another bus when drive on other bus is still processing previous command (Linux/NetBSD/AROS)
  • Emulate disk write with enabled wordsync. Write does not start until wordsync marker has been found on disk. Some games accidentally enable wordsync bit when writing. Previously write never started.
  • Saving configuration crashed if scale mode was set to integer.
  • portable disables winuaebootlog.txt, also added -bootlog and -nobootlog parameters.
  • Switching from physical CD to image or vice versa didn't send uaescsi.device change notifications
  • Support added for special screen modes that can have different "input" and "output" resolutions or positioning. On the fly switching also supported.
  • A2024 and Graffiti emulation implemented, uses above system. Configuration in chipset panel, autodetect = attempts to detect if mode is normal, A2024 or Graffiti.
  • All programmed display modes (DBLPAL/NTSC, MULTISCAN etc..) should be always centered, exact display positioning configuration is now taken from sync position custom registers.
  • Normal modes may also have better centering without extra configuration.
  • Mode switching can leave old graphics garbage, this will be fixed later.

A2024 and Graffiti emulation notes:

  • 32-bit display mode required.
  • Direct3D or DirectDraw + null filter mode required. (=Does not work if DirectDraw + no filter)
  • Make sure display resolution (lores/hires/shres) is equal or higher than required resolution:
    • A2024 10Hz: lores
    • A2024 15Hz: hires (loss of every other pixel if lores)
    • A2024 only tested using WB drivers (which don't use all A2024 special features)
    • Graffiti lores: hires (does not work at all if lores)
    • Graffiti hires (AGA required): shres (does not work at all if hires or lores)
  • A2024 output resolutions: 1024x1024 (PAL), 1024x800 (NTSC), OCS chipset: 1008x1024 or 1008x800.
  • Yes, weird A2024 refresh behavior is normal, single display is built from multiple frames!
  • A2024 enabled but special mode line not detected: fall back to normal native display. Real A2024 would show 8 grayscale screen. This is not (yet? Pointless feature?) emulated.
  • NOTE.NOTE.NOTE.NOTE: Because display positioning has been changed:
    • Remove all custom filter positioning settings first!
    • Also test without enabled horizontal or vertical centering.
  • NOTE2:NOTE2:NOTE2: This can also change again during beta period. It won't be compatible with old versions.


wstecz14/01/2012 00:30
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