A new music disk mostly using the pinpulse 1-bit Beeper engine Qchan
A thin sounding engine compared to some of the new powerful engines such as squat and phaser 3 but still a favourite of mine with its cool synthy sound.
Track 5 is a cut down version of my Space Beeps track from Spectronica which I thought fitted the EP.
It can be left running and continuously loops through the tracks (if you want to annoy your neighbours) :)
Qchan can be a little harsh sounding but great outputted from real hardware on powered bassy speakers and EQ'd
I've recorded the output from my 1983 48K Spectrum on my bandcamp site which also includes the .tap file in the download
© Try2emu 1999 - 2025 | Krzysztof 'Faust' Karkosza Kontakt Polityka Prywatności OWU