Warhead [Amiga]
Amiga "Warhead" (1989) przez Glyn Williams. Muzyka: Michael Powell.

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Scalextric ZX Spectrum

Opublikowane 31-07-2011 10:35

Yes even Scalextric had their own game for the Speccy!
59 Sinclair Spectrum game loading screen reveals in 15 minutes

Opublikowane 31-07-2011 22:12

Some Sinclair ZX Spectrum games revealed their loading screens in various interesting ways using the Alkatraz loader. Here are a few of the more interesting reveals, sped up at double-speed in order to get through more before it gets *too* boring. The games in question: 10th Frame 720 Degrees Ace Of Aces Bionic ...
ULTIMATE Loader Reveals

Opublikowane 01-08-2011 22:19

More loader reveals, this time from the Sinclair Spectrum version of ULTIMATE: The Collected Works. The games featured: Nightshade Gunfright Pssst Cookie Tranz Am Atic Atac Jetpac Lunar Jetman Sabre Wulf Knightlore Alien 8
Zampabolas (System 4/BITamina) (1990) (ZX Spectrum)

Opublikowane 04-08-2011 10:10

Uno de los juegos más estúpidos que jamás se editaron en Spectrum. Adaptación del famosos "Tragabolas" conocido originalmente como "Hungry Hippos"
Head Over Heels (Spectrum 128) [HQ]

Opublikowane 06-08-2011 11:04

Ocean Software (ZX Spectrum 128) [1987] Captured with Spectaculator, Fraps and VirtualDub.
Terminator 2 ZX Spectrum

Opublikowane 08-08-2011 09:59

In 1991, Ocean Software, one of the leading software houses in the 8-bit home computer era were attempting to hit the market with yet another movie licensed game, but one that would set the boundaries in computer programming, one that was to break new ground, one that was to set new heights, a game that would change ...
Starfox ZX Spectrum © 1987 Cybexlab

Opublikowane 09-08-2011 19:49

Flight & shoot your way between five dangerous planets which you have to defeat. Use your strong weapons and maneuvering skills.
[ZX] Consolidation of Mortal Kombat (AWS, 1996)

Opublikowane 11-08-2011 11:07

This video is dedicated to everyone who doubts that Mortal Kombat is impossible to pull out on a Spectrum machine and, as evidenced by THIS (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TW6dqTPb-I) video, thinks it's fake. Okay, gentlemen, if you still are in such state that makes me curse and cuss, just GO download UnrealSpeccy ...
Speccy Ethernet

Opublikowane 16-08-2011 09:56

Experiment of ethernet connection two Zx Spectrum with two Interface 1, and loading the rare game T-Racer simulator for multiplayer game. Esperimento di connessione di rete con due Zx Spectrum dotati di Interace 1, e caricato il gioco T-Racer simulator. uno dei pochi giochi che permette il multiplayer.
Your Sinclair Rock'n'Roll Years

Opublikowane 17-08-2011 19:32

2012 is a big anniversary year. 30 years since the first ZX Spectrum was made, 20 years since the last one, and 10 years since I started work on the documentary. It's got me thinking about finishing off the documentary properly - putting a new chapter at the start covering pre-1982, and a double chapter at the end ...