Note - this pack was a group effort! Please make sure to check out the Readme to see a full list of credits.
**Forum download link:
Install Tutorial:
A Mesen HD Pack is now available for the NES game, The Legend of Zelda. This pack replaces graphics, sound effects, and music. It is a hack that builds upon other prior hacks and it uses Zelda 1 Redux as a base (available at: Credit should go to the original authors for work done on prior hacks. Also, credit should go to the various artists who created content which contributed to the final look of the pack (artistic and programming sources are detailed in the credits section of the README).
The pack includes, but it not limited to, some of the features detailed below. Many of these features are carryover from prior hacks that have previously been developed for Zelda. Items denoted with an asterisk are brand new features that have been created exclusively for the Mesen pack.
• Increased resolution**
• Increased frame count for running**
• Updated sound effects and music**
• New title and game select screen**
• Animated environments**
• Save manually with Up+A when in the items subscreen
• Re-localization of the game script
• Increased bomb max
• Increased bomb upgrade amount
• Faster text printing
• Change the Red and Blue rings to Red and Blue tunics
• Breakable tile hints
• Press the “Select” button to toggle the item assigned to the “B” button
• Faster health refills
• Partial heart pieces in HUD
The README details the work performed by each person below that helped make the HD pack possible:
KYA, Sour, ShadowOne333, Snarfblam, Pepeztyle, MadBatter, Altar, ADilla, Farian, Arne, Fool, and ChaosMiles07.
Also, special thanks to Paul Veer for creating the awesome spritework found in Cadence of Hyrule that served as an artistic foundation for Zelda: Remastered.
-Note 1: Mesen is relatively CPU intensive and this pack is also quite demanding. If you are experiencing slowdowns with scratchy sound, it may be because your CPU isn’t keeping up. Trying the “Low CPU” version may help with this. However, please be aware that this version is missing certain features like ocean waves and fog effects.
-Note 2: This pack requires the use of a developmental version of Mesen (currently available at: The latest stable build released on Feb 1, 2020 is not compatible.
-Note 3: This is merely a resource pack and the download will not work all by itself. The pack must be used with a USA Zelda ROM (PRG0) that has a SHA-1 checksum of DAB79C84934F9AA5DB4E7DAD390E5D0C12443FA2 or it will not operate correctly.
-Note 4: Keep in mind there is another version of Zelda for NES (PRG1) which is not compatible with this pack. The continue screen of PRG1 has the following warning at the continue screen. If your game has this warning at the continue screen, it is not the correct version: "CAUTION TO AVOID DAMAGING GAME INFO SAVED, HOLD IN RESET BUTTON AS YOU TURN POWER OFF."
-Note 5: This is optional, but I recommend turning on integer scaling for the best look. In Mesen, navigate to "options," "general," then make sure there is a check mark next to "Use integer scale values when entering fullscreen mode."
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