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Opublikowane 15-12-2010 00:56
Matthew Smith, creator of the classic ZX Spectrum games Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy, shares his experiences at the Classic Gaming Expo 2004. Recorded from a cam on a hot day and all the fans on ! So you will need to turn the sound up to hear him most of the time. Put on Youtube for my chums over at WOS forums. :) 1 ...
Opublikowane 02-06-2016 00:00
Italian for 40 seconds then english this is a documentary about jet set willy and the author matthew smith,people talking about smith when he was younger and about the game.
Opublikowane 02-06-2016 00:00
this is a documentary about jet set willy and the author matthew smith,people talking about smith when he was younger and about the game.
Opublikowane 02-06-2016 00:00
documentary about jet set willy and the author matthew smith,people talking about smith when he was younger and about the game.
Opublikowane 02-06-2016 00:00
documentary about jet set willy and the author matthew smith,people talking about smith when he was younger and about the game.
Opublikowane 02-06-2016 00:00
documentary about jet set willy and the author matthew smith,people talking about smith when he was younger and about the game.
Opublikowane 02-06-2016 00:00
documentary about jet set willy and the author matthew smith,people talking about smith when he was younger and about the game.
RS Elektronika
Opublikowane 24-09-2021 00:00
W tym odcinku będziemy budować klon bardzo popularnego kiedyś mikrokomputera ZX Spectrum. Spróbujemy zbudować go tak, aby przypominał dawne Spectrum i załadujemy do niego kilka popularnych gier.
Przy okazji, kilka słów o historii mikrokomputerów w Polsce i za granicą a także przypomnimy ...