Daytona USA ++ Patch - Modding and Hacks

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06/02/2014 12:34 CEST| Waga pliku: 0.07kb| Pobrano: 14

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Daytona USA Patch,137497.0.html

*Patch* (settings available in the user interface) -Fullscreen -Antialiasing -Sound -Enable support for Xbox360 compatible devices -Enable/Disable force feedback -custom screen resolution (recommend using same as desktop) -Enable/Disable HD textures (the emulator does not respond for 1 minute because the HD textures take longer to load.) -works with all romsets and versions of Daytona USA -ESC key now closes emulator -Maximize button now switches to fullscreen *Hacks* -add 20 cars to choose from (CPU cars) -add the twin panoramic attract mode (originally for 4 linked cabs) now you can have it in single mode (also all cab types - deluxe, twin, uplight,special) -add four new points of view + options are zoom out/ - options are zoom in -add interactive selection of tracks and cars -add night mode (makes the sky black for now) -add enabled/disabled widesreen (16:9) in windowed mode and also in fullscreen -add infinite time on all tracks -add enabled/disabled tilemaps (movie mode) *textures* The contents of this pack is my authorship and / or a compilation from various sources.

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