VIC-20 Listings

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VIC-20 Listings is an archive of type-in games, utilities and other programs for the Commodore VIC-20 home computer, that were published in various books and magazines during the 1980s. These programs are often overlooked or missing from other collections of retro computer software. There are currently 4,381 programs in the collection.

The aim is to make each program available for download together with details of who wrote it, where the listing was published, any special requirements, and brief instructions. Each program is kept as close to the original listing as possible. Obvious syntax errors have been fixed and occasionally some guesswork is involved in reconstructing missing or unreadable symbols. Other features like spelling mistakes and misaligned text are often left exactly as they were in the original listing.

Latest news

VIC magazine
Added 19 new programs: Function Key (84-02), VIC Ringer (84-02), Space Wars (84-02), Outpost (84-02), Bumblebee (84-02), Birds Demo (84-02), Disk Commands (84-02), Long Division (84-02), Dec/Bin (84-04), Search & Load (84-04), Dragon Maze (84-04), Exocet (84-04), Prelude in C (84-04), Frere Jacques (84-04), VIC-Poly-Turtl (84-04), VIC Clock (84-04), Word Game (84-04), Lettersquares (84-04), Cat (84-04).
ASCII magazine
Added 1 new programs: Bowling Game (82-03).
Compute mit magazine
Added 6 new programs: Graphologie (84-44), Super-Rallye (84-44), Cave-Lander (84-23), Buero-Tisch (84-23), Irrgarten-3D (84-23), Karl der Kaefer (84-23) - Submitted by Tokra.
Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
LOGiN magazine
Added 1 new programs: Powered Suit War (82-05).
Micom BASIC magazine
Added 9 new programs: Undersea Boy Marine (82-11), Ice World (84-01), Kill Dr. D (84-02), Playing Cards 51 (84-03), Super Alien (84-04), Black Ocean (84-05), 3D-Bomber X (84-06), PANP-kun (84-07), Fall II (84-08).
Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
Various Japanese magazine updates
Added the original Japanese program titles & author names and updated their English translations for I/O, Micom BASIC, PiO & Technopolis magazines.
Personal Computing Today magazine
Added 3 new programs: VIC 20 for Beginners (84-07), VIC 20 for Beginners (84-08), Character Choice (84-08).
Also updated the D64 file for this magazine.
VIC magazine
Added 24 new programs: Codes (83-02), Renumber (83-02), Parachute (83-02), Blind Maze (83-02), VIC Music (83-02), 3D Graphics Routines (83-02), Using/Making Switch Joysticks (83-02), Occuring Letters III (83-04), Pause/Functions (83-04), Megameanies (83-04), Tank Trip (83-04), Envelope Control (83-04), Using/Making Paddles (83-04), Hi-Res Graphics for the Basic VIC (83-04), Budget Plan (83-04), Memory (83-04), VIC LOGO (83-06), Stopwatch (83-06), Ping Pong (83-06), Connect 4 (83-06), Multivoice Music (83-06), Programmable Characters (83-06), Light Pen/Digitiser (83-06), Alphabet (83-06).
Commodore Magazine (ES)
Added 14 new programs: Test (84-06), Alunizaje (84-07), Mastermind (84-07), Piano (84-07), Piedras a los topos (84-07), Tranvia (84-07), El Ahorcado (84-07), Ataque marciano (84-07), Pelota loca (84-07), Manzamón (84-08), Comecocos (84-08), Galáctica (84-08), Pinguino (84-08), En busca del tesoro (84-08).
All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as two D64 files.

Archived news: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.


Comments, questions, corrections and submissions can be sent to this address. It may take a few days to reply to e-mails, so do not worry if you have not received an immediate response.

vic20listings gmail com

PayPal donations can also be sent to this address. Donations are entirely voluntary, and would be much appreciated to help support this project.

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Copyright (C) R.M. Smedley 2024, All Rights Reserved.
This website was last updated 6-Apr-2024.