Warhead [Amiga]
Amiga "Warhead" (1989) przez Glyn Williams. Muzyka: Michael Powell.

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[DiHalt 2011] The Board by Alone Coder

Opublikowane 28-07-2011 10:17

The Board by Alone Coder for DiHalt 2011 3D NPCs from Quake on ZX Spectrum ATM Turbo 2+ 14MHz
Venom Wing (Amiga)

Opublikowane 20-08-2011 23:57

This is the Introduction of the Game Venom Wing (watch in HD if possible) (c)1990 Thalamus
Delek - Zeuzerian (FM Chipmusic @DefleMask Tracker)

Opublikowane 29-08-2011 08:33

My SoundCloud: http://www.soundcloud.com/delek_music Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Delek/167701096580791 Delek - Zeuzerian Using Delek's DefleMask Tracker Beta 3. http://www.delek.com.ar/deflemask_eng Video-Tutorials coming soon!. I'm the developer of DefleMask, a New FM Tracker. The music that ...
ZX DEMOSCENE: WeeD by triebkraft & 4th Dimension (HD)

Opublikowane 04-09-2011 09:40

Impressive demo from the Russian ZX Spectrum demoscene, released in August 2003, and won 1st place at the Cafe Demo competition. Discovered via zxmaniak: http://www.youtube.com/user/zxmaniak You can download the demo here: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=11130 (but you need an emulator to run it).
MGC 2011 N64 DEMO

Opublikowane 10-12-2011 10:07

The first demo I've released. Running on a plain stock N64 with expansion pak. Music is "Hollowman" by Ian Slider. Download http://retroactive.be/mgc_2011.zip - real n64 required. Jedno z najlepszych dem dla N64 i prawdziwy test dla udawaczy NINTENDO64... jak dotąd nie udało mi się odpalić go pod ...
Pentagon Evolution workshop (12/2011 by z00m/T.C.G.)

Opublikowane 22-12-2011 12:00

Prezentace moderního ruského klonu počítače Sinclair ZX Spectrum: Pentevo (Pentagon Evolution / ZX-Evo) na JHConu 2011.
DemoScene Amiga C64 electro music compilation [+6hrs] :)
Autor Faust

Opublikowane 27-03-2016 00:00

PSPTracklist : 00:00:00 Xenophobe_Of_NTX_-_Nem_en_kialtok.mp3 00:06:16 edzes - Eternal Limbo.mp3 00:10:11 Chronberg - Zelda 2 (Battle of the remix).mp3 00:15:47 Blaizer - Blimp.mp3 00:19:57 Dafunk - Broken Rules.mp3 00:26:56 PsychNerD - Aeon.mp3 00:31:06 tEiS - GoodWill of Nations.mp3 00:37:13 Moog - Funk ...
LGR - Strangest Computer Designs of the '80s
Autor Lazy Game Reviews

Opublikowane 01-07-2017 00:00

Some Nasty Effects - a Demo for the BBC Master by CRTC. Captured from real hardware.The 1980s saw the explosion of a worldwide microcomputer industry, and with it came countless bizarre and awesome machines. Let's take a look at ten of the most unusual devices! ● Consider supporting LGR on ...
AT&T Archives: The UNIX Operating System
Autor AT&T Tech Channel

Opublikowane 15-09-2019 00:00

Watch new AT&T Archive films every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at http://techchannel.att.com/archives In the late 1960s, Bell Laboratories computer scientists Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson started work on a project that was inspired by an operating system called Multics, a joint project of MIT, GE, and Bell ...